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Are kids more immature than we were?

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LIF Adult

Member since 3/21

6988 total posts


Are kids more immature than we were?

Neighbors always have kids over, particularly just this weekend and literally these middle schoolers screamed for hours.

Kids screaming in fun is wonderful but I notice these kids are so more immature then we all were at their age. They can’t just play but scream bloody murder (mostly the kids in elementary school doing this) for hours.

These parents don’t say a word and you can literally hear all of it with windows closed.

Is it the kids now or the parents just allowing them to do this? I know my parents and friends parents would have told us to cut it out after a while lol.

Posted 10/24/22 11:12 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Are kids more immature than we were?

Well I don’t know what happened specifically here but I do think in general that yea, kids aren’t as mature. I attribute this to them having zero freedoms and responsibility. You can’t let your kids do anything on their own anymore without all over them or else you’re a bad parent and not watching them properly. On the other hand, we hand them phones and tablets with little to no oversight and their brains become full of knowledge and content that isn’t age appropriate without the emotional maturity to handle it. I know this isn’t the case with every parent obviously, but as a whole what I am seeing is just not good…

Posted 10/24/22 11:23 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/14

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Are kids more immature than we were?

100% yes. I’m co-leader in my DD’s brownie troop. I was a brownie when I was a kid and we used to go on overnight trips, camping, etc with no problems at all. I can’t even get through the hour long meeting with these girls without almost losing my mind. They don’t listen at all. At the last meeting they were playing “cats,” which was literally rolling around on the floor meowing.

The fact that middle schoolers are screaming when they play means my future is very bleak.

ETA some of the parents were at the meeting, so yes they allow it. I pulled my own DD aside and said you get on that floor you’ll never see another brownie meeting again.

Message edited 10/24/2022 11:43:20 AM.

Posted 10/24/22 11:41 AM

Resident Insomniac

Member since 4/13

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Are kids more immature than we were?

I actually feel the opposite. Kids have so much more to deal with than we did in our day. Technology, school shootings, gender roles, its A LOT. And I think they handle it all amazingly.

Having said that, the middle school brain is a thing all its own. A lot of maturing happens between 8th and 9th grades. I look back at myself in high school as compared to my kids. There's no way I could have handled all those AP classes, applying to all those colleges and scholarships, while volunteering and school clubs/sports. It's all so competitive now. But I do think Middle school kids are kind of stuck in that space between being kids and being mature high school kids. So, they are unique.

Posted 10/24/22 12:05 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 9/07

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Re: Are kids more immature than we were?

I think they are exposed to so much more than we were as children, which forces them to be more mature, but of course they are kids so can't always act mature.

As far as the yelling, I have lots of kids in the neighborhood and they can be very loud. But it doesn't bother me because at least they are out playing instead of in front of a screen. And I have a soft spot for them because of how they have been treated these last two years. If it was midnight and keeping me up, it would be a different story Chat Icon

Posted 10/24/22 12:30 PM

2 Boys

Member since 7/06

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Are kids more immature than we were?

On top of what everyone else has said - they lost a lot of socialization the past two years and it's showing in various ways.

Posted 10/24/22 12:45 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 3/21

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Re: Are kids more immature than we were?

Thanks. I think it is the nonstop screaming whenever it is nice out and they all get together.
Oh and these kids were together and playing almost right from when the pandemic started so they weren’t taken away from each other and just were basically let out of a cage. They have been doing this for years.

Oh and the parents ignoring has always drove me nuts. Even when my kids were younger, mostly the youngest one as I felt their classmates were worse than my oldest, it was an issue.

It seems parents are more obsessed with getting the perfect pics for social media and drinking with their friends and being friends with their kids than actual parenting.

Posted 10/24/22 3:08 PM

Baby Boy is Here!

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Are kids more immature than we were?

