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Mason's mommy!

Member since 12/09 3623 total posts
Name: Jen
Girls who are planning their next baby
Just curious to know what everyone's thought process is on deciding when to try for their next baby.
Our DS was born 1/27/11, a little more than a month before my 32nd birthday-DH is 35 (turning 36 in a few months)..
We both feel strongly that we want our children to be close in age, and that we'll most likely start trying for #2 when our LO is about 1-1/2 years old.
It's not that we feel rushed, but DH and I really want to be young with our kids...
So I'm just wondering where everyone else is with thinking about/planning for their next LO?
Posted 3/24/11 10:57 AM |
Long Island Weddings
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Baby girl has a baby brother!

Member since 11/09 7155 total posts
Name: Sandra
Re: Girls who are planning their next baby
Posted by Harlow-J
We both feel strongly that we want our children to be close in age, and that we'll most likely start trying for #2 when our LO is about 1-1/2 years old.
DH and I talked about this the other day -- we're thinking exactly the same thing.
DD was born 3 months to the day before my 32nd bday (you can kinda see what we did for my 31st lol) so we'll probably start trying for # 2 when DD is a year or so.
LOL maybe we'll both be back on the PG board together again! 
ETA: I'd rather have a spring baby than a winter baby, though, so maybe we'll wait a few extra months to start trying... we'll see what is going on with DD as we get closer to then.
Message edited 3/24/2011 11:02:55 AM.
Posted 3/24/11 11:01 AM |
Love these munchkins

Member since 10/09 6295 total posts
Name: Bethany
Re: Girls who are planning their next baby
We wanted them close in age also and started to get the "itch" whne DD was about 6 months old. We started trying when she was 7 months thinking it would take some time ....well, it only took one month. We are expecting in June- they will be about 16.5 months apart!!
Posted 3/24/11 11:01 AM |
Love my babies

Member since 10/09 1181 total posts
Name: Sharon
Re: Girls who are planning their next baby
I always wanted them close in age, but now I feel like I want to absorb as much as I can with her now.
I think we want them about 3 yrs apart, so we will start trying around her 2nd birthday.
Posted 3/24/11 11:02 AM |
I couldnt love him more !!!

Member since 1/09 1332 total posts
Name: Danielle
Re: Girls who are planning their next baby
DH and I want our kids close in age but financially things are very tight right now and we dont want to make them worse. originally we would have wanted to starting think about it when DS was 18 months (he will be 17 months next week) but as of right now we have decided to not even discuss it until after his 2nd birthday when we whope things will be better. I still feel that 3 3 1/2 years apart would be good and they can still be close.
Its what ever works best for you and your family.
Posted 3/24/11 11:03 AM |
Baby no. 3 coming soon!

Member since 6/09 5738 total posts
Re: Girls who are planning their next baby
We figure on 2 years apart, but will probably start trying a little before since it took me awhile to get pregnant with DD. I definitely don't want to rush it and enjoy every moment of DD alone, but DH is already talking about number 2, which surprises me. Besides being obsessed with his little girl, he also thinks it might be better for me to have our kids close together, so I could go back to my in-office career (I just went freelance) in a few years if I want to.
Posted 3/24/11 11:05 AM |
Love my crazy life!

Member since 1/10 9170 total posts
Re: Girls who are planning their next baby
We would LOVE another baby. But with the rough pregnancy I had with bedrest etc I don't think we could afford for me to be out of work again like that. For now I am just thanking god everyday for my LO's and being very careful Down the road things may change but for now that is our plan.
Posted 3/24/11 11:12 AM |
Stalkers, get a life.

Member since 11/07 12820 total posts
Re: Girls who are planning their next baby
We haven't decided for sure when to start TTC our second child. We wanted them sort of close (like 2 years apart or so), but aren't set 100% on that - it's kinda scary, lol. We were discussing trying the "whatever happens, happens" approach at some point instead of fully TTC. So in the end, we're not really sure.
Posted 3/24/11 11:17 AM |
my loves...

