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Would you rather get your 2yo a leap pad or an old ipad?

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Two Under Two Mommy

Member since 3/08

10420 total posts


Would you rather get your 2yo a leap pad or an old ipad?

I was planning to get the leap pad for 2.5yo DS. DH thinks DS wouldn't be able to use it well.

Do you think an ipad would be better than a leap pad?

We used to have the ipad generation 1 but DH sold it right before the ipad 2 came out. Almost 2yo DS used to play with the ipad all the time. We plan to get the ipad 3 when it comes out. Instead of letting 2.5yo DS play with our new ipad, I thought maybe we should get him an old ipad.

Posted 11/2/11 9:18 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 6/06

5911 total posts


Re: Would you rather get your 2yo a leap pad or an old ipad?

It does seem crazy to buy a 2yo an ipad but I was thinking the same thing. My DD loves playing on the ipad uses netflix etc. I think if I buy the leapad she won't use it or like it. I'm torn.

Posted 11/2/11 9:27 PM

I'm a tired mommy!

Member since 12/05

20105 total posts


Re: Would you rather get your 2yo a leap pad or an old ipad?

Leap pad.
I'd never get my almost 3 year olds an ipad. They are so fragile. They cracked the screen on our ipad2.
The leap pads are made for little kids, made to be handled roughly. I want them to be able to bring it with them places, not just be glued to the couch in our living room. If it accidentally falls on the floor, I don't want to cringe in fear that the screen has shattered.

Posted 11/2/11 11:17 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 1/07

1712 total posts


Re: Would you rather get your 2yo a leap pad or an old ipad?

iPad. Once they use an iPad they will not like the leap pad. Plus the apps are sooooooo expensive it will ind up being the same price. They do sell kid friendly protecters/covers.

Posted 11/2/11 11:23 PM

Never knew LOVE like it before

Member since 3/10

2640 total posts


Re: Would you rather get your 2yo a leap pad or an old ipad?

I'm going to get an iPad when the new ones come out (whenever that will be) knowing DS will use it a LOT. I'm not spending add'l money for an expensive toy that does the same thing.

Posted 11/3/11 6:36 AM

Peanuts are here!

Member since 1/09

13591 total posts


Re: Would you rather get your 2yo a leap pad or an old ipad?

DS got the leapad for his 2nd birthday from his uncle..he's not ready for it. but i think by 2.5 he will be. I think for the sake of durabilty..go with the leapad.

its more suited for a kids hand to hold..i'd be ****** if my kid broke/scratched/cracked, etc a $600 ipad.

there are tons of apps on the leap pad site to choose from too.

Posted 11/3/11 6:39 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 2/10

4657 total posts


Re: Would you rather get your 2yo a leap pad or an old ipad?

My nephew just turned 3 and is a whiz at ipads, phone, touches, computers you name it haha.

My sister got him the leap pad for his birthday 2 weeks ago and she says it's slow. She says it's not as fast like the ipad

Posted 11/3/11 7:43 AM

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