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September Mommies!!!!

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He has my heart

Member since 12/07

1379 total posts


September Mommies!!!!

Are you getting to the point where I am these days, Its just getting harder to get around lately? Im so uncomfortable lately, can't sleep, can't get off the couch easy anymore. Just everyday things are becoming hassles. Anyone else?

One good side to this is that pretty soon I'll be meeting my little love Chat Icon

Posted 6/29/08 9:25 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Oh Happy Day!!

Member since 11/06

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Re: September Mommies!!!!

It has been harder for me to get up off th couch and bend down. I feel like I have rocks crunching in my belly.

My feet are starting to hurt if I stand/walk for too long. Kinda like I've been walking around Disney world, but I may have only been on my feet for 15-20 minutes.

Sleeping isn't too bad..yet. I keep my fingers crossed that Chat Icon and my body will let me sleep for as long as possible.

Fingers have gotta slightly swollen. Can't wear my wedding band anymore and had to buy a fakie from Kohls. My feet don't look swollen, but sometimes they feel swollen.

I am also getting tired towards the end of the day/early evening. I want to crash in bed around 9pm when I used to stay up till 11:30pm. I am almost always asleep before DH..which never happened before.

Posted 6/29/08 9:31 PM

s'il vous plaît

Member since 6/07

42079 total posts


Re: September Mommies!!!!

i am definitely feeling slower these days. i cannot bend over to save my life. i have a very hard time getting down onto the floor and up again. and my feet and lower back start to hurt a LOT if i stand or walk too long.

so if i sit still and eat ice cream i am fine Chat Icon

Posted 6/29/08 9:43 PM

He has my heart

Member since 12/07

1379 total posts


Re: September Mommies!!!!

Posted by headoverheels

i am definitely feeling slower these days. i cannot bend over to save my life. i have a very hard time getting down onto the floor and up again. and my feet and lower back start to hurt a LOT if i stand or walk too long.

so if i sit still and eat ice cream i am fine Chat Icon

I forgot to add that, Cannot bend over or get up off the floor AT ALL.

I have never eaten so much ice cream in my entire life!!!! Chat Icon

Posted 6/29/08 9:57 PM

My Happy Girl

Member since 7/06

8198 total posts


Re: September Mommies!!!!

oh yeah...def moving a lot slower these days!
Climbing my stairs is horrible...I wheeze like crazy.
Getting up and down off the couch is hard...and sleeping can be uncomfortable some nights mainly b/c Chat Icon is sitting so low.

Posted 6/29/08 10:59 PM

Love to Bake!

Member since 7/06

27915 total posts


Re: September Mommies!!!!

I am SO with you!!!!! It's getting more uncomfortable now for sure.

1) Tying my shoes has become an Olympic event complete with sweating and shear exhaustion following the whole event!! Chat Icon Chat Icon

2) Finding a comfortable position to sleep is an adventure and by the time I finally get settled one of two things happen.......I either have to pee AGAIN or my hip goes numb!!

3) Getting off the couch is just plain not fun!!

4) The lack of energy and stamina is annoying.....I just can't do as much or go as long as I use to and it gets frustrating. My mind is going a 100 miles a minute but my body just can't keep up anymore.

5) My pelvis hurts, my ankles swell, the baby loves to sit on my bladder.......I can go on forever!!! Chat Icon Chat Icon

BUT.......despite ALL my complaining and discomfort I wouldn't change a single thing and somehow whenever that baby starts moving around it makes all that other stuff just a little more tolerable. But that being said, I am ready for September to get here!! Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 6/29/08 11:29 PM

My Girl

Member since 7/06

3395 total posts


Re: September Mommies!!!!

YEEEEESSSS!!! I broke down and cried today. I don't know how I am going to do this for another 11 weeks.

I am huuuuuuuge and soo uncomfortable. I am also getting terrible headaches and leg pain.

We took DD to the town pool today and I didn't even last an hour. I feel like I can't do anything unless it is inside and air conditioned. My poor little girl has to deal with a cranky Mommy who is absolutely no fun at all. I already feel guilty, forget about when Chat Icon comes!!

