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WWYD - Travel plans and telling early pg news

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LIF Infant

Member since 4/09

68 total posts


WWYD - Travel plans and telling early pg news

My family has had vacation plans to visit orlando in April 2011 with my brother's family and my parents for more than 2 years. Now I'm due in April and travel is impossible for me.

Should I tell them I'm PG now with the possibility that they can change their plans to earlier and the sooner they know the better? Or wait until I've at least had my initial dr's visit (Sept 14th) to confirm that everthing looks good?

It would just be my immediate family. I'm only 6 weeks at this point. I'm hoping they can change the vacation to sometime in Feb or early march.

Posted 8/27/10 6:01 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: WWYD - Travel plans and telling early pg news

I am really close to my family so I told them right away. So i would tell but you have to do what you are comfortable with

Posted 8/27/10 6:05 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/08

1165 total posts


Re: WWYD - Travel plans and telling early pg news

I'm due almost the same exact time as you and I already told my family. If I were you I'd tell them so they could adjust their plans. Plus aside from the travel I'm sure they'd want to be home when the LO arrives.

Posted 8/27/10 6:08 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 4/09

68 total posts


Re: WWYD - Travel plans and telling early pg news

Posted by TwoPeas

Plus aside from the travel I'm sure they'd want to be home when the LO arrives.

Well I'm due April 30, and the vaca is April 2nd, so its not likely to happen at that time, but I know that pg women can't travel after a certain time and I believe the vaca falls at that exact time! What are the odds?? lol!

Posted 8/27/10 6:12 PM

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Re: WWYD - Travel plans and telling early pg news

Posted by allIwant

I am really close to my family so I told them right away. So i would tell but you have to do what you are comfortable with


Posted 8/27/10 6:13 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/08

1165 total posts


Re: WWYD - Travel plans and telling early pg news

Travel time depends on your dr....Some dr's say don't travel after 22 weeks, while I've heard others say you shouldn't travel after 36!!! I would speak to your dr first if you're hesitant to tell your family. See what he says and hopefully that can help you to make your decision.

Posted 8/27/10 6:21 PM

Tigger the the Rescue!

Member since 8/08

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Re: WWYD - Travel plans and telling early pg news

It also depends on the airline. Some are ok traveling a week before due dates, others require longer time and a dr. note. My dr. didn't care as long as it wasn't out of the country. I'll be flying to California just about a month before I'm due.

But I would be more comfortable traveling a bit earlier, so I'd at least tell your parents and see if thy can convince the others to at least hold off getting airfare, so it can be more easily changed.

Message edited 8/30/2010 7:41:09 PM.

Posted 8/30/10 6:53 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 7/10

348 total posts


Re: WWYD - Travel plans and telling early pg news

I told my parents last night actually at 6 weeks. I'm super close with them and wanted them to know first. It's really personal preference, but I say go for it if you really want them to know!

Posted 8/30/10 7:00 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 8/09

1318 total posts


Re: WWYD - Travel plans and telling early pg news

I told my parents when I was 13 weeks. I had a miscarriage & was afraid to tell anybody.

Posted 8/30/10 10:51 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 6/10

2561 total posts


Re: WWYD - Travel plans and telling early pg news

If they haven't already bought tickets I can't imagine that two weeks will matter but if they are trying to plan now I would either. .

- just go ahead and tell them

- tell one family member (maybe a parent) and ask them to 'stall' folks until after the 14th. . or if they were comfortable asking people to change for them.. . and later they can tell everyone why. .

in the end it's just up to you . I told my immed family right when I found out due to some medical reasons but telling is such a personal thing in the end it's just up to you. .

Posted 8/30/10 11:03 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 6/07

298 total posts


Re: WWYD - Travel plans and telling early pg news

Posted by pteradactylmama

If they haven't already bought tickets I can't imagine that two weeks will matter but if they are trying to plan now I would either. .

- just go ahead and tell them

- tell one family member (maybe a parent) and ask them to 'stall' folks until after the 14th. . or if they were comfortable asking people to change for them.. . and later they can tell everyone why. .

in the end it's just up to you . I told my immed family right when I found out due to some medical reasons but telling is such a personal thing in the end it's just up to you. .


Posted 8/31/10 1:36 AM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 9/09

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EDD April 25th 2011

Re: WWYD - Travel plans and telling early pg news

We told our parents right away. Bottom line, gosh forbid something goes wrong with this pregnancy I'd need and want their support anyway.

I do think jumping to ask everyone to change the date of the vacation may be a bit premature.

I'd start off with just telling family first. Get their reaction, which I am sure will be pure joy. And then in a few weeks mention the timing of the trip.

Posted 8/31/10 8:56 AM

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