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My Boys!!!!
Member since 6/06 14437 total posts
Name: C
why is the gov't getting involved in the MLB steroid scandal???
don't they have better things to worry about like the fact we have people dying in the middle east over...well, noone really knows anymore....or the fact that people are losing their homes and cannot afford gas and oil
Posted 12/14/07 5:10 PM |
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 11/05 9202 total posts
Name: Lana
Re: why is the gov't getting involved in the MLB steroid scandal???
ooh! send that question in to my magazine! (bodybuilding magazine)....I could have one of the guys give you his feedback on it! One of my writers is the "Clear Chemist"...Patrick Arnold, the guy who concocted up "The Clear." I mean, these guys defend themselves no matter what but would agree w/you that govt. should stay out of it.
However, I think when people think of America's favorite pastime and associate it with "cheating" and cheaters, it strikes a chord. The athletes look at it like they are enhancing their strength and performance and hurting no one. There's a whole honor code thing, though, that seems crossed. Wow. I went way ahead of your question. I just hate that these guys lie about it....
Posted 12/14/07 5:18 PM |
she's baaccckkkk ;)

Member since 5/06 23378 total posts
Name: remember, when Gulliver traveled....
Re: why is the gov't getting involved in the MLB steroid scandal???
b/c they want to grandstand for voters
Posted 12/14/07 5:18 PM |

Member since 11/05 9202 total posts
Name: Lana
Re: why is the gov't getting involved in the MLB steroid scandal???
Posted by Ophelia
b/c they want to grandstand for voters
that's true, too!
Posted 12/14/07 5:19 PM |
J'taime Paris!

Member since 3/06 32345 total posts
Re: why is the gov't getting involved in the MLB steroid scandal???
so should the Gov't only worry about 1 thing at at time?
Posted 12/14/07 5:24 PM |
22 Months?!!!!

Member since 5/05 13659 total posts
Name: And If That Isn't A True Blue Miracle
Re: why is the gov't getting involved in the MLB steroid scandal???
because people are dying in this country too
let's face it - athletes are idols and these kids emulate them any way they can. These young kids coming up today look at their "heroes" juicing up and follow their lead.
Something has to be done and I hope now is the time
Posted 12/14/07 5:26 PM |
J'taime Paris!

Member since 3/06 32345 total posts
Re: why is the gov't getting involved in the MLB steroid scandal???
Posted by QuoteTheRaven424
because people are dying in this country too
let's face it - athletes are idols and these kids emulate them any way they can. These young kids coming up today look at their "heroes" juicing up and follow their lead.
Something has to be done and I hope now is the time ITA!
Posted 12/14/07 5:27 PM |
22 Months?!!!!

Member since 5/05 13659 total posts
Name: And If That Isn't A True Blue Miracle
Re: why is the gov't getting involved in the MLB steroid scandal???
between the baseball players and the wrestlers, it's really getting bad
i know wrestling isnt a sport, but it's wildly popular and many young kids want to break into the business
Posted 12/14/07 5:28 PM |
Member since 7/07 7639 total posts
Re: why is the gov't getting involved in the MLB steroid scandal???
Message edited 11/15/2011 3:50:58 PM.
Posted 12/14/07 5:29 PM |
22 Months?!!!!

Member since 5/05 13659 total posts
Name: And If That Isn't A True Blue Miracle
Re: why is the gov't getting involved in the MLB steroid scandal???
Posted by imthekevinofcindyandkevin
because drugs are illegal
drugs are bad----mmkay?
Posted 12/14/07 5:30 PM |
she's baaccckkkk ;)

Member since 5/06 23378 total posts
Name: remember, when Gulliver traveled....
Re: why is the gov't getting involved in the MLB steroid scandal???
because the President owned the Texas Rangers
Posted 12/14/07 5:30 PM |
22 Months?!!!!

Member since 5/05 13659 total posts
Name: And If That Isn't A True Blue Miracle
Re: why is the gov't getting involved in the MLB steroid scandal???
Posted by Ophelia
because the President owned the Texas Rangers
and we all know how that turned out
you think his presidency is bad
Posted 12/14/07 5:31 PM |
Member since 7/07 7639 total posts
Re: why is the gov't getting involved in the MLB steroid scandal???
Message edited 11/15/2011 3:51:20 PM.
Posted 12/14/07 5:34 PM |
22 Months?!!!!