Member since 5/05 9129 total posts
Name: guess
Re: Girls who are planning their next baby
I'm 14.5wks pregnant with #2...DC will be 3 yrs apart, as planned. I like that Charlie will be starting school and is independent enough to play by herself, get dressed, etc.
Posted 3/24/11 11:23 AM |

Member since 1/08 3355 total posts
Name: D
Re: Girls who are planning their next baby
We wanted our kids to be no more than 2-3 yrs apart but DS is already 27 months old and we are not TTC yet. We are not in a position to have another baby right now. The new plan is TTC next summer. If I get pregnant right away DC#1 & DC #2 will be 4 or 4.5 yrs apart.
We want 3 kids max and I wanted to be done by the time I was 30 but that wont happen now.... I was 24 when DS was born and I will be 28 or 29 when DC #2 comes along.... We will probably wait at least 2 yrs before trying for #3 so I hope to be done by 32.
Posted 3/24/11 11:36 AM |
LIF Adolescent

Member since 12/09 572 total posts
Name: Denise
Re: Girls who are planning their next baby
My DD is almost 8 months. I think we will start trying when she is about 1.5 years old for #2. I am 26 and DH is going to be 36 on Sat. so we don't want to wait much longer than DD being 1.5-2yrs old to try for #2.
Posted 3/24/11 11:36 AM |
2 and through

Member since 9/07 3939 total posts
Name: Jess
Re: Girls who are planning their next baby
Posted by 3monkies
I always wanted them close in age, but now I feel like I want to absorb as much as I can with her now.
I think we want them about 3 yrs apart, so we will start trying around her 2nd birthday.
We feel the same exact way. My dh will be 40 this year and I am 32 but I do not feel the need to rush because of it, yes DH is older but I am still young so I am not too concerened. I am sooooo happy with the way my life is right now that I just want to enjoy it for a while and have it all be about Emerson for a bit. My goal is to get pregnantwhen dd is 2 1/2 and have them a lil more than 3 years apart. Also, we only want 2 kids so this next one will be the last
Message edited 3/24/2011 12:01:43 PM.
Posted 3/24/11 12:01 PM |
Our Family is Complete!

Member since 11/06 2064 total posts
Name: Christine
Re: Girls who are planning their next baby
We wanted them to be closer in age, and also I just turned 35 so I didn't want to wait too long. We decided we were going to try 1 month and then take off a few months so we could avoid a holiday baby. Well it only took that one month! I'm due October 27, they will be 21 months apart!
Posted 3/24/11 12:05 PM |
let's be nice

Member since 9/07 10208 total posts
Name: Wifey
Re: Girls who are planning their next baby
We are planning to start TTC our second & last baby around Sept/Oct for a summer baby. I'm terrified how we will juggle 2 kids but we really want to give DS a sibling. If all goes well, DS will be 2.5 years when the new baby is born.
Posted 3/24/11 12:09 PM |
I LOVE my sons! :)

Member since 5/09 5283 total posts
Name: Carissa
Re: Girls who are planning their next baby
We're planning TTC #2 for the late summer/fall. August/September. I want them over 2 years apart. DS will be 2 in January, but I didnt want another winter baby either, so I want baby #2 to be born in spring/summer. We'll see what actually happens though...
Posted 3/24/11 12:11 PM |
He's TWO already!!!

Member since 9/09 1507 total posts
Name: Dana
Re: Girls who are planning their next baby
i am def not ready just yet!! ds is 6weeks!!! i was thinking of waiting until he is at least a year.. but it will probably be more a year and half to two years old. i have some minor trouble getting preg so i am ok with it taking a little while. i don't mind if they are three years apart.
Posted 3/24/11 12:17 PM |
Let's Go Rangers!
Member since 1/07 14818 total posts
Re: Girls who are planning their next baby
My OB made me promise that he wouldn't see me for another 18 months. I had kind of a crazy birth experience and pushed for three hours, stitches, surgery to remove the placenta, etc.
We are going to start trying when our reno is done, so we have the space. It will probably be around the beginning of next year!
Posted 3/24/11 12:46 PM |
Baby #5 on the way!

