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LIF Infant
Member since 1/21 133 total posts
Walking in a parking lot: Do you...???
It drives me NUTS when I am driving in a parking lot and a pederstrian crosses in front of me, sees me waiting for them to pass, and just leisurely meanders along not caring that they are making me wait.
Do you quicken your pace when walking in a parking lot and their is someone waiting for you to pass or do you just take your time, driver be d*mned!
---of course this does not apply to someone with a disability, injured, elderly, with small children...
Posted 1/13/23 2:14 PM |
Re: Walking in a parking lot: Do you...???
Speed up as I know how it is when someone just takes their good old time with no consideration of the person driving.
Posted 1/13/23 2:26 PM |
LIF Adolescent
Member since 9/07 820 total posts
Name: p
Re: Walking in a parking lot: Do you...???
I always speed up and give a wave. The best are the people who don't look up or make eye contact and I guess assume that the car will stop. I trust no one
Posted 1/13/23 2:57 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 4/12 1461 total posts
Walking in a parking lot: Do you...???
I walk fast in general.
Posted 1/13/23 3:08 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 7/05 9511 total posts
Re: Walking in a parking lot: Do you...???
Posted by MrsWoods
I walk fast in general.
Same and I still speed up! I usually go into a little job if I know a car is waiting for me!
Posted 1/13/23 5:36 PM |
Just another chapter in life..

Member since 11/09 54921 total posts
Name: ..being a mommy and being a wife!
Re: Walking in a parking lot: Do you...???
If someone lets me cross, I'm hustling! But so many people walk like they are taking a leisurely afternoon stroll in a park while cars are waiting
Posted 1/13/23 8:08 PM |

Member since 7/06 11488 total posts
Name: Völlig losgelöst
Re: Walking in a parking lot: Do you...???
It depends if I am on crossing in the crosswalk in the parking lot or not. If I am in h crosswalk, then I walk normally since I have the right of way.
Posted 1/13/23 9:49 PM |
Re: Walking in a parking lot: Do you...???
Posted by klingklang77
It depends if I am on crossing in the crosswalk in the parking lot or not. If I am in h crosswalk, then I walk normally since I have the right of way.
I do the same in the crosswalk as other places too lol
Posted 1/14/23 8:10 AM |
LIF Infant
Member since 5/19 105 total posts
Walking in a parking lot: Do you...???
I put a little pep in my step as I give a little wave, but as the body starts walking, it has to stay at the pace I can handle and sometimes i feel bad. My mind tries to hurry it across because I still think I am a young lol
Posted 1/14/23 8:37 PM |
Walking in a parking lot: Do you...???
Saunter and look at the driver directly in the eyes. Lol of course I move it. Although have been the driver where the pedestrian saunters and looks directly at you
Posted 1/15/23 5:29 PM |

Member since 6/07 8274 total posts
Name: me
Re: Walking in a parking lot: Do you...???
I always walk quicker if I’m aware that someone is waiting for me. I don’t want to waste people’s time.
Posted 1/16/23 3:01 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 4/15 3049 total posts
Walking in a parking lot: Do you...???
Whoops - I voted for the wrong one and I don't think I can change my answer. I always try to move out of the way or go quickly so I'm not making someone wait on me too long.
Posted 1/17/23 8:24 AM |
Hope is Contagious....catch it

Member since 5/05 30683 total posts
Name: D
Re: Walking in a parking lot: Do you...???
I always quicken my pace and give a "thank you" wave.
Posted 1/17/23 11:32 AM |