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feeling down **UPDATE**

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Goals w/o plans r just wishes

Member since 6/09

2585 total posts


Re: feeling down

Posted by Lisa982006

How are you feeling today? Chat Icon

a little better. I mean, the cramps only lasted that one day (monday), but I'm still bleeding like a regular period. It hasn't eased up. And I'm still getting clots in it. I went this morning to get the second blood test so I'll find out tomorrow morning (hopefully later today though).

I hope it just goes one way or another tho - nothing in between. I can't keep doing these blood tests and going through all of this. I just want it to pass. I really really doubt that I'd need a D&C because it was so early. I'm sure it'll pass on it's own. So I'm just waiting for it to be over now. Chat Icon

Thanks for asking.

Posted 9/16/09 12:55 PM

Mommy of 2! Ty God

Member since 9/06

3107 total posts


Re: feeling down

Posted by Ever-After

Posted by Lisa982006

How are you feeling today? Chat Icon

a little better. I mean, the cramps only lasted that one day (monday), but I'm still bleeding like a regular period. It hasn't eased up. And I'm still getting clots in it. I went this morning to get the second blood test so I'll find out tomorrow morning (hopefully later today though).

I hope it just goes one way or another tho - nothing in between. I can't keep doing these blood tests and going through all of this. I just want it to pass. I really really doubt that I'd need a D&C because it was so early. I'm sure it'll pass on it's own. So I'm just waiting for it to be over now. Chat Icon

Thanks for asking.

Seriously, I am so, so sorry. I think it will go quick for you since it was very early and you wont need a d&c (I know that doesnt ease the pain because I think we all fall in love as soon as we see that BFP) Chat Icon

Honestly, if it was going to happen, this was the best way. Im not down playing your pain so please, please dont take it that way. Im just saying that at least it will be over quick and you can start trying again right away. I wish mine happened that way. Chat Icon Going for sono after sono hoping and praying to ultimately have to have a d&c really takes a lot out of you. PLus the recovery is much longer and waiting to get back to normal and start trying again is TORTURE.

I know you are heartbroken and of course I dont blame you. I know the pain is the same for every woman regardless of what stage the m/c happened in.

If you need to talk, Im here Chat Icon

Posted 9/16/09 1:08 PM

Goals w/o plans r just wishes

Member since 6/09

2585 total posts


Re: feeling down

Posted by Lisa982006

Seriously, I am so, so sorry. I think it will go quick for you since it was very early and you wont need a d&c (I know that doesnt ease the pain because I think we all fall in love as soon as we see that BFP) Chat Icon

Honestly, if it was going to happen, this was the best way. Im not down playing your pain so please, please dont take it that way. Im just saying that at least it will be over quick and you can start trying again right away. I wish mine happened that way. Chat Icon Going for sono after sono hoping and praying to ultimately have to have a d&c really takes a lot out of you. PLus the recovery is much longer and waiting to get back to normal and start trying again is TORTURE.

I know you are heartbroken and of course I dont blame you. I know the pain is the same for every woman regardless of what stage the m/c happened in.

If you need to talk, Im here Chat Icon

Thank you. That is exactly true. If this was going to happen, I truly do thank God that it happened like this. Of course I loved this child from the moment of conception, the only reason that this hurts so badly. But I'm glad that it didn't actually begin to 'develop' yet. I'm so grateful that I hadn't heard it's heart or seen it's picture. I'm glad that I didn't have the chance to REALLY get 'attached' as I would have been after that first visit at 8 wks. So there is that.

And I'm glad as well that it was early enough for me to pass it on my own. I'll ask my doctor when I hear from her, but I am almost certain that I should be able to do this. My body has a record of healing quick, so I do hope and pray that I'll be able to get right back into my cycle soon enough and not let this linger any longer than necessary.

But yes, it still hurts no matter WHEN the m/c took place.

I just need to get those results and move on. Thanks for being here for me through this Chat Icon You're such a good person.

