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LIF Adult

Member since 12/09 4166 total posts
Hashimoto's Disease
So I definitely have it. Confirmed my an Endo with an ultrasound and blood work.
About 2 years ago I was really sick for a month and a half (low grade fever, rapid heartbeat, hard heart beat, severe anxiety, couldn't sleep, muscles twitching in legs, feeling like I'd die in the night for real, feelings of fear and feeling like I had just been startled constantly). I had gone to my GP so many times and ever a cardiologist bc of a fast beating heart. Everyone said I was fine and it was stress.
Eventually I went on Nexium for a few weeks for heart burn (which I didn't think I had) but the meds helped, and slowly I felt more normal. But never 100 percent the same again.
Looking back NOW all my symptoms seem to be now indicating that my thyroid was acting out. Maybe flipping from Hypo or Hyper, I had blood taken then, but my TSH level was in the "normal range" (but not if your TTC). Ever since then I haven't been the same, always feel slightly off and have anxiety, and my heart beats harder, like I am more aware of it at times, esp if I drink wine (not vodka though lol). What's funny is this sickness made me feel like I had symptoms of being hyper, not hypo which I am.
Here are my blood test results (TSH Levels);
3/9/09 - 3.49 (fell in the normal range, gp never mentioned it to me)
3/28/11 - 5.5 (Dr. B found this for me)
4/25/11 - 2.31 (Dr. B - after being on synthroid for 23 days)
4/28/11 - 1.64 (Endo test - after being on synthroid for 26 days)
So now clearly after being on 50mg, for about just one month my levels are normal. But the Endo said my antibodies were 83 and that "it wasn't too bad" but then said under 20 is normal. I faxed those results to Dr. B and see him Wed for monitoring, and then Thurs and Fri for an IUI.
Can anyone tell me about their experiences if they have the disease or know someone with it? I am so upset I have an autoimmune disease, I have always been so healthy besides this weird sickness, I have always been on the skinny side so hearing that I have an underactive thyroid makes me scared. Will I ever be able to have kids? I don't want to take meds for life, I don't want to gain weight from it, and I am scared this will turn into cancer or a different auto-immune disease.
Also since I have the disease and not just a condition of being hypo, do I have to take steroids to get pregnant?
I am so scared to supress my immune system! Is this IUi going to be a bust because of the antibodies?
Any advice or help would be great, or opinions of what I should do?
Thanks so so so much!
Posted 5/3/11 10:20 AM |
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Member since 2/07 2035 total posts
Name: natasa
Re: Hashimoto's Disease
I have Hashimoto's Disease. With very high antibodies. The only thing I take is synthroid 75mg. I wouldn't worry too much. The only thing you have to make sure is that your TSH levels are in range. Taking the pill for the rest of your life is a PITA. I do not think you need steroids because of it. I didn't. My endo doesn't seem too bothered with my hashimoto's and again my antibodies are very high.
Posted 5/3/11 10:38 AM |
LIF Adult

Member since 12/09 4166 total posts
Re: Hashimoto's Disease
Posted by natasa
I have Hashimoto's Disease. With very high antibodies. The only thing I take is synthroid 75mg. I wouldn't worry too much. The only thing you have to make sure is that your TSH levels are in range. Taking the pill for the rest of your life is a PITA. I do not think you need steroids because of it. I didn't. My endo doesn't seem too bothered with my hashimoto's and again my antibodies are very high.
Thank you, that makes me feel a bit better, I see you have a pic of a baby and I am hoping that little one is yours!
My Endo barely seems concerned as well! He said if I wasn't TTC I wouldn't have to be on meds if I didn't want to be.
Posted 5/3/11 11:23 AM |
he is here.. thank you God

Member since 10/07 2344 total posts
Name: Me
Re: Hashimoto's Disease
i know 2 girls with this disease, one has twins, another one has a girl. synthroid works wonders.
Posted 5/3/11 4:59 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 7/05 9511 total posts
Re: Hashimoto's Disease
My SIL has it and she is pregnant with her first baby right now. As far as I know, they conceived naturally. she is 21 weeks I believe and so far so good!
Posted 5/4/11 1:47 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 12/09 4166 total posts
Re: Hashimoto's Disease
Posted by lululu
My SIL has it and she is pregnant with her first baby right now. As far as I know, they conceived naturally. she is 21 weeks I believe and so far so good!
Was your SIL on meds when she got pregnant?
My levels are now normal but I am worried if I perhaps have NK, since I have an antiobody level of 83. Dr. B should be reviewing today and I will see him tomorrow.
I guess I will find out then.
Posted 5/4/11 2:13 PM |
my 2 boys
Member since 10/08 4240 total posts
Re: Hashimoto's Disease
i have it - no issues with it whatsoever. have 2 ds - been preg 4 times but the 2 mc werent related to it - they were related to an autoimmune clotting disorder i have. im on 150mcg and doing great.
eta: it is very common. i have off the top of my head 10 people who i know that have it..
Message edited 5/4/2011 3:52:10 PM.
Posted 5/4/11 3:50 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 12/09 4166 total posts
Re: Hashimoto's Disease
It seems like everyone who has it doesn't have problems getting pregnant like I do. Do you know if they were undiagnosed before TTC? Or if they started TTC while already on the meds.
Second what about the immune system attcking the thyroid, I wonder if it attacks the sperm and eggs too. What is normal protocol if this is the case?
Will my iui even have a chance to work?
Posted 5/4/11 4:28 PM |
my 2 boys
Member since 10/08 4240 total posts
Re: Hashimoto's Disease
i did have issues getting pregnant but i also have pcos so if it was the pcos or the thyroid issues i dont know. it was discovered with my RE - my reg dr never detected it.
the immune sysyem does not attack the sperm and eggs if u hashimotos.. 2 completely different things. it can make u getting pregnant take longer bc ur thyroid levels arent perfect - but once they are corrected - getting pregnant shouldnt be an issue
good luck
Posted 5/4/11 4:57 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 12/09 4166 total posts
Re: Hashimoto's Disease
Thank you for clarifying!
I haven't spoken w Dr. B yet and my endo is so blaise about the entire thing, I guess he sees it so often it is so normal to him. Meanwhile I am crying asking if he thinks it can turn to cancer. He probably thinks I am insane!
Posted 5/4/11 5:03 PM |
Love my little girls!!! <3

