But I have all the signs of AF..really sore boobs, emotional, crampy..although they started a bit earlier than usual. I tested twice (9DPO and 10DPO) and both negative.
But I have all the signs of AF..really sore boobs, emotional, crampy..although they started a bit earlier than usual. I tested twice (9DPO and 10DPO) and both negative.
I just have a feeling its not our month...
Good luck to everyone!!!
still early when you tested!! dont count yourself out!
okay - so i know you are all loving that i'm trying to figure out my O date without temping/opk's (which i did because we were on our honeymoon and i just wanted a break & we had our RE appointment when we got back).....HA!!!!
Based on today's NO MOISTURE AT ALL.....i'm going with: 2DPO & here is why...
LOTS OF EWCM on Thursday - like LOTS & LOTS Friday - SOME ewcm - not tons - but plenty... Today - Saturday - DRY as a bone!