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Wood flooring and scratches: PICS ADDED

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Member since 4/08

1880 total posts


Wood flooring and scratches: PICS ADDED

About a year ago DH installed wood flooring in our kitchen. I wanted tile. He insisted it would look great, and it does (did!) so we went with it. He bought the wood from Lumber Liquidators and installed it himself.
I have a few kitchen area rugs down, but the amount of nicks, dents and scratches is just driving me nuts! And it makes him nuts since he spent hours and days doing it. I even asked him, "Is this wood even real?" He just rolled his eyes. Anyone else have this problem???
I'm ready to have him rip it out and tile.

UPDATE: Here are some pics, DH saod wood is Brazilian Teak. Is this heinous or what!??? Is this not enough to make you flip the f out?!

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Message edited 5/22/2008 9:50:26 PM.

Posted 5/22/08 4:42 PM
Prudential Douglas Elliman Real Estate
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life is a carousel

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Re: Wood flooring and scratches

I've never had that problem with wood.

Posted 5/22/08 4:44 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 10/07

2713 total posts


Re: Wood flooring and scratches

We brought our wood from Lumber Liquidators also. Never had a problem. I think that have a guarantee on the wood. I would give them a call.

Posted 5/22/08 6:01 PM

So worth the wait :)

Member since 10/07

2862 total posts


Re: Wood flooring and scratches

what stain is the wood? is it dark? darker wood always seems to show every scratch or nick. you can always get it sanded if it's really bothering you, but it doesn't sound like you need the entire floor sanded, just the spots w/ scratches. maybe Lumbar Liquidators has a recommendation on a product to use for touch ups or sanding?

Posted 5/22/08 6:49 PM

Sour Girl

Member since 3/08

5271 total posts


Re: Wood flooring and scratches

I have that problem on certain spots of my floor, under my table, etc. It drives me nuts!!

It depends what type of wood your floor is made of- some wood is harder than others. My floor is made of pine, which is a very soft wood.

Posted 5/22/08 8:56 PM


Member since 4/08

1880 total posts


Re: Wood flooring and scratches: PICS ADDED


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Message edited 5/22/2008 9:58:35 PM.

Posted 5/22/08 9:55 PM

Lovin' my mini man!

Member since 3/07

2475 total posts


Re: Wood flooring and scratches: PICS ADDED

If you rub over it with the green part of the sponge (wet), it makes the scratches blend in better

Posted 5/22/08 10:14 PM

Sour Girl

Member since 3/08

5271 total posts


Re: Wood flooring and scratches: PICS ADDED

Since your wood is darker, it shows scratches faster too. There isn't really any camoflauge to hide it.

I think wood floors are high maintenence- I'm so OCD about mine!

Posted 5/23/08 8:41 AM


Member since 6/05

15144 total posts


Re: Wood flooring and scratches: PICS ADDED

Posted by faithann

Since your wood is darker, it shows scratches faster too. There isn't really any camoflauge to hide it.

I think wood floors are high maintenence- I'm so OCD about mine!

I agree. We had brazilan cherry floors that DH also installed in our old home and we had a scratch like in our dining room because DH's aunt wore heals that had the plastic worn off so it scratched the floors. We were so mad but their isn't anything you can do.
I tired some prodcut from HSN that says it removes scratches but it does work. Just makes the wood slippery.

Posted 5/23/08 9:12 AM

LIF Infant

Member since 2/07

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Re: Wood flooring and scratches: PICS ADDED

Ours did the same and we wonder if it is real wood also. We don't have that many scratches it's the dents that kill us. We did our whole house with it so to redo them would be so expensive. We were so disappointed with the quality.

Posted 5/23/08 11:50 AM

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