Sleep, forget it! If I am lucky, I sleep about 4 hours a night, but I have to go to the bathroom at least every 45 minutes to an hour!

Message edited 6/29/2008 11:50:08 PM.

Posted 6/29/08 11:47 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 5/07

305 total posts


Re: September Mommies!!!!

I'm glad I am not the only one....if I am not in air conditioning, I am one cranky mommy!! Getting up & down from bed requires rolling over, or FH lauighing and helping. Oh the fun!!

Posted 6/30/08 11:24 AM

Love my boys

Member since 2/08

8766 total posts

Mrs Dee

Re: September Mommies!!!!

I can't get up; can't bend down...
I haven't seen my woo-hoo in weeks Chat Icon
I am up 100 times a night
I cannot get comfortable to save my life any time of day or night
My feet feel like I am standing on sharp rocks of I am standing for more than 1/2 hr.
Headaches are staring to come back full force
The mood swings are getting so that DH is scared of me
But I LOVE every minute of itChat Icon

Message edited 6/30/2008 1:24:40 PM.

Posted 6/30/08 1:23 PM

LIF Zygote

Member since 1/08

19 total posts


Re: September Mommies!!!!

So glad to know I am not the only one who cannot bend over anymore lol. So much for picking up DS's toys, I just kick them into a pile and wait for Daddy to pick the up :)
Also very, very tired. I do not remember being this tired w. DS, I am totally shot by 3p but cannot fall asleep until 12a. So weird, its like I get a second wind at 10p.

Posted 6/30/08 11:28 PM

Our family

Member since 5/05

2272 total posts


Re: September Mommies!!!!

My biggest complaint at the moment is the tingling in my hands, especially in the morning... I am still pretty comfortable moving around and getting up- luckily!!!

Posted 7/1/08 8:40 PM

Train Ride

Member since 5/05

3127 total posts


Re: September Mommies!!!!

Sleeping is my biggest issue - can't get comfy!!! I get up about 2-4 times a night to pee.

I'm moving around OK, (I have to chase after my son so I have no choice but to move) but this past week I have noticed I'm moving slower.

Since Sunday I have been having Braxton and Hicks

My next appointment is at 31 weeks (next week) but I'm not sure If I get a growth sono or not - I hope so!!!!!

I need to go find a dress for a wedding - I'll be 8 months for the wedding, should be fun!!!

Message edited 7/2/2008 8:11:15 AM.

Posted 7/2/08 8:10 AM

Love my family

Member since 6/06

4546 total posts


Re: September Mommies!!!!

I am so glad someone feels like me. Up unitl a few days ago I had so much energy. Now forget it. I am so tired by the end of the day. Plus I have DS to take care of in the evenings.


2. My ankles and feet hurt more

3. I am always hot

4. turning over to another side while sleeping just plain hurts

5. I have to pee if i take a sip of any liquid

6. I am moving slower and get out of breath faster

Posted 7/2/08 8:53 AM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 10/06

891 total posts


Re: September Mommies!!!!

I'm still ok walking around, but not for too long.

I have no balance though and bump into everything.

I can't really bend over or get up from the floor or couch. DH has to push me out of bed in the morning.

Sleeping is hit or miss.

But, I love being pregnant. Everytime I feel Chat Icon kick I smile and it makes everything all worth it.

Hope you all have a great 4th of July weekend! Keep your fingers crossed for me that I won't be stuck at work!

Posted 7/2/08 10:03 AM

Come on in

Member since 5/05

9674 total posts


Re: September Mommies!!!!

I definately can't bend down or get off the couch. Getting out of bed I need a push otherwise I am just stuck there.

Takes me forever to do anything because I move so slow. I walk into everything. Don't know when the last time I saw my feet was. Not sure if I need a pedicure Chat Icon I think I do Chat Icon

DH has to help me shave my legs because that is a challenge to do.

Getting in and out of the car even seems to be a challenge.

10 more weeks to go Chat Icon

Posted 7/2/08 10:16 AM

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