Kids in my neighborhood are always outside screaming, laughing, playing. I personally LOVE it. As a PP said, the alternative would be for them to be in front of a screen. If my child is having a good time with his friends and they’re screaming in the middle of the day in my yard, I’m not going to yell at them. They’re doing what kids should be doing.

Also I think people remember being more mature than they actually were. I’ve taught MS/HS for almost 20 years and they’ve been immature that long. I see a big difference somewhere between 8th-10th grade. My son’s friend’s sister is in 6th and she’s definitely straddling the big kid/teenager line. They’re just learning who they are. They probably only have a year or so left of being a “big kid”.

Posted 10/24/22 9:49 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 3/21

6988 total posts


Re: Are kids more immature than we were?

Posted by PitterPatter11

Kids in my neighborhood are always outside screaming, laughing, playing. I personally LOVE it. As a PP said, the alternative would be for them to be in front of a screen. If my child is having a good time with his friends and they’re screaming in the middle of the day in my yard, I’m not going to yell at them. They’re doing what kids should be doing.

Also I think people remember being more mature than they actually were. I’ve taught MS/HS for almost 20 years and they’ve been immature that long. I see a big difference somewhere between 8th-10th grade. My son’s friend’s sister is in 6th and she’s definitely straddling the big kid/teenager line. They’re just learning who they are. They probably only have a year or so left of being a “big kid”.

Don't get me wrong, I love to hear kids playing and having fun. This is beyond that. These kids scream like they are getting killed. I don't mean here and there but for hours. They will come home from school, playing soccer and will scream for 2 hours. I am inside my house with windows closed many times and hear it. I have actually gone outside to see if there is something wrong because it is these high shrieking screams coming from these kids.
This weekend we thought they were the young elementary kids and come to see they were all middle school, girls and boys. The boys seem not to be any better (actually worse from the ones that ride on their bikes and walk to school).
These are kids that are all turning 13 this coming year too so not little kids. Teenagers.

Posted 10/25/22 7:35 AM

Baby Boy is Here!

Member since 5/11

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Momma <3

Re: Are kids more immature than we were?

Posted by windyweather21

Posted by PitterPatter11

Kids in my neighborhood are always outside screaming, laughing, playing. I personally LOVE it. As a PP said, the alternative would be for them to be in front of a screen. If my child is having a good time with his friends and they’re screaming in the middle of the day in my yard, I’m not going to yell at them. They’re doing what kids should be doing.

Also I think people remember being more mature than they actually were. I’ve taught MS/HS for almost 20 years and they’ve been immature that long. I see a big difference somewhere between 8th-10th grade. My son’s friend’s sister is in 6th and she’s definitely straddling the big kid/teenager line. They’re just learning who they are. They probably only have a year or so left of being a “big kid”.

Don't get me wrong, I love to hear kids playing and having fun. This is beyond that. These kids scream like they are getting killed. I don't mean here and there but for hours. They will come home from school, playing soccer and will scream for 2 hours. I am inside my house with windows closed many times and hear it. I have actually gone outside to see if there is something wrong because it is these high shrieking screams coming from these kids.
This weekend we thought they were the young elementary kids and come to see they were all middle school, girls and boys. The boys seem not to be any better (actually worse from the ones that ride on their bikes and walk to school).
These are kids that are all turning 13 this coming year too so not little kids. Teenagers.

I still consider 12/13 little kids. Maybe because I’m dealing with 120 of them every day. I think we put too much pressure on kids to grow up before they are ready. I’d prefer them screaming playing outside than getting into other types of trouble at that age. 12/13 is only 7th grade.

Posted 10/25/22 9:15 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/14

7274 total posts


Are kids more immature than we were?

When I was 13 I had to test and interview to get into catholic high school. Then when I got in I had to take the subway there by myself. And on the weekend I babysat for my neighbor’s 3 kids. There are probably lots of other posters on here who were in the same boat. This still happens in the city.

Whether right or wrong, I was not outside screaming for no reason at 13 and neither was anyone else I knew.