Member since 9/05 7919 total posts
Re: Girls who are planning their next baby
We have 3 already. I've always wanted 4. I'm starting to get major baby fever.
BUT, we live in a 2 BR house, so we cannot have any more until our living situation changes. But that might be soon as we're waiting to hear back on an offer we put on a house.
I want to either be done with kids or be pregnant with my last by the time I'm 30. I'm 28 now so it does not leave us with much time. So, we'll see what happens!
Posted 3/24/11 12:51 PM |
Just a mommy ...
Member since 10/10 2665 total posts
Name: M
Re: Girls who are planning their next baby
because of financial reasons, we decided to wait to TTc until a few months before DS's 2nd birthday. That should make them about 2 1/2 years apart which I think is fine. We'll see how the money thing works out. Maybe if we can afford it sooner we'll start trying sooner
Posted 3/24/11 12:55 PM |
My two boys!

Member since 5/05 7279 total posts
Name: Rebecca
Re: Girls who are planning their next baby
We are expecting DS #2 in June. Our kids will be 18 months apart. It was not exactly planned that way. But I do see advantages. We are already in baby mode, our kids will be close in age, and we'll be done with child rearing after this. I am 30, DH is 33, so our kids will be done with high school before we're in our 50s which will be nice.
Message edited 3/24/2011 12:59:48 PM.
Posted 3/24/11 12:59 PM |

Member since 8/05 3498 total posts
Name: Roseann
Re: Girls who are planning their next baby
Seamus was born 7/22/08 A week and a half before my 30th bday
DH will be 35 next week and I will be 33 in August. I hope to be pregnant by my brithday.
We are actually going to start trying this month! :)
We wanted DS potty trained and close to being in preschool bc the daycare costs would just be too much for us
Posted 3/24/11 1:01 PM |
Naterade is Thirstade!

Member since 6/10 3002 total posts
Name: Danielle
Re: Girls who are planning their next baby
I think we are going to try right after New Years next year. I know my son almost 3 weeks old but I swore that I would never let my child be an only child. I'll be 32 at when we TTC.
It was easy the first time but who knows the next time?
Posted 3/24/11 1:20 PM |
Love him!
Member since 10/07 3189 total posts
Re: Girls who are planning their next baby
DS will be 3 in June.
I truly wanted to get pregnant with #2 when he was a little over a year and so he would be a bit over 2 when baby #2 came along.
We held off for the stupidest of all of job I had the craziest hours, never got off when I should have, never started work at consistant times in the morning. Worked a TON of OT and weird rotating schedule that had me out of the house 6 days straight every other week
So we waited. Then I got fired when DS was 2 years and 4 months.
In hindsight I NEVER EVER should have planned a baby around my job. I should have done what my heart wanted.
Now DS will be 3 in June. We waited for no real good reason other then I thought maybe I couldn't manage 2 kids & the crazy schedule. And now I am unemployed with zero job possibilities and with all the time in the world on my hands and no baby yet
SO that all being said, we decided that ABSOLUTELY NO MATTER what....we are going to TTC starting in August. Birthdays would be close together, I have all the clothes that would be seasonally appropriate from DS and my sister had a baby girl 2 months after me so i would raid my nieces stuff if it was a girl
Posted 3/24/11 1:23 PM |
Mommy to 2 sweet girls!

Member since 3/09 8585 total posts
Name: Melissa
Re: Girls who are planning their next baby
I wanted to be under 30 before my next dc was born. I'm 28 now. We were initially thinking we would start ttc again with the re when dd was 10 months but that is 3 months away and I don't think we are ready dd is still not sttn. Our new plan is to start in the beginning of 2012.
Posted 3/24/11 1:40 PM |
my little loves

Member since 8/08 18453 total posts
Re: Girls who are planning their next baby
DS is 10.5 now and we would like to have them 2-3 years apart. we will probably start trying in the fall/winter if -
we are in a bigger home we are both still stable with work to be able to afford daycare for two
Posted 3/24/11 1:46 PM |
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