Hi there. :)
I am 30 weeks and 2 days pregnant with identical Chat Icon Chat Icon
My doctor just had me schedule a csection as both babies are laying across my belly. I'm hoping they will both turn head down so I can have a natural birth instead of csection but as of right now it docent look good. I have 8 weeks to go until my scheduled date and I am getting really anxious and nervous. Almost freaking out in general
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is anyone else getting as scared about the birthing as I am? I could use a really big hug right about now lol.
Any tips to help remain as calm as possible? Also, what are the chances I will last until my 38 week scheduled birthing date? Or will I probably have the boys earlier?
Don't get me wrong, I am beyond excited to meet the lil ones, I'm just scared for the actual birth.

Also, did anyone else with twins get so uncomfortable around this time in pregnancy? My back kills me and belly is cramping (I was told it was Braxton hicks?). I can't really sleep....laying in bed puts all pressure on my hips, so after 2 hours I have to leave bed and go sleep in the recliner chair. :( and my feet/legs are beyond swollen! Arrgh lol. Is anyone else going through this discomfort at this stage?