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WWYD - OPK & IUI question *Update*

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LIF Infant

Member since 3/06

142 total posts


WWYD - OPK & IUI question *Update*

I have been using the CBEFM and have gotten my "high" reading since day 10; I'm now on day 13. I again got "high" this morning. I also used a digital OPK this morning and did not get a smiley. This afternoon/evening (around 6pm) I used the digital OPK and got a Chat Icon . Now, I'm supposed to call the RE when I get the + to set up the IUI for the next day. But since they were already closed when I got the Chat Icon I couldn't make the appt. for tomorrow. I'm going to call in the am to see if they can get me in, but I'm afraid that they will tell me to come on Monday. I'm starting to think that this may be why all the IUIs I've had so far have failed -- because by the time I test in the morning and get the "peak" on the CBEFM, it may already be 12 or more hours since I actually began my surge, so having the IUI the following day, I may be missing my little eggie. What do you think? If they tell me they can't get me in tomorrow, should I just forget this month and not bother even doing the IUI? We have to pay out of pocket for everything -- ins. covers nothing.

Message edited 6/1/2008 6:39:17 PM.

Posted 5/31/08 9:44 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 5/05

16438 total posts


Re: WWYD - OPK & IUI question

I wouldn't stress - most RE's schedule the IUI for the day after you start surging because ovulation usually takes anywhere from 24-36 hours after you surge.

Let's say you started surging tonight. You'll be ovulating sometime tomorrow night through the next morning. The egg can live up to 12-24 hours, so an IUI on Tuesday morning is still optimal.

Posted 5/31/08 10:09 PM

Liam's Mommy!

Member since 1/07

9764 total posts


Re: WWYD - OPK & IUI question

Well my IUI last month failed.. but I had the same concerns. I was testing with FMU like the office told me to. (even though the kit says afternoon). So I was really nervous that I missed it. I had my Chat Icon one morning (no smiley the afternoon before, but I didnt' really hold my pee long enough anyway). Sooo, I went in the day after I got the Chat Icon with FMU. They drew blood and I was still surging. So they said the timing was perfect. But, it failed.

In conclusion, Chat Icon I have no idea what to tell you. Maybe you could ask them to draw your Lh levels when you get there to give you some peace of mind. Do they do a sono before the IUI? My office doesn't. But I wonder if they would if you asked them. Then you would know for sure if you missed O.

Posted 6/1/08 10:35 AM

LIF Infant

Member since 3/06

142 total posts


Re: WWYD - OPK & IUI question *Update*


So I called the RE office at 7am. I explained everything to her and asked if I should be doing the IUI today or if I should be waiting until tomorrow. She said that she wasn't really sure, but that when the nurses came in she would explain everything to them and ask them. She said that I should come in with DH's "sample" at 7:30 and they'll tell me then what I should do. So I went in and spoke to the nurse and she said that we should do the IUI today. So I went back an hour later for it. I told the doctor that I was concerned that it may be too early. She said not to worry, because even if I haven't O'd yet, the little guys will be there waiting for my eggie. She said that DH and I should BD tonight or tomorrow am also. I'm going to wait til tomorrow am to let DH "replenish". He had a good sample today too -- 20.1 million!!

Keeping my fingers crossed now... Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 6/1/08 6:44 PM

Liam's Mommy!

Member since 1/07

9764 total posts


Re: WWYD - OPK & IUI question *Update*

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Sounds good.

Posted 6/1/08 7:51 PM

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