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Every time I feed my 10mo old in the high chair (solid foods) I have to play with him to get him to eat! Is this my fault?

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LIF Adult

Member since 11/05

9644 total posts


Every time I feed my 10mo old in the high chair (solid foods) I have to play with him to get him to eat! Is this my fault?

Have I created a really bad situation or is this normal? First, its a fight to get him to sit in the high chair - I have to bribe him with a toy. Then, the entire time he is eating he has to be distracted - I read him stories while feeding him or give him blocks or pots and pans to play with. If he doesn't have a toy or if his toy falls on the floor, he will shut his mouth and push the spoon away with his hand - or he will spit the food out! As long as i am "playing" with him he will eat like a champ - I am worried in the beginning when he was a fussy eater and I played with him to help him eat I have now created this situation! Please help! TIA!

Posted 7/3/08 10:24 AM
Long Island Weddings
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LIF Adult

Member since 11/05

1977 total posts


Re: Every time I feed my 10mo old in the high chair (solid foods) I have to play with him to get him to eat! Is this my fault?

Sounds normal to me. try giving him another spoon to hold while you feed him.

Posted 7/3/08 11:04 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 11/05

9644 total posts


Re: Every time I feed my 10mo old in the high chair (solid foods) I have to play with him to get him to eat! Is this my fault?

Posted by LInative

Sounds normal to me. try giving him another spoon to hold while you feed him.

Thank you! I have tried that and at first, it worked - now a spoon is not enough - he needs ten spoons Chat Icon

Posted 7/3/08 1:50 PM

Growing up fast!

Member since 4/07

12683 total posts


Re: Every time I feed my 10mo old in the high chair (solid foods) I have to play with him to get him to eat! Is this my fault?

It's a whole horse & Pony show with my DD too & she's almost 22 months old.Chat Icon From having the TV on, to coloring, playing play dough, reading books....we do it all while eating.

Posted 7/3/08 1:58 PM

LIF Zygote

Member since 8/08

12 total posts


Re: Every time I feed my 10mo old in the high chair (solid foods) I have to play with him to get him to eat! Is this my fault?

I am sorry to say I created a monster. I have a fussy eater still at 5!!!!Chat Icon
I only have myself to blame. About a year or 2 ago I stopped the toys at the table. It only distracted him more. Sometimes meals are agony.....
If anything stop the "dinner show" now. Nip it in the bud - If your child doesn't eat, they will eat when their hungry. They say they won't starve...
I know easier said then done. Plus I don't want to be Burger King "Have it your way" I just want my kids to eat healthy and not starve. As you can see I'm not taking MY advice Chat Icon
Good luck

Posted 10/7/08 12:26 AM

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