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So in love with my little man!
Member since 6/08 5172 total posts
Name: Mama
AF and milk supply
AF came for the first time yesterday, and my supply took a HUGE hit (I'm 7.5mos PP). It's really bad. I've never had a great supply, but I've always had enough to meet DS's needs. Today I noticed that he wasn't having half the amount of wet diapers that he normally has, and he had one dirty diaper that was a little dry. I felt his soft spot and it's more depressed than normal, so I figured he was getting a little dehydrated. I had to supplement today with frozen BM for the first time I gave him almost 10 ounces total and some water in a sippy. Will my supply return back to normal? Please tell me it will come back in a day or 2!!! I started pumping after every feeding and taking fenugreek and More Milk Plus yesterday before AF came. I'm trying to increase my supply so I could build my freezer stash back up (DS has developed 2 new allergies recently so I can't use any of the 400oz I had frozen ).
And on top of having such little milk, DS has 2 molars coming in. One will probably cut through tonight.
Posted 1/18/11 8:07 PM |
Long Island Weddings
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LIF Toddler

Member since 8/06 425 total posts
Name: me
Re: AF and milk supply
This would happen to me and last about 2 days, 3 the most - I would increase my fluid intake a lot the right before and during my period to help out.
Posted 1/18/11 8:08 PM |
sometimes 1+1= 4 <3
Member since 8/09 3869 total posts
Name: the lucky one
Re: AF and milk supply
it will come back a few days after it leaves. i promise. but your supply will also take a hit during ovaluation as well. sorry honey, but i know your pain.
Posted 1/18/11 8:09 PM |
I am all the Me I will ever Be

Member since 5/06 9746 total posts
Name: She who shall remain nameless
Re: AF and milk supply
It WILL come back. For some it takes 2 or 3 days for others (like myself) AF has to be completely gone.
I got AF when DS was 5 months. My supply dipped so bad. I was hysterical. DS would nurse for an hour when he usually does 5-7 minutes total. I went from pumping full bottles to less than a oz.
I had to give him my freezer stash. AF lasted 8 days. I went through my whole stash. At that time he wasn't even on solids yet.
What I did was take MMP 3x a day, Fenugreek 3 pills 3x a day and Blessed Thistle 3 pills 2x a day. I pumped between feedings (sometimes 2x between feedings) and let DS feed for as long as he wanted on the breast. Then I would give him a bottle of BM.
I know its hard but remember it WILL come back. Try not to get too stressed over it. I was a mess and I think that made things worst. The stress.
Posted 1/18/11 8:35 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 6/08 1228 total posts
Name: Kelly
Re: AF and milk supply
I feel your pain...I am having the same problem . I only pumped about 2 oz at lunch today, and I used to get 5+ oz. Then it dropped to 3-3.5, so it's getting worse. I got AF last month for the first time (8 mos PP), but my supply never really came back to normal. I started Fenugreek over the weekend, but need to do it 3x/day, as opposed to 2, but I also wanted my body to adjust to it. Try oatmeal too, I heard that works. I've been doing that since the weekend as well, but I think AF is coming again, so nothing is working When I nurse him, he's satisfied, but he takes a 5 oz bottle when I am at work and I'm not keeping up. Not sure how long my freezer supply will last...GL!
Posted 1/18/11 9:16 PM |
So in love with my little man!
Member since 6/08 5172 total posts
Name: Mama
Re: AF and milk supply
Posted by kspags
I feel your pain...I am having the same problem . I only pumped about 2 oz at lunch today, and I used to get 5+ oz. Then it dropped to 3-3.5, so it's getting worse. I got AF last month for the first time (8 mos PP), but my supply never really came back to normal. I started Fenugreek over the weekend, but need to do it 3x/day, as opposed to 2, but I also wanted my body to adjust to it. Try oatmeal too, I heard that works. I've been doing that since the weekend as well, but I think AF is coming again, so nothing is working When I nurse him, he's satisfied, but he takes a 5 oz bottle when I am at work and I'm not keeping up. Not sure how long my freezer supply will last...GL!
I take Fenugreek 4 pills 4x/day, that was the only way it ever worked for me. I keep forgetting about the oatmeal, I'm going to makesome right now. GL to you too!!!
Posted 1/18/11 9:22 PM |
LIF Toddler

Member since 1/10 405 total posts
Name: Natalie
Re: AF and milk supply
Dont worry it should increase again. I had the same problem and my supply did come back up slightly (5m pp) but last month (6m pp) it dropped and did not increase again. The Dr. told me with most women it will increase again after a few days, unfortunately for me I had to start supplementing and as of the last few weeks totally stop nursing.
Posted 1/19/11 9:24 AM |