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I love my Katie Bug

Member since 5/05 11357 total posts
Name: Kathy
Yes it's time for another MIL vent...
I saw my inlaws yesterday. It's been about 3 wks since I last saw them. My MIL walks in the door and the 1st thing she says to me is "Oh you're still around? You're still here? I don't hear from you...I don't see you..."
OK. Monster. I work full time, I have a baby full time and with all that I've been going through with my Dad you'd think she'd cut me a break. Anyway, I just ignored her. She is a b i o t c h!!
But what really got me was she kept kissing Katie on the MOUTH! He teeth are SO gross and she is just so caked up with makup and she kept kissing Katie on the lips - it was so gross. I was so ticked off but didnt say anything because I didnt want to deal with conflict. Although I did look at DH and say "next time we need to bring a washcloth" (to wash her face) - but I dont think anyone got it...Katie has enough issues with teething and all - she doesnt need this woman's germs all over her mouth.
What do I say next time to avoid this?
Message edited 10/30/2006 12:38:16 PM.
Posted 10/30/06 12:37 PM |
Long Island Weddings
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Cake from Outer Space!
Member since 5/05 14021 total posts
Re: Yes it's time for another MIL vent...
Next time she starts kissing her on the mouth, I would take Katie back from her. As far as her other comments, couldn't you be snide back? Answer her with, "You're right, where have I been with only a baby to care for, a full time job and a family emergency?" Or, maybe you could make her look like the idiot and say, " I have been so busy with my dad, Katie, working, the house and all, I really WISH YOU picked up the phone and asked how I was doing.
Posted 10/30/06 12:56 PM |
Chase is one!
Member since 5/05 27530 total posts
Name: me
Re: Yes it's time for another MIL vent...
EW! Next time say something to her. In the end, that is your DD and if she gets some sort of mouth fungus, you'll feel horrible for not saying something I'm the worst though. We visited my ILs yesterday, and I likened it to supervised visitation becuase MIL does not talk to me. She takes the baby from me and goes into the kitchen with her while Ava screams because some stranger is holding her. I never say anything to my MIL because I think it's not worth it, but yesterday I had reached my breaking point. I stayed calm, but firm and kept our visit to an hour. no more.
Posted 10/30/06 1:37 PM |
Big sister!!!!!!!!!!
Member since 12/05 17450 total posts
Re: Yes it's time for another MIL vent...
Oh God! Your MIL is a true winner! The same way she says she doesnt hear from you, see you etc... make it that way! When she wants to visit...disappear with your daughter. She sounds NUTS!
Posted 10/30/06 2:36 PM |
I love my Katie Bug

Member since 5/05 11357 total posts
Name: Kathy
Re: Yes it's time for another MIL vent...
...oh yeah and the only conversation we had was a one-sided lecture on why I should start having mamograms because I'm at "that age", lady...I thought "that age" was 40-ish??? I'm NOT 40-ish.
Can I just say: dip sh*t!
Posted 10/30/06 3:24 PM |
Babygirl is 4!

Member since 5/05 17076 total posts
Name: Kara®
Re: Yes it's time for another MIL vent...
OK she is an azz....but it is never to early for a mammogram, especially living on LI!!
I say this cuz I love ya!!
Message edited 10/30/2006 3:27:24 PM.
Posted 10/30/06 3:27 PM |
Grace is growing up too fast!

Member since 10/05 11561 total posts
Name: Dina
Re: Yes it's time for another MIL vent...
Posted by shamrock12472
Or, maybe you could make her look like the idiot and say, " I have been so busy with my dad, Katie, working, the house and all, I really WISH YOU picked up the phone and asked how I was doing.
OHHH Kathy, next time you should say this and make her look like the azz. Your MIL is a real winner So sorry that you have to deal with her cr@p while you are going through the your dad's health issue.
ETA: BTW...your MIL kissing Katie on the mouth with caked makeup and nasty teeth is f'ing gross. When I read that I almost threw up in my mouth
Message edited 10/30/2006 5:24:36 PM.
Posted 10/30/06 5:22 PM |