Posted 9/16/09 1:56 PM


Member since 8/08

1688 total posts


Re: feeling down

I hope you get your blood test results soon and get through this as peacefully as possible. It truly s*cks to go through this, as all of us on this board know. It will hurt for a while, but know that you will get through it and the heartache will subside. We're all here for you Chat Icon

Posted 9/16/09 2:22 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 2/09

113 total posts


Re: feeling down

I promise you that the pain does start subsiding. It's amazing that even after knowing we're pregnant for such a brief time, what a huge loss we feel. I think that once I had my second doctor's appt, a week after my MC, and knew that my numbers were down to zero, I felt closure and was able to think about TTC in the future. My doctor advised me to wait two months, even though I didn't need a D&C, and I'm glad that we did, b/c it was time to heal emotionally and focus my energies elsewhere for awhile.

Once in awhile, I will think, "I would have been x months pregnant if I hadn't miscarried," and will feel sad, but it isn't as sharp, and is much more fleeting.

I hope that you heal quickly and are able to move forward with TTC before long. Chat Icon

Posted 9/16/09 3:21 PM

Goals w/o plans r just wishes

Member since 6/09

2585 total posts


Re: feeling down


First off - I just want to send out a very sincere THANK YOU to each and every one of you for your very kind and thoughtful words. I am not lying when I say that it is YOU guys who have helped get me through his horribly rough time.

I called my doctor and the results came back negative - my numbers went down, as I expected. Surprisingly I took the news much better than I thought I would. It was the first time since Monday that I did not break down into a fit of tears. So I think that shows that the healing process has begun and I WILL be okay. Chat Icon

I have an appointment with her in a couple weeks and she said that she wants to do another pregnancy test then, because she's still not 100% sure, but I am. I'm just ready to move on with this and get my body back to where it needs to be so that hopefully me & dh will be back to TTC in only a couple short months.

She did say that I would only need to wait one cycle and that she sees no reason that this would ever happen again. That was certainly encouraging to hear.

She never said anything about D&Cs so I'm assuming that's because it's so early, it'll be fine for me to pass on my own. I may have already done so - who knows. I hope that by my next appointment everything is good.

So thank you again for being here for me. I know I've said it before, but it certainly bares repeating. You are all such wonderful women and I have so much respect for each and every one of you. Your support these past few days has been unbelievable and I do appreciate it. I don't know how i would have gotten through without you.

I look forward to talking to you more as this healing process continues. God knows that it'll take time. And I'm glad that I have people to talk things out with who understand and can relate in a way that nobody else can Chat Icon

Posted 9/16/09 6:45 PM

Mommy of 2! Ty God

Member since 9/06

3107 total posts


Re: feeling down **UPDATE**

Im very proud of you for handling that doctors call with such strength Chat Icon You may still find yourself getting upset from time to time and that is totally normal. You will be OK. Whenever you feel sad or angry, just post on here. Im telling you it really makes you feel better.

Im a ittle confused why your doctor told you she wants to do another pregnancy test in a few weeks Chat Icon I would think by then you will have gone back to normal and would be trying again. Does she think this pregnancy might still be viable? Im only asking because I would hate for you to be in limbo for the next few weeks.

Posted 9/16/09 7:00 PM


Member since 7/07

1384 total posts


Re: feeling down **UPDATE**

I am glad to hear you are holding it together. We are here for you, whenever you need us.Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 9/16/09 7:12 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 4/09

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Re: feeling down **UPDATE**

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Posted 9/16/09 7:24 PM


Member since 8/08

1688 total posts


Re: feeling down **UPDATE**

Chat Icon Chat Icon I'm glad you feel that you are beginning to heal. Unfortunately we all know how this feels and what you are going through. Don't hesitate to reach out! You'll get through this.

