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Xpost from Multiples..Double Strollers!

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Member since 5/05

15167 total posts


Xpost from Multiples..Double Strollers!

I was in Babies R' Us today copouns in hand. There selction was VERY limited & the one we liked they didn't have any. Chat Icon

So, I ran over to Buy Buy Baby they had about 10 to choose from. I felt like I as going car shopping. I looked at the tandem ones but realized whoever was in front wouldn't be able to lie all the way back. That's not fair!
Then I was sure I wanted the Peg Perego twin Aria.
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The woman (who I swear should be a car salesperson) just kept attempting to talk me out of it. I really love it. Then she mentioned that there is no wheel in the middle which will make it harder for me to push the older they get.
Then she showed me this
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but downed played it.
She was pushing this one on me:
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It is cool but it is also $550!!!Chat Icon I am so confused!!! I pretty much hate ALL of the straps on the strollers!! I am getting more & more confused!!

Mind you I bought their new carseats. I am not overly thrilled w/ them either. I have no clue what I was looking for but, I'm not seeming to find it! Why is thsi so hard!!Chat Icon

Posted 6/22/06 8:44 AM
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource

LIF Adult

Member since 8/05

1480 total posts


Re: Xpost from Multiples..Double Strollers!

Hey there. I have the Maclaren and I love it. It's very practical for my 2 younger kids and it's easy to maneuver around. I also looked at the Aria but when I had my son sit in it, he looked squished in it and my husband thought it was flimsy (I just thought it was light lol)

Posted 6/22/06 8:49 AM


Member since 5/05

15167 total posts


Re: Xpost from Multiples..Double Strollers!

A woman in Target told me to get this one Zooper Tango 2006
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She said it was aher third & by far best stroller. SO CONFUSING!!
She said the cheapest place to get it was at Tiny Ride

Message edited 6/22/2006 8:53:53 AM.

Posted 6/22/06 8:52 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 8/05

1480 total posts


Re: Xpost from Multiples..Double Strollers!

Oh dear! lol you poor thing.. People just keep giving you suggestions on NEW strollers rather than comment on the ones you ask about lol

I'm very happy with my Maclaren but I don't have a zooper so I can't comment on that. My 2 choices were between the Maclaren and the Aria. My main concerns were a) that the seats fully recline so that the kids could nap, b) nice sized basket, c) durable stroller that wouldn't fall over and would collapse easily and wouldn't take up too much room in my trunk. Chat Icon

Posted 6/22/06 8:57 AM


Member since 5/05

5025 total posts


Re: Xpost from Multiples..Double Strollers!

My sister has the Peg Perego twin stroller. She loves it - Uses it for older babies and has no problems steering or pushing it.

Posted 6/22/06 9:02 AM


Member since 5/05

15167 total posts


Re: Xpost from Multiples..Double Strollers!

I have to figure this out VERY soon!! They need to get out of their buckets!

Posted 6/23/06 9:04 AM

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