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Maternity Clothes...

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Carson's Mama

Member since 2/08

2430 total posts


Maternity Clothes...

I ordered some maternirty fall clothes from and they came today. I totally forgot about them until I opened the bag. This is depressing. Chat Icon

Posted 9/24/08 3:49 PM


Member since 5/05

34581 total posts


Re: Maternity Clothes...

Posted by Lizzy

I ordered some maternirty fall clothes from and they came today. I totally forgot about them until I opened the bag. This is depressing. Chat Icon

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My Mom just bought me a bunch of stuff last weekend and they are just haning in my closet and I got a huge box on Monday from a great LIF'er which is sitting unopened in my foyer.

It suckss. Im scared toopen my closet door.

As this was not my first Pg I started needing maternity stuff almost 4 weeks ago. It feels weird now and I wish someone would come clean my closet out for me Chat Icon

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Posted 9/24/08 3:54 PM

My Life. My Everything.

Member since 10/07

9151 total posts


Re: Maternity Clothes...

Posted by Lizzy

I ordered some maternirty fall clothes from and they came today. I totally forgot about them until I opened the bag. This is depressing. Chat Icon

I am so sorry Lizzy. Just take the bag and put it in the closet where your mom put your other things so you will have them when you become pregnant again Chat Icon

Posted 9/24/08 4:09 PM

enjoying every minute

Member since 12/07

3881 total posts


Re: Maternity Clothes...

I'm so sorry.

I say return them! get them out of the house. one less thing in the house to remind you. see if your mom/husband can return them if you aren't up to it.

you can buy new clothes with the new pregnancy.

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Posted 9/24/08 4:57 PM

Sugar & Spice

Member since 7/08

1351 total posts


Re: Maternity Clothes...

I'm so sorry.Chat Icon That happened to me back in July with Yoga for Pregnancy. I had ordered it off Amazon, and by the time it came I didn't need it anymore.

Worst feeling ever. Just stick it in the back of your closet because you WILL need them again.Chat Icon

Posted 9/24/08 5:40 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 8/07

533 total posts


Re: Maternity Clothes...

Oh god, that is a terrible feeling. When that happened to me, I had my sister return all the stuff for me.

Is there anyone who can do it for you???

Posted 9/24/08 9:55 PM

LIF O2 Vendor

Member since 12/07

16202 total posts


Re: Maternity Clothes...

i am so sorry Lizzy... i know that must be so hard.. i had to deal with the same thing..and i just had to gather myself together ... i finally took ALL of my clothes, baby things.. etc... to my parents house.. i just couldnt have it in my house any longer..

Posted 9/25/08 10:39 AM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 1/08

838 total posts


Re: Maternity Clothes...

I know its hard. I am sorry. My mom ordered me something that arrived the day after my 1st m/c. She felt horrible. I just packed it up and put it away. Next pregnancy nothing was bought until after first trimester.

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Posted 9/25/08 10:55 AM

Maybe this time?

Member since 7/07

1761 total posts


Re: Maternity Clothes...

oh...I'm so sorry. Chat Icon

The only advice that I have for you is to put them back in the box, slap on the return label, and get them OUT OF THE HOUSE.

I recommend going shopping again. I think in this situation, a new peice of jewelry is necessary.

Posted 9/25/08 12:04 PM

Sour Girl

Member since 3/08

5271 total posts


Re: Maternity Clothes...

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Posted 9/26/08 4:04 PM

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