As you know(well many of you), that today I lost my love of my life Instead of me sitting here crying and po'ed at the world I take it as a day to remind people to say you love your family EVERYDAY because you NEVER know if tomorrow will come. I learned it the hard way and did not have papers in order. It would have made life alot easier. SO please take a moment to print and fill the stuff out. I miss and love keith still everyday and forever he will be my husband and angel in the sky!

A poem I worte for Keith :

As Time Goes On
As our lives begin anew, my love grows!
As we become one, my love grows!
As days turn into weeks, my love grows!
As weeks turn into months, my love grows!
As months turn into years, my love grows!
As we get old, my love grows!
So remember this, just because time goes on
My love for you will never stop growing!

A post from Shorty that reminds us how close we all are:

Posted by Shorty

For some of us, its been years; for others, months; and for some, its only been weeks or days, but we all belong.

We’ve seen romantic engagements, hectic wedding plans, and crazy in-laws somehow, through a lot of sweat and tears, turn into the best days of our lives. We’ve seen new love bloom, and long-term commitments lose trust and dissipate. We’ve seen conception, and unfortunately, we’ve seen miscarriage and the loss of God’s sweet little angels. We’ve seen many births, and equally as many deaths. We've said prayers for sick loved ones, and we're grateful for little miracles. We're always here for each other, and we make it through.

When we’re overjoyed and want to share our happiness with the whole world, the whole world starts here. When we’re down, self-doubting, insecure, lonely, scared, warm, cold, sick, uncomfortable, uneasy, unsure of the next step, all we have to do is reach out, and there are plenty of hands to guide us.

In a world where trust is not secure, our hearts and souls are not protected, its hard to let it all out sometimes. More often than not, there is someone else that has lived through what you’re going through, and will do anything to see that you make it out all right.

This is love. Who could’ve known that in this realm of cyber-space, we could discover and develop such pure, unadulterated bonds?

We are not a mere “community”.
In fact, we’re nothing short of a FAMILY.

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