Member since 5/05 13659 total posts
Name: And If That Isn't A True Blue Miracle
Re: why is the gov't getting involved in the MLB steroid scandal???
Posted by imthekevinofcindyandkevin
Posted by QuoteTheRaven424
Posted by imthekevinofcindyandkevin
because drugs are illegal
drugs are bad----mmkay?
Posted 12/14/07 5:35 PM |
she's baaccckkkk ;)

Member since 5/06 23378 total posts
Name: remember, when Gulliver traveled....
Re: why is the gov't getting involved in the MLB steroid scandal???
I think the govt has a right to step in. this is ILLEGAL drugs..this aspect of steroid us. they are breaking federal laws.
but I think in the grand scheme of things...
our country's reticence to sign the Kyoto Protocol, even in the face of the scientific evidence that just came out at the Bali conference,
the middle east situation
as well as the general "war on drugs" is just as, if not MORE important.
MLB could take the reigns here.
but this whole "immediacy" the talks of hearings NEXT WEEK...I mean, in reality, is it really such a high priority???
to be treated like this?
sadly, I think the election year has a lot more to do with it than the idea of a some wanna be ball players getting a fix of steroids.
Posted 12/14/07 5:36 PM |
My Boys!!!!
Member since 6/06 14437 total posts
Name: C
Re: why is the gov't getting involved in the MLB steroid scandal???
The thing is that this has been going on for YEARS and the MLB KNEW about it, they just did nothing b/c the players were performing better and in turn the popularity grew and the $$$ these execs. were making off it grew which led them to ignore the situation.
I know drugs are bad and that kids follow their idols. But what about the sports player that commit crimes and than are allowed back in the game after they served their time? Michael Vick is going to serve 23 months and I am sure he will be back out on the field and he was charged with a federal crime.
I dont know so much that the gov't should be involved, but I think in all sports, standards should be set by the organizations. We are telling our kids drugs are bad, but yet we are still going to play our baseball player and football players and whoever else does steroids or performance enhancing drugs MILLIONS b/c they make other people money. What kind of lesson is that teaching our children?
ETA: In order to show our children that steroid and drugs use is NOT acceptable, players found using them should receive strict fines and penalties, whether it be financially or being suspended without pay, etc. But that will NEVER happen b/c again, they make other people too much money.
Message edited 12/14/2007 5:44:42 PM.
Posted 12/14/07 5:42 PM |
Member since 5/07 27557 total posts
Name: :)
Re: why is the gov't getting involved in the MLB steroid scandal???
I don't know about anyone else but I could care less and am tired of hearing it. There are such worse things in the world.
Posted 12/14/07 5:44 PM |
J'taime Paris!

Member since 3/06 32345 total posts
Re: why is the gov't getting involved in the MLB steroid scandal???
Posted by jellybean1420 Michael Vick is going to serve 23 months and I am sure he will be back out on the field and he was charged with a federal crime.
honestly, I doubt it. he has a huge "hate club" b/c of what he did and I doubt that any team would want him playing for them. there are other athletes out there.... and new ones available every year that they recruit from college football.
Posted 12/14/07 5:46 PM |
My Boys!!!!
Member since 6/06 14437 total posts
Name: C
Re: why is the gov't getting involved in the MLB steroid scandal???
so should the Gov't only worry about 1 thing at at time?
No...but there are much more important things to worry about right now. Plus, what is the gov't going to do about it? Of course they should make a statement about it not being acceptable, yada yada, but really, what are they going to do about it? Fine them, put them in jail? I highly doubt it considering some of these guys are making money off of these teams.
Posted 12/14/07 5:46 PM |
My Boys!!!!
Member since 6/06 14437 total posts
Name: C
Re: why is the gov't getting involved in the MLB steroid scandal???
honestly, I doubt it. he has a huge "hate club" b/c of what he did and I doubt that any team would want him playing for them. there are other athletes out there.... and new ones available every year that they recruit from college football.
I am hoping you are right. But 23 months is a long time for people to "forget" what he did. Considering he was the #1 draft pick during his pick up year, who knows.
Posted 12/14/07 5:48 PM |
Pick a cause & stand up for it

