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38 days and still no AF

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Life is good :)

Member since 2/06

1205 total posts


38 days and still no AF

I went off the pill about a month and a half ago. It's been 38 days since my last period...should I worry about being pregnant? I know it takes time to regulate, but it still makes me nervous. I've already taken 2 pregnancy tests and they were both negative. I don't think that I am PG (cause of the neg results and) I don't feel sick or different at all. Should I just be patient?

PS...not that I'm "worried" about being PG really, it's just that we're not TTC for another few months.

Message edited 3/11/2007 4:00:43 PM.

Posted 3/11/07 3:59 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 2/07

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Re: 38 days and still no AF

After I went off the pill, it was 44 days until I got AF. I wouldn't worry...give it about two more weeks (or test next week if you're worried)...and make a dr. appointment if it doesn't work itself out. Good luck!

Posted 3/11/07 4:03 PM

Life is good :)

Member since 2/06

1205 total posts


Re: 38 days and still no AF

Thanks for the reassurance Chat Icon

Chat Icon to you!

Posted 3/11/07 4:18 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/05

9511 total posts


Re: 38 days and still no AF

My cousin has been off the pill for about 6 months now and still no full period..... She is not TTC so it's not as much of a concern for her, but I think this is just your body regulating..... If you go another couple weeks though, I would call the doctor and find out what's going on....

Posted 3/11/07 5:47 PM

love my boys!

Member since 4/06

5648 total posts


Re: 38 days and still no AF

i recently came off the pill as well.....first cycle i went 35 days before AF, now I am around 50 days and no sign of AF (and I tested today and 2 weeks ago, both negative)---but im going to see the gyn very soon to discuss. HTH!

Posted 3/11/07 7:13 PM

LIF Toddler

Member since 10/06

393 total posts


Re: 38 days and still no AF

It took me 66 days to get af when I went off the pill. Hang in there, it will come.

Posted 3/11/07 7:08 PM

<3 <3 <3 <3

Member since 1/06

19197 total posts


Re: 38 days and still no AF

Since I came off the pill:

Cycle 1 - 35 days
Cycle 2 - 88 days Chat Icon
Cycle 3 - 45 days

Posted 3/11/07 9:07 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 1/07

311 total posts


Re: 38 days and still no AF

I went off the pill and never got AF back. I did however get a BFP at the doctors office when I went in to try to figure out why AF had not arrived. DS arrived 41 weeks after I went off the pill!

Good luck!

Posted 3/12/07 7:08 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 9/06

1252 total posts


Re: 38 days and still no AF

I'm only two months off the pill. The first month it took 37 days and this month I'm at 33 so far.

Posted 3/12/07 9:24 AM

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