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Member since 8/05 8377 total posts
Name: Team SEXY BACK
Some of you may recall that my baby had been breech for quite a while. We had originally gone into the hospital on June 7th to have a scheduled c-section. We went in and to our surpise the baby had flipped head down so we were then told to wait for the baby to come on his own.
At 41 weeks and 3 days we were scheduled to go into the hospital for an induction. The plan was to start with cervadil for 12 hours to start softening the cervix before being given pitocin which helps induce contractions. The midwives are very into things happening as natural as possible even for an induction. I didn't get my first round of cervadil until about 9pm. The first round didn't help too much and it had only softened about 50% so they gave me another round at 1pm on Thursday. They were going to move me at 1am to labor and delivery to start my pitocin on Friday but there were no rooms available they were completely booked and I wasn't in active labor so I wasn't a priority. Around 7 am we moved up to L&D and they started me on the pitocin. They also put a balloon in my cervix to mechanically force the cervix to open up. Pitocin is given at a level of 1-20 through the IV and they started me at a 1 and moved it very slowly. I started having contractions immediately but they were extremely painful because of the balloon. They slowly moved up the pitocin but the baby wasn't responding very well.
At one point (i can't remember when) they had me on a level 6. The baby's heart rate was dangerously low and like 10 people rushed into the room. They made me move around in bed to see if maybe the cord was compressed and had me on oxygen. Eventually it came back up but the midwife advised me that had it not gone up I would've had an emergency C and DH would not be able to be there. They would have to move me out and get me into that OR and the baby out ASAP. This upset us so much and we were both crying and scared. They turned the pitocin off and started me again from a level 1. My contractions were still going at this point and getting more painful so it was encouraging that my body was responding but I still wasn't dilating because when they pulled the balloon it was still stuck in my cervix (it is supposed to come out easily once you are 3-4 cm dilated). My parents came to the hospital and wouldn't leave because they were so worried. The nurse let them come in and I honestly hated having them there because my contractions were really bad and about a minute apart and everytime I had them they looked at me with a face like I was dying. You can just imagine! At this point contractions were getting very intense and coming very often and since I STILL wasn't dilated at that point (or so they told me). I opted to get an epi because I was exhausted and there was no way I could keep this up until 20 with the pitocin going. It had been almost two full days with very little sleep and I was so drained. They had an emergency C going on so by the time the anesthesiologist came I was puking and having VERY active labor. Screaming, cursing, shaking the bed rails. It was great. They FINALLY gave me the epi and when the midwife checked me I was 5 cm and I was shocked! They thought I hadn't been progressing at all but things finally started looking up. Unfortunately though my contractions were affected by the epi and they had a very weird pattern to them and again they were playing around with the pitocin level because the baby's heart rate would drop down pretty badly during my contractions. They never went above a 4. After a couple of hours the midwife came in and said she was going to remove me from the belly monitor, break my water to try and get things going and put a fetal monitor on the scalp of the baby to be sure it is really his heart rate and not mine they are seeing. She checked me, my water broke but it had meconium in it and we were so suprirsed to hear I was 9 cm dilated!!! However, the baby's heart rate sounded so bad at that point - we were so incredibly scared. Again a whole team of people came in, I was on oxygen, they had me on all fours trying to get his heart rate up but they made the call because it was so low. I had an emergency C after 28 hours of cervadil and 12 hours of labor. At that point all we cared about was getting him out. They had me in there immediately. Luckily I had the epi going so the anesthesia was easy for them to start up. They prepped me and DH and had him wait until I was ready to go before they let him in. Within 10 minutes Dylan was born and the sound of his cry for the first time was the most wonderful sound I have ever heard in my life. We were both balling and so happy that he seemed okay and that this was all over with. He was 12 days late and I honestly don't think this kid was ever going to come out on his own. He was born at 8:42 at 8 lbs and 4 oz. 
My recovery from the C has been really great - I feel so lucky! I only have had to take some motrin but otherwise I am now walking around feel wonderful. Baby is doing fantastic and is totally healthy. We couldn't be happier with how things turned out. It would've been nice if things went more smoothly but we gave him time to come on his own, did the induction slowly and tried a vaginal birth. Now that it is all over it is like it never even happened. DH has been absolutely amazing . He stayed with me in the hospital every night and did an incredible job - he took such good care of the both of us. I had no doubt that he would ever be this incredible but just seeing him with Dylan and how natural he is is so overwhelming. I am in love all over again. Nursing is going really well too. He latches on like a champ. He seems to have a good appetite like his mommy and daddy 
Message edited 2/16/2011 1:47:06 PM.
Posted 6/29/10 8:17 AM |