Member since 5/05 18602 total posts
Name: The cure IS worse!
Re: why is the gov't getting involved in the MLB steroid scandal???
Posted by jellybean1420
The thing is that this has been going on for YEARS and the MLB KNEW about it, they just did nothing b/c the players were performing better and in turn the popularity grew and the $$$ these execs. were making off it grew which led them to ignore the situation.
I know drugs are bad and that kids follow their idols. But what about the sports player that commit crimes and than are allowed back in the game after they served their time? Michael Vick is going to serve 23 months and I am sure he will be back out on the field and he was charged with a federal crime.
I dont know so much that the gov't should be involved, but I think in all sports, standards should be set by the organizations. We are telling our kids drugs are bad, but yet we are still going to play our baseball player and football players and whoever else does steroids or performance enhancing drugs MILLIONS b/c they make other people money. What kind of lesson is that teaching our children?
ETA: In order to show our children that steroid and drugs use is NOT acceptable, players found using them should receive strict fines and penalties, whether it be financially or being suspended without pay, etc. But that will NEVER happen b/c again, they make other people too much money.
If you want to make lessons and teach children one thing I want to poiint out is that why shouldn't Vick be allowed back in to play? He was a criminal, he admitted, went to court, and will have his jail time served..
Posted 12/14/07 5:49 PM |
is Skylar Elizabeth

Member since 5/05 4189 total posts
Name: Tom
Re: why is the gov't getting involved in the MLB steroid scandal???
Posted by jellybean1420
so should the Gov't only worry about 1 thing at at time?
No...but there are much more important things to worry about right now. Plus, what is the gov't going to do about it? Of course they should make a statement about it not being acceptable, yada yada, but really, what are they going to do about it? Fine them, put them in jail? I highly doubt it considering some of these guys are making money off of these teams. g
The Mitchell Report put togetgher the alleagations in to the substance abuse. This things may or may not be true...Gov't left it up to MLB to figure out right from wrong and to punish (suspend) players.. Gov't also blamed baseball for letting it get this way.
Gov't does alot of things at what time, we only hear what matters to the media. Media dictacts what we here..
Posted 12/14/07 5:50 PM |
J'taime Paris!

Member since 3/06 32345 total posts
Re: why is the gov't getting involved in the MLB steroid scandal???
Posted by jellybean1420
so should the Gov't only worry about 1 thing at at time?
No...but there are much more important things to worry about right now. Plus, what is the gov't going to do about it? Of course they should make a statement about it not being acceptable, yada yada, but really, what are they going to do about it? Fine them, put them in jail? I highly doubt it considering some of these guys are making money off of these teams. IMO, they have to make this a priority or there will be outrage. these baseball players are celeb status "heroes" to many kids and fans. Like Raven said – something has to be done now!
there will always be a more important issue out there. but this one is pretty important too.
Posted 12/14/07 5:50 PM |
22 Months?!!!!

Member since 5/05 13659 total posts
Name: And If That Isn't A True Blue Miracle
Re: why is the gov't getting involved in the MLB steroid scandal???
Posted by DebG
Posted by jellybean1420
The thing is that this has been going on for YEARS and the MLB KNEW about it, they just did nothing b/c the players were performing better and in turn the popularity grew and the $$$ these execs. were making off it grew which led them to ignore the situation.
I know drugs are bad and that kids follow their idols. But what about the sports player that commit crimes and than are allowed back in the game after they served their time? Michael Vick is going to serve 23 months and I am sure he will be back out on the field and he was charged with a federal crime.
I dont know so much that the gov't should be involved, but I think in all sports, standards should be set by the organizations. We are telling our kids drugs are bad, but yet we are still going to play our baseball player and football players and whoever else does steroids or performance enhancing drugs MILLIONS b/c they make other people money. What kind of lesson is that teaching our children?
ETA: In order to show our children that steroid and drugs use is NOT acceptable, players found using them should receive strict fines and penalties, whether it be financially or being suspended without pay, etc. But that will NEVER happen b/c again, they make other people too much money.
If you want to make lessons and teach children one thing I want to poiint out is that why shouldn't Vick be allowed back in to play? He was a criminal, he admitted, went to court, and will have his jail time served..
ITA and you'll have a few dog lovers playing defense to sack his ***
Posted 12/14/07 5:55 PM |
Pick a cause & stand up for it

Member since 5/05 18602 total posts
Name: The cure IS worse!
Re: why is the gov't getting involved in the MLB steroid scandal???
Posted by QuoteTheRaven424
ITA and you'll have a few dog lovers playing defense to sack his *** and viewers laughing hysterical each time it happens. LOL!
Posted 12/14/07 6:04 PM |
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