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Carson's Mama

Member since 2/08 2430 total posts
Name: Elisabeth
Ready to RUMBLE after m/c??
I don't know what is going on... after 4 months of not wanting sex at all, I have had sex everyday since my D&C I can't help it! I want sex all the time! Sometimes it's twice a day but the urge isn't going away...
Anyone else?
Posted 9/18/08 5:01 PM |
Baby Girl on the way!

Member since 1/08 2186 total posts
Name: Jackie
Re: Ready to RUMBLE after m/c??
i had the same feelings after my d&c and from what i heard its normal because all your hormones are out of control
Posted 9/18/08 8:18 PM |
enjoying every minute

Member since 12/07 3881 total posts
Re: Ready to RUMBLE after m/c??
my libido definately kicked up for months after D/C - husband was loving it!
It fell back down, I wish it hadn't.
definately hormones...enjoy the nookie
question - your doctor didnt tell you to abstain for 2 weeks ? Mine did.
Message edited 9/18/2008 8:27:41 PM.
Posted 9/18/08 8:26 PM |
Maybe this time?
Member since 7/07 1761 total posts
Re: Ready to RUMBLE after m/c??
i've had the OPPOSITE. Since my m/cI have ZERO desire to do anything having to do with sex. None. I don't even want to take my clothes off. My dr. said no sex for 3 weeks. Thank goodness he said that b/c I have no interest whatsoever. 3 weeks is next week....I hope my feelings change.
Posted 9/18/08 9:40 PM |

Member since 1/08 12702 total posts
Name: Jen
Re: Ready to RUMBLE after m/c??
It had the same effect on me. DH was shocked that I wanted nookie only a few days later.
I wasn't told to abstain..
Posted 9/19/08 8:51 AM |
LIF O2 Vendor

Member since 12/07 16202 total posts
Name: Deanna
Re: Ready to RUMBLE after m/c??
YUP.... my hormones were out of control and it led to lots of BDing
Posted 9/19/08 10:03 AM |
Carson's Mama

Member since 2/08 2430 total posts
Name: Elisabeth
Re: Ready to RUMBLE after m/c??
He said to absain for a week but that just wasn't going to happen... when I say out of control, I SERIOUSLY mean it.
It's cooling down now but WHOA!!
Posted 9/19/08 1:29 PM |
They get so big, so fast :(

Member since 5/05 13848 total posts
Name: Christine
Re: Ready to RUMBLE after m/c??
This led to my DD being conceived a month later
Posted 9/19/08 2:21 PM |
I'll be there soon!

Member since 1/08 6549 total posts
Name: Patty
Re: Ready to RUMBLE after m/c??
Happened to me too, and it was fun, especially b/c it wasn't working towards something, it was just for the fun of it!
Posted 9/19/08 7:01 PM |
LIF Adolescent

Member since 6/08 647 total posts
Name: I'm waiting for you to come back to me
Re: Ready to RUMBLE after m/c??
Crazy how that happens right? It's like your a horn-dog! I just enjoyed it until the urge went away. DH was raring to go one night and I just looked at him and was like- i'm not in the mood. He threw his hands up in the air and walked out of the bedroom. I could swear I heard some sobbing from the next room!
Posted 9/20/08 4:37 PM |