Posted 10/25/22 9:29 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 3/21

6988 total posts


Re: Are kids more immature than we were?

Posted by PitterPatter11

Posted by windyweather21

Posted by PitterPatter11

Kids in my neighborhood are always outside screaming, laughing, playing. I personally LOVE it. As a PP said, the alternative would be for them to be in front of a screen. If my child is having a good time with his friends and they’re screaming in the middle of the day in my yard, I’m not going to yell at them. They’re doing what kids should be doing.

Also I think people remember being more mature than they actually were. I’ve taught MS/HS for almost 20 years and they’ve been immature that long. I see a big difference somewhere between 8th-10th grade. My son’s friend’s sister is in 6th and she’s definitely straddling the big kid/teenager line. They’re just learning who they are. They probably only have a year or so left of being a “big kid”.

Don't get me wrong, I love to hear kids playing and having fun. This is beyond that. These kids scream like they are getting killed. I don't mean here and there but for hours. They will come home from school, playing soccer and will scream for 2 hours. I am inside my house with windows closed many times and hear it. I have actually gone outside to see if there is something wrong because it is these high shrieking screams coming from these kids.
This weekend we thought they were the young elementary kids and come to see they were all middle school, girls and boys. The boys seem not to be any better (actually worse from the ones that ride on their bikes and walk to school).
These are kids that are all turning 13 this coming year too so not little kids. Teenagers.

I still consider 12/13 little kids. Maybe because I’m dealing with 120 of them every day. I think we put too much pressure on kids to grow up before they are ready. I’d prefer them screaming playing outside than getting into other types of trouble at that age. 12/13 is only 7th grade.

Again, blood curdling screaming. Not just fun screaming. You hear that all the time and find that normal?

Posted 10/25/22 9:48 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 3/21

6988 total posts


Re: Are kids more immature than we were?

Posted by LuckyStar

When I was 13 I had to test and interview to get into catholic high school. Then when I got in I had to take the subway there by myself. And on the weekend I babysat for my neighbor’s 3 kids. There are probably lots of other posters on here who were in the same boat. This still happens in the city.

Whether right or wrong, I was not outside screaming for no reason at 13 and neither was anyone else I knew.

I think people want to make excuses for kids now that they are so less independent than we were. While the world is different because of social media, many kids are coddled (I will admit I coddle mine in some ways).

I do think kids need to still be kids but the trend of parents being best friends and the need to "medicate" themselves when they can't handle everyday life has increased.

I see this into the college years when these parents are devastated that their kids are leaving them.

Posted 10/25/22 10:00 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/05

9511 total posts


Re: Are kids more immature than we were?

Posted by windyweather21

Posted by PitterPatter11

Posted by windyweather21

Posted by PitterPatter11

Kids in my neighborhood are always outside screaming, laughing, playing. I personally LOVE it. As a PP said, the alternative would be for them to be in front of a screen. If my child is having a good time with his friends and they’re screaming in the middle of the day in my yard, I’m not going to yell at them. They’re doing what kids should be doing.

Also I think people remember being more mature than they actually were. I’ve taught MS/HS for almost 20 years and they’ve been immature that long. I see a big difference somewhere between 8th-10th grade. My son’s friend’s sister is in 6th and she’s definitely straddling the big kid/teenager line. They’re just learning who they are. They probably only have a year or so left of being a “big kid”.

Don't get me wrong, I love to hear kids playing and having fun. This is beyond that. These kids scream like they are getting killed. I don't mean here and there but for hours. They will come home from school, playing soccer and will scream for 2 hours. I am inside my house with windows closed many times and hear it. I have actually gone outside to see if there is something wrong because it is these high shrieking screams coming from these kids.
This weekend we thought they were the young elementary kids and come to see they were all middle school, girls and boys. The boys seem not to be any better (actually worse from the ones that ride on their bikes and walk to school).
These are kids that are all turning 13 this coming year too so not little kids. Teenagers.