Member since 11/08 10586 total posts
Name: Formally NYPD-Wife
Re: Dylan Archer - 06.25.10
Wow what a story, thanks for sharing Azad! Yayy your a mommy congrats to you and your family!!!
Posted 6/29/10 10:46 AM |
big brother <3

Member since 5/05 14672 total posts
Name: Me
Re: Dylan Archer - 06.25.10
Congrats, Azad! Dylan is beautiful and you look AMAZING, esp. after that many hours of labor!
Posted 6/29/10 11:13 AM |

Member since 5/05 20997 total posts
Name: Mommy
Re: Dylan Archer - 06.25.10
You had an amazing birth story and it was so nice of you to share that with us. You are strong!
Dylan is absolutely beautiful and I cant get over how wonderful you looked as well!
All the best with your gorgeous little one! He is truly precious and such a blessing!
Posted 6/29/10 11:30 AM |
Family of 4! :o)

Member since 8/06 6655 total posts
Name: Theresa
Re: Dylan Archer - 06.25.10
Awww! I am in tears reading your story!! Dylan is absolutely gorgeous and YOU look fabulous!!! Congratulations to you and your wonderful DH. Can't wait to see more pics!
Posted 6/29/10 11:42 AM |
I'm a Big Brother

Member since 5/06 8041 total posts
Name: D
Re: Dylan Archer - 06.25.10
wow, what a journey
So happy for you & Ray
Dylan is sheer perfection
And you look fabulous my friend
Can't wait to get our boys together....just a month or so
Posted 6/29/10 11:45 AM |
LIF Adult

Member since 2/10 1819 total posts
Name: T
Re: Dylan Archer - 06.25.10
He is beautiful!
What an amazing story, it had me in tears!!!
Enjoy being a mommy!
Posted 6/29/10 12:01 PM |
She's here :)

Member since 4/07 3238 total posts
Name: Mrs. Yank
Re: Dylan Archer - 06.25.10
Beautiful!!!!!!! Congratulations
Posted 6/29/10 9:19 PM |
My Loves!

Member since 5/05 46292 total posts
Re: Dylan Archer - 06.25.10
Wow what a story! Congratulations on your beautiful boy.
Posted 6/29/10 11:02 PM |
Back to school

Member since 4/07 1385 total posts
Name: Irene
Re: Dylan Archer - 06.25.10
Azad, he is adorable and can't believe the birth story. Well Dylan is here and well worth it. How long till your back in your running shoes. LOL Congrats again to you, DH on your beautiful son
Posted 7/2/10 9:13 PM |
Member since 8/05 8377 total posts
Name: Team SEXY BACK
Re: Dylan Archer - 06.25.10
Posted by Ik1
Azad, he is adorable and can't believe the birth story. Well Dylan is here and well worth it. How long till your back in your running shoes. LOL Congrats again to you, DH on your beautiful son
Thanks ladies!!!
T minus 5 weeks and I CAN'T WAIT!!!
Posted 7/3/10 8:34 AM |

Member since 5/05 15167 total posts
Name: Tracy
Re: Dylan Archer - 06.25.10
Congratulations!! I was thinking of you today! So glad to hear everything turned out well! Dylan is beautiful!!
Posted 7/6/10 4:33 PM |

Member since 9/09 4628 total posts
Name: Kristin
Re: Dylan Archer - 06.25.10
What a story! Congrats on your new little boy!
Posted 7/7/10 11:19 PM |
mom of two!

Member since 5/05 4368 total posts
Name: Jenn
Re: Dylan Archer - 06.25.10
What a story!!! Welcome Dylan
Posted 7/13/10 8:32 AM |