Member since 6/10 10818 total posts
Name: E
Re: Hashimoto's Disease
crashing... did they discuss the option of removing your thyroid and keeping you on synthroid? is that even an option for you?
I had a large nodule growing inside my thyroid which i had surgically removed about 15 months ago. I was told I could have TTC problems if it wasn't addressed, and it was better to address it before we started trying.
Posted 5/4/11 5:45 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 7/06 4357 total posts
Name: jennifer
Re: Hashimoto's Disease
here is a great website
there are awesome and helpful message boards there too!
stay away from soy btw lol
Posted 5/4/11 6:05 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 12/09 4166 total posts
Re: Hashimoto's Disease
Posted by Bearcat
crashing... did they discuss the option of removing your thyroid and keeping you on synthroid? is that even an option for you?
I had a large nodule growing inside my thyroid which i had surgically removed about 15 months ago. I was told I could have TTC problems if it wasn't addressed, and it was better to address it before we started trying.
No it wasn't mentioned at all. I do know I don't have any growths, just the u/s showed "scratches" my thyroid wasn't as smooth as it should have been.
My Endo is totally not concerned and said I wouldn't even have to take meds unless TTC, but that it would probably eventually get worse and then I would have to.
He did say only that it "could" be the reason I haven't gotten pregnant, but not definitely. So far there is nothing else off that I can tell, although this will be my first cycle where my TSH levels are in the "normal" range.
Posted 5/4/11 6:19 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 12/09 4166 total posts
Re: Hashimoto's Disease
Posted by prunepie
here is a great website
there are awesome and helpful message boards there too!
stay away from soy btw lol
Really soy?! I am actually a vegetarian and eat soy fairly often, I try not to go crazy bc it isn't good to do with anything.
I asked Dr. B about this and he kind of laughed and said I could have as much of it as I wanted.
But does eating soy cause Hashimoto's? Or just make it worse?
Posted 5/4/11 6:21 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 7/06 4357 total posts
Name: jennifer
Re: Hashimoto's Disease
according to many thryoid docs..eating soy kinda interferes with absorbing the thryoid hormone i beleive. but i havent been on that site in a while to read the latest so maybe there is more updated news. i do know not to eat or take iron/calcuim at least an hour away from taking the thryoid replacement gl
Posted 5/4/11 8:29 PM |
Love my little girls!!! <3

Member since 6/10 10818 total posts
Name: E
Re: Hashimoto's Disease
Posted by Leb
Posted by Bearcat
crashing... did they discuss the option of removing your thyroid and keeping you on synthroid? is that even an option for you?
I had a large nodule growing inside my thyroid which i had surgically removed about 15 months ago. I was told I could have TTC problems if it wasn't addressed, and it was better to address it before we started trying.
No it wasn't mentioned at all. I do know I don't have any growths, just the u/s showed "scratches" my thyroid wasn't as smooth as it should have been.
My Endo is totally not concerned and said I wouldn't even have to take meds unless TTC, but that it would probably eventually get worse and then I would have to.
He did say only that it "could" be the reason I haven't gotten pregnant, but not definitely. So far there is nothing else off that I can tell, although this will be my first cycle where my TSH levels are in the "normal" range.
i hear ya. well, i'm sorry you're dealing with this and i wish you all the best!!!
Posted 5/4/11 8:30 PM |
Love my little man <3

Member since 12/10 1332 total posts
Name: Lisa
Re: Hashimoto's Disease
I have Hasimoto's for a few years now. It's completely under control with synthroid 50 mcg. I don't know how my antibodies are, but my TSH is fine.
I conceived way too easily! We weren't TTC, and just were not careful one fateful afternoon... Here I am, 23 wks later with a happy & healthy on the way!
Posted 5/5/11 4:45 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 12/09 4166 total posts
Re: Hashimoto's Disease
Posted by Lisagail55
I have Hasimoto's for a few years now. It's completely under control with synthroid 50 mcg. I don't know how my antibodies are, but my TSH is fine.
I conceived way too easily! We weren't TTC, and just were not careful one fateful afternoon... Here I am, 23 wks later with a happy & healthy on the way!
I am just curious when you conceived were you already on the synthroid with normal TSH levels?
Eta - Congratualtions on your little
Message edited 5/5/2011 4:50:03 PM.
Posted 5/5/11 4:49 PM |
Love my little man <3

Member since 12/10 1332 total posts
Name: Lisa
Re: Hashimoto's Disease
Posted by Leb
Posted by Lisagail55
I have Hasimoto's for a few years now. It's completely under control with synthroid 50 mcg. I don't know how my antibodies are, but my TSH is fine.
I conceived way too easily! We weren't TTC, and just were not careful one fateful afternoon... Here I am, 23 wks later with a happy & healthy on the way!
I am just curious when you conceived were you already on the synthroid with normal TSH levels?
Eta - Congratualtions on your little
I was on synthroid and stable for 4 years. DH and I just got married in Sept, so I've been on the pill for a while (actually about 12 years). I stopped the pill in May, but we were still being careful. Except for that one time...
Message edited 5/5/2011 5:45:58 PM.
Posted 5/5/11 5:45 PM |