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Member since 8/06

13103 total posts



So I don't post too much on these boards but I do check in everyday. Congrats to all the recent BFPs and baby dust to all who are trying

Heres a recap of my scenario:

DH & I married 7 years. I'm 28 Dh is 30. Pretty much no BC during the marriage and no BFP so we kind of knew something was wrong although we weren't actively trying until this past year and a half. DH was diagnosed with a varicocele in the beginning of our marriage however his urologist dismissed the fact that they cause low sperm count and seemingly convinced DH that it was no big deal. Lo and behold after years of begging DH to get an SA he did in September and was diagnosed as severe MF. 1.4 million count and only 2% morphologyChat Icon I'm still trying to get over my resentment of DH waiting so long since I had been to my gyno numerous times and had all tests done. Everything seems fine with me...knock on wood. Well DH started seeing a new urologist who specializes in MF and he diagnosed him with not only one but two (bi-lateral) varicoceles. This urologist is very well known in his field and seems to think that the variocele repair surgery will help us conceive however, I have read different things that suggest that the surgery is not always successful. I am blessed in that my job just started offering infertility coverage up to $20K lifetime. We have already been to an RE who seem to suggest IVF/ICSI as our only hope. I would like to avoid the entire IVF if possible but now the urologist that specializes in MF Infertility will stop taking our insurance shortly and the surgery is $20K!!! which we don't have. He did say he would recommend DH to another urologist who works with him to do the surgery if he drops the insurance before he can schedule DH for surgery. Now I'm not sure if we should opt straight for the IVF with ICSI and get started ASAP or if we should wait for DH to get the surgery and see if his count improves. He will be getting the results of a 2nd SA tomorrow and has been taking some vitamins that hopefully have helped his count some. I'm just very confused and honestly a little mad at DH for waiting so long.....OK a lot mad. My main goal in life is to become a mom and ideally I would have loved to have 3 or 4 kids. How far does $20K go in the IVF world? Currently we are going to Columbia but i have two appts with Cornell and RMA next week to cover all our options. WWYD? Would you wait or go straight for the IVF?
Oh and to top it all off...AF decided to give me a New Years welcome today and make me more depressed than I already am.

Sorry for the pity party

Posted 1/1/07 11:23 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 6/05

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Re: WWYD....Long

Hi. I am in a similar situation, DH also has vericocele. The surgery does not guarantee an improvement and i believe it will take severeal months to recooperate enough to see a real count (he will need 3 months to generate new sperm as the surgery itself will be a trauma that will effect his sperm count).

IVF doesnt guarantee success either, but you are young and if you have no other factors your chances are pretty darn good.

20K will go a long way for IF coverage. I would do IVF and then after your BFP have DH get the surgery for the next ones.

The decision is ultimately yours, but this is how I would proceed.

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 1/2/07 7:36 AM

Peace out Homies!

Member since 5/05

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Gerty ®

Re: WWYD....Long

As Pauline said, the surgery does not guarantee an improvement in MF. Your husband may have an even more severe problem since he has two. My SIL is in the same situation and they opted for IVF/ICSI - they got pregnant on their second IVF. The ICSI will help you a great deal.
As far as the insurance, in the IVF situation 20K can go pretty far. This is because things like sonograms, bloodwork and meds do not go come from the IVF fund, the only thing coming out of the 20K is usually just the IVF and ICSI. Double check with your insurance company, though.
Lastly, good luck and lot's of Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 1/2/07 7:41 AM

Waiting patiently for baby sis

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L-Diddy EDD 11/11/11 :)

Re: WWYD....Long

DH has a varicosele also, and they were willing to do the surgery but I read so much about it that it made me change my mind. It *may* improve sperm count, but our MF urologist told us that improving morphology is the most difficult to fix (since that's an issue for you too -- that's DH's issue..he's got plenty of sperm, but they're all lop-sided Chat Icon ) DH has 5% morphology and what I read was it takes 3 months to reproduce sperm but really could take 9 months before you see any results.

I know you don't want to hear this, but if I were you I'd go with the IVF thing. Good luck to you...Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 1/2/07 7:51 AM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 10/06

594 total posts


Re: WWYD....Long

Like everyone else said. My husband has A vericocele and my RE suggested not to have the surgery unless it is causing any discomfort With ICSI you Don't need the surgery. GEt a BFP and then decide what To do. It a minimum, of 6 months befor a normal SA ! Good Luck! Or You might want To try IUI's but I did 7 of them with no success!

Message edited 1/2/2007 9:19:36 AM.

Posted 1/2/07 9:19 AM

Two in Blue

Member since 5/05

20223 total posts


Re: WWYD....Long

You could also look into homeopathic remedies to improve sperm counts and motility. I think one of the herbs is L-arginine. I have a book at home, If you are interested FM me and I will send you the herbs recommended.

Posted 1/2/07 9:19 AM


Member since 8/06

13103 total posts


Re: WWYD....Long

Thanks everyone for the advice. I also have $3000 that I put in a flexible spending account this year so I figure I can use that too. My only concern was we do want more than one child and I was wondering if $20K could cover 2 or 3 IVF trys.

Posted 1/2/07 10:22 AM

Peace out Homies!

Member since 5/05

20046 total posts

Gerty ®

Re: WWYD....Long

You should be able to cover 2-3 IVF with 20K. Just be aware that sometimes the first IVF is more experimental since they don't know exactly how your body is going to respond.

Posted 1/2/07 10:26 AM

Best Friends

Member since 6/05

10228 total posts


Re: WWYD....Long

I got 2 from 10K and probably could have done a 3rd but chnaged insurance. I would say 20K is good for 5-6

Posted 1/2/07 11:34 AM


Member since 8/06

13103 total posts


Re: WWYD....Long

OK...we saw some dr's in Columbia late last year. Has anyone used them? I had appts for RMA and Cornell but now I'm second guessing going because it means we have to start from scratch. I also heard Cornell is very pricy. I'm thinking since we already had all blood work done at Columbia might as well stick there. Any experience with them?

Posted 1/2/07 2:37 PM


Member since 5/05

34581 total posts


Re: WWYD....Long

I work in insurance and know some people who can get 3 IVFS out of 10K, so 20K could get you at least 5 ivf's and if any are a frozen cycle even more.

I would go for the IVF.

My DH had 5% morph , although a better count ( average after wash about 25 mil) ....we got PG our first IVF try.

I would in your shoes, try the IVF, you do have excellent coverage for it.

See how you feel. It may just work and your problems are for now wolved.

Keeping you in my thoughts!

lots of luck with your decicion! Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 1/2/07 4:35 PM

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