Posted 9/16/09 7:50 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 2/09

113 total posts


Re: feeling down **UPDATE**

I'm so sorry about your loss. Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Please don't hesitate to reach out if you feel like talking. It really sucks that we all have to be on this board, but it's nice to have the support of other women who really understand what we're going through.

May the healing continue, and may we all have our time soon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 9/16/09 8:33 PM

Goals w/o plans r just wishes

Member since 6/09

2585 total posts


Re: feeling down **UPDATE**

Posted by Lisa982006

Im a ittle confused why your doctor told you she wants to do another pregnancy test in a few weeks Chat Icon I would think by then you will have gone back to normal and would be trying again. Does she think this pregnancy might still be viable? Im only asking because I would hate for you to be in limbo for the next few weeks.

well she was saying that the numbers went down, but not all the way to 0 where it should be I suppose. So I think just to be safe, she wants to do one more and double check. She might just do another blood test because she did mention that tumors can sometimes affect the HCG count and be mistaken for pregnancy - so I'm sure she just wants to make sure that it's nothing like that, which I'm positive that it's not.

Posted 9/16/09 8:51 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 4/09

3923 total posts


Re: feeling down **UPDATE**

Posted by Ever-After

well she was saying that the numbers went down, but not all the way to 0 where it should be I suppose. So I think just to be safe, she wants to do one more and double check. She might just do another blood test because she did mention that tumors can sometimes affect the HCG count and be mistaken for pregnancy - so I'm sure she just wants to make sure that it's nothing like that, which I'm positive that it's not.

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon
It might take a while to get back down to zero. It's good that she doesn't want to see you for a few weeks...mine made me come back every few days at first, and then once a week to make sure the numbers were going down. It was torture obsessing over when it would go back to zero.

Posted 9/16/09 10:05 PM

Time flies!

Member since 1/06

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Re: feeling down **UPDATE**

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Posted 9/16/09 11:08 PM

Goals w/o plans r just wishes

Member since 6/09

2585 total posts


Re: feeling down **UPDATE**

Posted by jerseychick

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It might take a while to get back down to zero. It's good that she doesn't want to see you for a few weeks...mine made me come back every few days at first, and then once a week to make sure the numbers were going down. It was torture obsessing over when it would go back to zero.

yes, that's exactly what I was afraid of. I just cannot be going back and forth taking blood tests. Ugh. And since she never got to actually check to see if I was pregnant to begin with (since i hadn't made it to my first 8 wk appt) she just wants to make sure that I was in fact pregnant and that it was nothing else dangerous that was causing the high HCG. However, I know that i was most definitely pregnant. Nothing else would explain the fact that I was over a week late (that never ever happens) and the fact that my boobs were sooo soar (which I never felt before this). So I know that i was pregnant for those few weeks, but I do appreciate that she wants to check and make sure. I think that's the right thing to do. And I'm sooo glad that she doesn't need me to come in more than just my one appointment.

Already I can feel the bleeding slowing down as well - so hopefully my body's taking care of itself and I'll be back to my normal cycle again in no time Chat Icon

Posted 9/16/09 11:57 PM

Jack's gonna be a big brother!

Member since 11/08

7769 total posts


Re: feeling down **UPDATE**

i'm so sorry that things ended up going this way. listen to your body and just take it day by day! If you need anything at all, please FM me! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 9/17/09 7:19 AM

LIF Toddler

Member since 7/09

406 total posts


Re: feeling down **UPDATE**

I'm so sorry that your numbers went down but I admire your strength! This is such a difficult time and you seem on the right track to the healing process. Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 9/17/09 8:52 AM

We have our miracle!

Member since 8/08

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Re: feeling down **UPDATE**

Hang in there! Someday you will have a precious little baby and all this will be but a memory. Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 9/17/09 9:17 AM

Ava Rose you are an angel!!!

Member since 3/09

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Re: feeling down **UPDATE**

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So sorry to hear. I think every day you will heal a little more. I am glad u were feeling a little better.

I was thinking of u.

Posted 9/17/09 4:40 PM
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