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Living with a Hypothyroid....sorry so long....

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LIF Adolescent

Member since 7/10

777 total posts


Living with a Hypothyroid....sorry so long....

Anyone on here diagnosed with a hypothyroid?
I've always had weight problems. Before having kids I was well over the 200 pound mark. I had lost a significant amount of weight before getting married to DH (down to 135) and when getting pregnant with DD1 I was back up to 176 pounds. By the time she was 2 years old I was at my lightest of around 110 and a size 2 (I'm only 5 feet tall).
I have always had an underactive thyroid which I just figured was my lot in life and that I had to diet and exercise harder than someone else just to see the same results. Which was fine by me until I had DD2. I noticed some changes that prompted me to go see the doctor. She did blood tests and had me go get a sonogram of the thyroid. Blood test came back with levels now just out of normal range and sonogram showed that there is a cyst on the thyroid...which with my past blood test history she thinks has probably been there all along causing my weight problems and the underactive thyroid (I should note that this is a new doctor that I am seeing since we moved from Brooklyn to Long Island so she was unaware of the previous test results until my records were sent over).
I go to see an endocrinologist at the end of the month just to monitor the cyst and make sure its nothing more serious.

My question to those out there living with a hypothyroid....anyone NOT on synthroid or any other kind of meds and have managed to lose weight? Are drugs my only option?? Any dieting or exercise tips? Anyone on thyroid meds with input??
I do a clean eating diet about 90% of the time and have upped my workouts to doing 7 miles of walking/jogging a day (4-5 days a week) and lift weights. This time the weight is just coming off SOOOOOO slowly that its just insane. I've only lost 3 pounds since January 1st and have worked out and dieted harder than I have EVER in my life (and I've been dieting since I'm 16!!!) just to see such lousy results.

Thanks for reading my long post and any advice or information is so GREATLY appreciated!!!

Posted 2/6/11 11:29 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: Living with a Hypothyroid....sorry so long....

Take Synthroid. If you don't, you could damage other parts of the body. The thyroid gland is such a small part of your body but it has to do with so much of your bodily functions.

I have hypothyroid as well. I am 5'3 and currently at 135, size 6. I am this high in weight right now because of the holidays and such. However, with myself watching what I eat and exercise, I am 125 and a size 2/4.

I struggled with this in the beginning of my diagnosis. I was a size 14 almost 16 and was 160 pounds at my highest weight. I gained this weight within a month and didn't know what the hell was going on. Surprise, surprise, it was my thyroid. I was diagnosed in 2004. Got on meds right away. It doesn't just "melt" away the pounds. But it does regulate your body. It took about a year. Then I started working out hardcore. Lost 35 pounds and it was easy to keep it off. Here and there I fluctuate with holidays and stuff like that. But, I am at a point where it's easy to lose weight when I need to, you know?

ETA: I exercise 4-5 days a week. 30 minutes of cardio and 4-5 days a week weight training.

Message edited 2/6/2011 3:20:16 PM.

Posted 2/6/11 3:15 PM

LIF Toddler

Member since 2/09

470 total posts


Re: Living with a Hypothyroid....sorry so long....

If you have a thyroid dz then you definitely need to take synthroid. Once your thyroid is controlled by the medication you should not have to worry about your weight. With that being said you can still gain weight like anyone whose thyroid functions fine due to the way you eat and lack of physical activity.

Posted 2/6/11 3:44 PM

My Girl

Member since 7/06

3395 total posts


Re: Living with a Hypothyroid....sorry so long....

This is not just about your weight. If you truly have an underactive thyroid, you MD should prescribe medication. You can damage yourself if you do not treat it.

Posted 2/6/11 8:12 PM

party of five

Member since 9/06

11343 total posts


Re: Living with a Hypothyroid....sorry so long....

Posted by avamamma

This is not just about your weight. If you truly have an underactive thyroid, you MD should prescribe medication. You can damage yourself if you do not treat it.

i was just diagnosed with this and i agree with PP. I didnt like the idea of being on a "drug" my entire life but it is true that if u dont take care of it then it could lead to other issues

Posted 2/6/11 8:14 PM

Just call me Mommy.

Member since 1/11

5570 total posts


Re: Living with a Hypothyroid....sorry so long....

If you have an under active thyroid you MUST take synthroid or over time you can cause serious heart damage. You should ask you endocrinologist to do a test to determine your basal metabolic rate to see how many calories you are burning per day at rest. If you are currently not losing weight it is because you are eating more calories then your body is burning even with your increase in exercise. Have you considered a diet plan like weight watchers where you have group support? or possibly a nutritionist?
I have a good endocrinologist. Dr. Herson (516) 746-0772.

Posted 2/6/11 8:29 PM


Member since 5/05

16438 total posts


Re: Living with a Hypothyroid....sorry so long....

Hypothyroid doesn't just affect your weight, but various other aspects of your life. I didn't even realize how bad it was until I went on the Synthroid. 3 weeks later, my mood started to stabilize, I felt so much more energetic, my skin started to take on a healthier glow and my hair became less dry. It affects MANY physical aspects of your body. I felt like a new person only a few weeks after going on the medication. Chat Icon

Posted 2/7/11 10:08 AM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 7/10

777 total posts


Re: Living with a Hypothyroid....sorry so long....

Thank you for all the input ladies.
Once I see the endocrinologist i'm sure he will let me know what my next step is. Which, from what I gather, will most likely be taking synthroid and monitoring the cyst.
I know that there are more issues at hand than just the weight and weight loss. But vanity has me focusing on that right now (I know, how shallow...just being honest).

As far as my diet I've never tried a diet like WW...I do track what I eat (obsessively some would say...I measure out and weigh my food at home) and keep to 1300-1600 calories depending on my workouts for that day.
Funny you mention seeing a nutritionist....I was a few classes shy of finishing my degree in nutrition and doing my hours to become a registered dietician (I want to work with overweight children and was even interning at a hospital that had a very good program specifically for this)....but decided to have DD's and be a SAHM....for now.

I will definitely have the endocrinologist test my BMR to see where I am with that (I was going to go to a place where they do the BodPod and have it measured that way).

Again....Thanks to all for your input...LIF really is a wonderful forum to get information and opinions

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ETA Thank you for the number for the endo...I'm going to hold on to the number in case I need another opinion

Message edited 2/7/2011 12:21:45 PM.

Posted 2/7/11 12:19 PM

my little loves

Member since 8/08

18453 total posts


Re: Living with a Hypothyroid....sorry so long....

the medication is not an option if you are diagnosed ... you need it.

Posted 2/7/11 1:53 PM

My family is complete!

Member since 11/08

12970 total posts


Re: Living with a Hypothyroid....sorry so long....

Dr. Herson is the doctor i told you about! That's who Jason goes to and I'm going to see him wednesday. take your meds!

Posted 2/7/11 3:23 PM

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