I still consider 12/13 little kids. Maybe because I’m dealing with 120 of them every day. I think we put too much pressure on kids to grow up before they are ready. I’d prefer them screaming playing outside than getting into other types of trouble at that age. 12/13 is only 7th grade.

Again, blood curdling screaming. Not just fun screaming. You hear that all the time and find that normal?

I actually think that your neighbors are not the norm. I have a 10 year old girl and a 12 year old girl and none of their friends behave like this. Some are super annoying, but not blood curdling screaming non stop. I would tear my hair out. My son is 14 and he and his friends can be LOUD but it's all them just talking over one another trying to be heard. If I were you I would lean over the fence and say "Girls is everything okay? I hear you all screaming and I just want to make sure no one is hurt..." or text the mom the same...

Posted 10/25/22 10:03 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 3/21

6988 total posts


Re: Are kids more immature than we were?

Posted by lululu

Posted by windyweather21

Posted by PitterPatter11

Posted by windyweather21

Posted by PitterPatter11

Kids in my neighborhood are always outside screaming, laughing, playing. I personally LOVE it. As a PP said, the alternative would be for them to be in front of a screen. If my child is having a good time with his friends and they’re screaming in the middle of the day in my yard, I’m not going to yell at them. They’re doing what kids should be doing.

Also I think people remember being more mature than they actually were. I’ve taught MS/HS for almost 20 years and they’ve been immature that long. I see a big difference somewhere between 8th-10th grade. My son’s friend’s sister is in 6th and she’s definitely straddling the big kid/teenager line. They’re just learning who they are. They probably only have a year or so left of being a “big kid”.

Don't get me wrong, I love to hear kids playing and having fun. This is beyond that. These kids scream like they are getting killed. I don't mean here and there but for hours. They will come home from school, playing soccer and will scream for 2 hours. I am inside my house with windows closed many times and hear it. I have actually gone outside to see if there is something wrong because it is these high shrieking screams coming from these kids.
This weekend we thought they were the young elementary kids and come to see they were all middle school, girls and boys. The boys seem not to be any better (actually worse from the ones that ride on their bikes and walk to school).
These are kids that are all turning 13 this coming year too so not little kids. Teenagers.

I still consider 12/13 little kids. Maybe because I’m dealing with 120 of them every day. I think we put too much pressure on kids to grow up before they are ready. I’d prefer them screaming playing outside than getting into other types of trouble at that age. 12/13 is only 7th grade.

Again, blood curdling screaming. Not just fun screaming. You hear that all the time and find that normal?

I actually think that your neighbors are not the norm. I have a 10 year old girl and a 12 year old girl and none of their friends behave like this. Some are super annoying, but not blood curdling screaming non stop. I would tear my hair out. My son is 14 and he and his friends can be LOUD but it's all them just talking over one another trying to be heard. If I were you I would lean over the fence and say "Girls is everything okay? I hear you all screaming and I just want to make sure no one is hurt..." or text the mom the same...

One time I actually went out in my front yard to look and the father saw me and must have said something. A bunch of parents were actually standing there that time and not one was saying a word. It becomes concerning at times as how do you even know when your kid IS hurt when they scream like that all the time?

Posted 10/25/22 10:12 AM

Hope is Contagious....catch it

Member since 5/05

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Re: Are kids more immature than we were?


I teach 7th and 8th graders, and this year the 7th graders are so wild. They dont have appropriate social skills at all.
I feel they have more energy and very impulsive at times.

Message edited 10/25/2022 12:48:21 PM.

Posted 10/25/22 12:45 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 3/21

6988 total posts


Re: Are kids more immature than we were?

Posted by Diane


I teach 7th and 8th graders, and this year the 7th graders are so wild. They dont have appropriate social skills at all.
I feel they have more energy and very impulsive at times.

Yes, these would be 7th graders.

