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WWYD - car seat/infant seat related

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Member since 5/05

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WWYD - car seat/infant seat related

DS is 7 months old this week. He's 18 lbs. I still have in the carrier (I have the Chicco) so he has plenty of time as far as the weight/height requirements.

Anyway I'm torn between installing the convertible or leaving him in the infant seat. Here's why...

Infant seat:

-I use the bundle me and love it
-I can put them both in a shopping cart (him in back, her in front)
-He often falls asleep in the car and I leave him sleeping in the carrier until he wakes up (generally no more than a 1/2 hour)
-the way I park the cars my DD gets in his side and walks through to her seat (she won't fit with the convertible rear facing)
-if I have to carry them both I can (barely, but I can)


Convertible seat:
-don't have to carry him in the heavy infant seat anymore

-have to bundle him up in a coat
-can't fit them both in a shopping cart (I won't let her stand in the back)
-hard to carry them both if necessary


Posted 1/2/09 10:09 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: WWYD - car seat/infant seat related

I would keep the infant seat. It sounds like it is much more convenient for you.

Posted 1/2/09 10:14 AM

Where it all began....

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Re: WWYD - car seat/infant seat related

Posted by BRod-Cheng

I would keep the infant seat. It sounds like it is much more convenient for you.


Posted 1/2/09 10:18 AM

Complete Happiness :)

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Re: WWYD - car seat/infant seat related

Posted by Stacey1403

Posted by BRod-Cheng

I would keep the infant seat. It sounds like it is much more convenient for you.


I would too

Posted 1/2/09 10:19 AM

LIF Toddler

Member since 11/07

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Re: WWYD - car seat/infant seat related

Iam having the same issue, My son is 6 1/2 months old and at his well visit his pedi mentioned getting a convertible carseat Chat Icon
That means I have to take him out and put him in his stoller everytime I get out of the car..? what if he's sleeping??..
I also have the Chicco Keyfit, and it's so darn Heavy. I am looking into getting the Evenflo Triumph which has great safety ratings on consumer reports... I feel your pain Chat Icon

Posted 1/2/09 10:20 AM

Babygirl is 4!

Member since 5/05

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Re: WWYD - car seat/infant seat related

Infant seat. I miss that thing!!

Most importantly IMO is his safety.

Posted 1/2/09 10:20 AM


Member since 6/06

24950 total posts


Re: WWYD - car seat/infant seat related

I miss the infant seat too, I'd totally keep it.

I mean, worst case, you can take him out, but still get hte benefits of the bundle me, etc.

Posted 1/2/09 11:42 AM

Love my girls :)

Member since 7/05

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Re: WWYD - car seat/infant seat related

I'm going through the same debate, DD is 7 months and 19lbs in the Chicco and I'm dying carrying it.
I will miss the convenience of the Bundle Me, but I think I'm going to make the switch this weekend.

Posted 1/2/09 11:51 AM


Member since 5/05

6530 total posts


Re: WWYD - car seat/infant seat related

I'm in the same position. Erik (7 months) is getting very heavy in the infant seat, and its getting to be a tight fit for him.

I LOVE the bundle me, but I think I need to switch seats sooner rather than later Chat Icon

Posted 1/2/09 12:40 PM


Member since 5/05

12578 total posts


Re: WWYD - car seat/infant seat related

Posted by karacg
Most importantly IMO is his safety.

Aren't both equally as safe?

Posted 1/2/09 1:07 PM

i run for bacon

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Re: WWYD - car seat/infant seat related

I made the switch under 6 months, but he was at the weight and height limit. DS is much happier in the new seat. he is more comfy and can look out the windows. Even though carrying the seat was breaking my back, I do miss the convienance of the snap and go, and not having to wake him up when going inside. I would try to wait if you can!

Posted 1/2/09 2:06 PM

Mommy to 2 amazing little boys

Member since 5/05

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Re: WWYD - car seat/infant seat related

Posted by BRod-Cheng

I would keep the infant seat. It sounds like it is much more convenient for you.

I agree

I moved DS at 7 months but it was summer so that wasnt an issue and ds was right at all the seat requirements.

I would keep the convenience as long as possible, you dont carry it that much but moving him would create other hassles for you so why not wait if possible!

Posted 1/2/09 2:42 PM

wow, pic is already 1 yr old!!

Member since 1/06

6689 total posts


Re: WWYD - car seat/infant seat related

honestly, i kept dd (who was tiny back then!) in the infant seat until like 16 mos....we had the 30 lbs was heavy but so much easier - esp. in bad weather when I could click it in and be done and not have to fumble with straps around coats, hats, etc....

Posted 1/2/09 3:27 PM

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