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Why do I always feel like a bad mom?

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I hate hypocrites!!!!!

Member since 5/05

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Why do I always feel like a bad mom?

I always do. I don't know why. My daughter is not an easy child, never has been. She is a high maintance child. She is a good girl but she is definitely in the terrible 2s. I always blame myself for her tantrums. Today we tried to take her to get pictures and well, she threw a tantrum and didn't want to put on her dress. Christmas time took 3 visits before we were able to get her pictures. I know this is stupid. I do but right now I just can't stop crying because I just feel like a huge failure and I don't know why.

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Posted 4/6/07 5:54 PM
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my 4 boys!

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Re: Why do I always feel like a bad mom?

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Posted 4/6/07 5:59 PM

LIF Adult

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Re: Why do I always feel like a bad mom?

My daughter was like that. I have 2 boys and my daughter. She was hard from the minute she got home from the hospital. Everything was a project when it came to doing things, she always had tantrums, etc. She is now 11 and she is still my hardest child, BUT, she is also my brightest. She is the first one to try something and very compassionate. You are not a bad mom, some kids are just like that. Its hard, but you learn to deal.


Posted 4/6/07 6:32 PM

Becoming a different woman

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Re: Why do I always feel like a bad mom?

omg Jamie, sounds like Alia.

lately she doesn't want to sleep and she is becoming impossible to control.

just know you are not alone.
no one said being a mom was an easy job.Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 4/6/07 6:41 PM

My Everything

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Re: Why do I always feel like a bad mom?

I don't really have any advice just lots of Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon
I'm working on reading Love and Logic. A lot of my friends are finding it very helpful in getting through the more challenging years with their toddlers. Maybe it's worth taking a look at.
You're a great mom though! Don't make anything let you think otherwise. It's all a learning process as we go along.

Posted 4/6/07 6:46 PM

Family of 5!

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<3 Mommy <3

Re: Why do I always feel like a bad mom?

Jamie dont feel bad... I go through times like this as well....

Some things we just have no control over- Seriosuly had do you level with a toddler????

The one thing Ive noticed is since becoming a mom- Im so judgemental... however Im only judgemental of myself... I blame myself for everything, sometimes we just have to sit back and reevaluate the situation to see things really arent as bad as we may think them to be....

You are a wonderful mom!!! Dont be so hard on yourself!!

Posted 4/6/07 8:41 PM

Chase is one!

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Re: Why do I always feel like a bad mom?

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Posted 4/6/07 8:43 PM

It goes fast. Pay attention.

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Re: Why do I always feel like a bad mom?

Posted by Princessmaris

Jamie dont feel bad... I go through times like this as well....

Some things we just have no control over- Seriosuly had do you level with a toddler????

The one thing Ive noticed is since becoming a mom- Im so judgemental... however Im only judgemental of myself... I blame myself for everything, sometimes we just have to sit back and reevaluate the situation to see things really arent as bad as we may think them to be....

You are a wonderful mom!!! Dont be so hard on yourself!!

ITA. I couldn't have said it any better!

Posted 4/6/07 8:44 PM

My Girl

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Re: Why do I always feel like a bad mom?

My DD is 2 1/2 and is a handful!!!!!! I know what you are saying. I have been telling myself not to have high expectations in certain situations- picture taking, outings, food shopping,etc- that helps... I am also learning to pick my battles.... One biggie that helps me- trying not to compare myself or DD to other Moms/kids....

I once heard Dr Phil say- "If a parent has good intentions for their child- that's what really counts".... and I'm sure that is what is true for all of us..

Think of it this way- you are upset right now because you love your child soo much and only want the best for her..enough said- you are a good mother!!Chat Icon

Posted 4/6/07 8:50 PM

me and baby #3!

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Re: Why do I always feel like a bad mom?

from what I saw when we met in July, I think you are a GREAT mom.

DD is testing you and you're passing with flying colors!Chat Icon

Posted 4/6/07 9:08 PM

boys will be boys =)

Member since 9/05

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Re: Why do I always feel like a bad mom?

Jamie I remember reading MANY MANY posts of great stories you told about your students, how they are so touched by having you in their lives, which reflects exactly how much they enjoy the way you teach, how you treat them, and the kind of person you are.

so if this is your students. I can only imagine how wonderful of a mom you are... Chat Icon Chat Icon

dont be so hard on yourself. we aLL have days and moments like this.
each and every one of us Chat Icon

Message edited 4/6/2007 9:16:25 PM.

Posted 4/6/07 9:16 PM

Growing up soo fast..

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Re: Why do I always feel like a bad mom?

I am so sorry DD is giving you such a tough time lately....Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

every since I became a mom, I am very critical of myself too. I always feel guilty ....I dont know why. maybe it just comes along with motherhood?

hang in there, the terrible 2's will end sooner or later!Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 4/6/07 9:19 PM

My Loves!

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Re: Why do I always feel like a bad mom?

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Posted 4/6/07 9:24 PM

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