Posted 10/25/22 12:54 PM

Hope is Contagious....catch it

Member since 5/05

30683 total posts


Re: Are kids more immature than we were?

Posted by windyweather21

Posted by Diane


I teach 7th and 8th graders, and this year the 7th graders are so wild. They dont have appropriate social skills at all.
I feel they have more energy and very impulsive at times.

Yes, these would be 7th graders.

Yes, I have been teaching them for a very long time, and this year is probably the worst I have seen it.

Posted 10/25/22 1:17 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 3/21

6988 total posts


Re: Are kids more immature than we were?

Posted by Diane

Posted by windyweather21

Posted by Diane


I teach 7th and 8th graders, and this year the 7th graders are so wild. They dont have appropriate social skills at all.
I feel they have more energy and very impulsive at times.

Yes, these would be 7th graders.

Yes, I have been teaching them for a very long time, and this year is probably the worst I have seen it.

Wow, ok. Maybe I am not crazy thinking I am the only one who sees it.

Posted 10/25/22 1:58 PM

My lil cowboy

Member since 10/10

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Re: Are kids more immature than we were?

I definitely think so and I definitely think its due to parents coddling. I do it myself so I'm not judging; i get pissed at myself when I see my kids acting like big babies. I think about how I was babysitting toddlers at 12 years old so the parents could go out drinking and now, how often do you see posts like "do you think 12 is too young to be a mother's helper? I'll be home working in the next room so do you think it's okay?" and then here come the hens "Oh I. WOULD. NEVER!!!!" Same people paying 16 year old date night sitters $25/hour. Also whacked.

Posted 10/25/22 2:29 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 3/21

6988 total posts


Re: Are kids more immature than we were?

Posted by FirstMate

I definitely think so and I definitely think its due to parents coddling. I do it myself so I'm not judging; i get pissed at myself when I see my kids acting like big babies. I think about how I was babysitting toddlers at 12 years old so the parents could go out drinking and now, how often do you see posts like "do you think 12 is too young to be a mother's helper? I'll be home working in the next room so do you think it's okay?" and then here come the hens "Oh I. WOULD. NEVER!!!!" Same people paying 16 year old date night sitters $25/hour. Also whacked.

Exactly and the parents who won't allow their 17/18 year old seniors to do anything but expect them to go out on their own to college just months later.

Posted 10/25/22 2:30 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 1/17

1465 total posts


Re: Are kids more immature than we were?

As a parent of younger children I can definitely say yes

Posted 10/25/22 3:41 PM

LIF Toddler

Member since 4/14

441 total posts


Are kids more immature than we were?

Covid made these kids awful. Covid made parents give their parenting duties to an iPad. Not everyone but a lot. Never in my 23 year career in education have I seen such disrespectful and obnoxious behavior.

Posted 10/25/22 4:53 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 3/21

6988 total posts


Re: Are kids more immature than we were?

Posted by Anotherplease

Covid made these kids awful. Covid made parents give their parenting duties to an iPad. Not everyone but a lot. Never in my 23 year career in education have I seen such disrespectful and obnoxious behavior.

So sad

Posted 10/25/22 5:21 PM

Just another chapter in life..

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Re: Are kids more immature than we were?

Posted by windyweather21

Posted by Anotherplease

Covid made these kids awful. Covid made parents give their parenting duties to an iPad. Not everyone but a lot. Never in my 23 year career in education have I seen such disrespectful and obnoxious behavior.

So sad

The sadder part is it clearly didn't have to be that way.

What changed between the time my daughter wasn't allowed to finish her 4th grade year in person to now where she's in school every day, unmasked, no distancing, doing sports, having school dances and field trips, no contact tracing, no Covid questionnaires every day?
What has changed with this virus?
Absolutely nothing.
Makes me feel like all that time lost to these kids was just a huge waste.
And it makes me so very sad

Message edited 10/25/2022 5:33:41 PM.

Posted 10/25/22 5:33 PM
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