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Member since 2/06 5616 total posts
wisdom teeth question
Anyone have wisdom teeth that were impacted and had them taken out without being knocked out?
Was it painful?
Is there any prep you have to before this? Are you supposed to stop eating/drinking certain time before the procedure?
Posted 11/7/06 10:12 AM |
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Member since 3/06 32345 total posts
Re: wisdom teeth question
mine was not impacted but trust me, you don't want to be awake for it.
you can hear the tooth being ripped out of your jaw since it's so close to your ear I will never forget that sound
Posted 11/7/06 10:15 AM |
Member since 8/06 8652 total posts
Name: Tracy
Re: wisdom teeth question
I had three impacted and was not knocked out. Just had novicain (sp?) and sweet air. I don't think that I couldn't eat or anything before.
I didn't feel a thing. I went home, took a nap woke up in a little pain, took tylenol w/ codeine once and then was on regular tylenol for the next day or two. I had to eat soft foods for about 4-5 days.
Posted 11/7/06 10:16 AM |
My little loves!
Member since 1/06 8093 total posts
Name: Lisa
Re: wisdom teeth question
I had 4 impacted wisdom teeth.
I had two taken out awake and 2 taken out being put under.
When your teeth are impacted they sometimes have to break them in your mouth before taking them out. It was not painful, but EXTREMELY uncomfortable. I was very swollen afterwards.
They break your tooth and take it out piece by piece. Not to mention that you have to keep your mouth open this ENTIRE time.
When I was knocked out it was a MUCH more pleasant experience. Minimal swelling. No pain.
The first time was done by my dentist. I never went back to him again.
Second time was an oral surgeon.
I HIGHLY recommend being knocked out.
Posted 11/7/06 10:18 AM |
HELLO Manolo !!

Member since 5/06 14562 total posts
Name: Marisa
Re: wisdom teeth question
I had all 4 done at once - 2 were impacted. I'm not a fan of being knocked out if it's not absolutely necessary - So I had a graet Oral Surgeon (in Massapequa if you're interested) a ton of novicane, and enough of that sweet air stuff to keep me flying high for a few days !! - You don't feel a thing and w/ that sweet air, you could care less if pulled out all of your teeth !!
I don't remember it being very painful afterwards, definitely uncomfortable though - and I was VERY swollen.
Posted 11/7/06 10:24 AM |
Member since 2/06 5616 total posts
Re: wisdom teeth question
what exactly is sweet air?
Posted 11/7/06 10:28 AM |
Our family is complete, maybe

Member since 9/05 32436 total posts
Name: Stephanie
Re: wisdom teeth question
Posted by shellybelle
what exactly is sweet air?
Nitrous Oxide (sp)
Posted 11/7/06 10:33 AM |
LIF Adult
Member since 5/05 2961 total posts
Name: Lisa
Re: wisdom teeth question
I had my upper 2 taken out they where very impacted. They put me out there is no way that I would go through that awake. I was so sore for about a week.
Posted 11/7/06 10:47 AM |
Very Happy!
Member since 10/06 3917 total posts
Re: wisdom teeth question
I had two that were impacted and two that were not. I have them all removed at once, with only novacaine. It was not bad at all. I was more afraid of being knocked out.
I think they gave me a total of 20 shots of novacaine but after the initial 4 in each of your sides of your mouth, you don't feel the rest because you are numb.
Once the novacaine wore off, I was sore but not swollen at all. They gave me some pain killers which I took for a day and then I was fine.
Posted 11/7/06 10:53 AM |
big brother <3

Member since 5/05 14672 total posts
Name: Me
Re: wisdom teeth question
I did with just novocaine. It wasn't bad--I would rather do without being knocked out.
It isn't comfortable, and you feel the pressure of them pulling, but no pain. Impacted took a little longer than the ones that were not, but the oral surgeon did it v quickly. I was slightly swollen--not horrible.
There are no eating restrictions with novocaine but there are when you get knocked out--no eating for 6 hours or something?
I also had a horrible experience with one being extracted by a dentist. GO WITH AN ORAL SURGEON! They do them all day long!
Posted 11/7/06 11:00 AM |
BOOOO for fall!

Member since 7/06 10082 total posts
Name: Meaning a NON ttcer!
Re: wisdom teeth question
I did it while awake. Not too bad. The worst part was the shots. They need to shoot you up with a lot more novacaine than for a simple filling so he was sticking the needle in the gum area in the front AND the back of the tooth. It was painful- but over in a second or 2. Once it was numb there was no pain at all. There was pressure and pushing and pulling. You will also hear cracking as the tooth is broken to get it out. I think the thought of what was going on was worse than any feeling you will have. I got lightheaded at one point- and he stopped and gave me a few minutes to relax and the nurse put a cold cloth on my forehead. I know that was from stress though and freaking out about what was going on. I was fine in a few minutes and he finished. I didn't see anything nasty like I thought I would- they were very professional about keeping the tooth out of your line of sight as it comes out, etc. All in all, I'd do it again that way- because I cannot take being out of control and being put to sleep unless it is ABSOLUTELY necessary. I have a real issue with that. Good luck to you!
ETA- there are no eating restrictions before hand if you aren't going to be knocked out. I had no pain afterwards- didn't even take tyelnol- went to work the next day- no swelling. I also liked the fact that because I wasn't put under, I was fine as soon as I went home- not groggy, not out of it.
Message edited 11/7/2006 11:43:05 AM.
Posted 11/7/06 11:40 AM |
Nike. Just do it.
Member since 5/05 3303 total posts
Name: Brianna
Re: wisdom teeth question
Posted by anonttcer
I did it while awake. Not too bad. The worst part was the shots. They need to shoot you up with a lot more novacaine than for a simple filling so he was sticking the needle in the gum area in the front AND the back of the tooth. It was painful- but over in a second or 2. Once it was numb there was no pain at all. There was pressure and pushing and pulling. You will also hear cracking as the tooth is broken to get it out. I think the thought of what was going on was worse than any feeling you will have. I got lightheaded at one point- and he stopped and gave me a few minutes to relax and the nurse put a cold cloth on my forehead. I know that was from stress though and freaking out about what was going on. I was fine in a few minutes and he finished. I didn't see anything nasty like I thought I would- they were very professional about keeping the tooth out of your line of sight as it comes out, etc. All in all, I'd do it again that way- because I cannot take being out of control and being put to sleep unless it is ABSOLUTELY necessary. I have a real issue with that. Good luck to you! this just gave me chills lol
Posted 11/7/06 11:42 AM |
I'm a tired mommy!

Member since 12/05 20105 total posts
Name: Lauren
Re: wisdom teeth question
I only had the novacaine and has all four out at the same time. It was uncomfortable - a little pressure, but no pain. I wouldn't want to be knocked out, I would be more afraid of my reaction to the antheisia.
Posted 11/7/06 11:42 AM |
BOOOO for fall!

Member since 7/06 10082 total posts
Name: Meaning a NON ttcer!
Re: wisdom teeth question
Posted by Syliblond81106
this just gave me chills lol
Yeah, it wasn't one of my most pleasant experiences- but it was not as bad as I thought it would be and obsessed about for weeks before hand!
Bottom line- I'm a chicken when it comes to drugs- I could never be an addict!
Posted 11/7/06 11:45 AM |