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When did you Announce?

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LIF Adolescent

Member since 11/10

599 total posts


When did you Announce?

When did you announce to your:

Parents / Inlaws




LIF (or come out of hiding)


and other any form of coming out? As a TTCer it would help to get some ideas of when (maybe how too!)

Thanks ladies!

Posted 5/3/11 4:57 PM
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource

LIF Toddler

Member since 9/09

496 total posts


Re: When did you Announce?

Posted by WinginIt

When did you announce to your:

Parents / Inlaws - Pretty much right away..waited a week after BFP and told them..couldn't resist and wanted support

Friends - told 1 close friend right away pretty much...other waited til after first appt

Family - told grandparents after 1st appointment at 6 weeks. told extended family (aunts/uncles/cousins) at easter (around 12 weeks)

Work (around 8 weeks I told my 2 bosses since it would affect them they most that I wasnt feeling I am in public accounting and wanted to make sure they had ample time to find a temp while i took 6 months off..told a few more close work friends after 1st appt and told everyone else around 12 weeks (it is known to everyone now).

LIF (or come out of hiding) - didnt hide because no one knows this site that I know well.

Facebook - 13 weeks.

and other any form of coming out? As a TTCer it would help to get some ideas of when (maybe how too!) Don't really have great idea..we told extended family during a prayer and butted in after grandmother said hers and hubby said "and bless our unborn child.." :)

Thanks ladies!

Posted 5/3/11 5:09 PM

Love my little girls!!! <3

Member since 6/10

10818 total posts


Re: When did you Announce?

Parents / Inlaws - my parents - i was just over 4w. MIL - after our 10w2d appt.

Friends - depends on the friends, some knew right away, others after 12w appt

Family - i gave my parents the green light after 10w2d appt. My sisters knew right away.

Work - I told my boss around 7w after i dry heaved in a meeting. told my other boss after 10w appt, but he already knew. Word spreads quickly.

LIF (or come out of hiding) - not even 5 mins after my bfp LOL

Facebook - haven't said anything on FB yet (i'm 16w today)

Posted 5/3/11 5:12 PM

So in love with my little boy!

Member since 1/10

1889 total posts


Re: When did you Announce?

When did you announce to your:

Parents / Inlaws: The day we found out

Friends: The day we found out

Family: The day we found out

Work: Close co-workers found out right away - some still don't know and we'll wait until next week when I'm officially in my 2nd tri to tell

LIF (or come out of hiding): Never was in hiding

Facebook: Will come out after our next ob checkup on 6/1

We went thru IVF though so a lot of people knew what we were going thru before so it was hard to keep it a secret when it was so "public" what we were going thru. Ideally, if we had conceived "naturally" only close friends and family would know right away and we would have saved co-workers and others until after 1st tri.

Posted 5/3/11 5:12 PM

Just call me mommy :)

Member since 7/08

19084 total posts


Re: When did you Announce?

I announced it to family and close friends around the 4wk mark because they knew we were doing IVF.

As far as everyone else I'm not quite as close with .. I'm holding off till I'm 12wks. Of the people who know I'm pregnant, many don't know yet that's it's multiples. I wanted to keep something for a surprise!!

Posted 5/3/11 5:16 PM

Complete Happiness :)

Member since 5/05

27789 total posts

LOVE being a Mommy!

Re: When did you Announce?

We told our parents at 8 weeks (SIL & BIL at 7 weeks).

Friends and Family - not until 12 weeks.

DH told his work - I think about 8 weeks - only because a few that he works with he is very close with and they knew something was up Chat Icon (but he didn't tell everyone there early.

LIF - not until 12 weeks

And Facebook - not until 20 + weeks.

Posted 5/3/11 5:32 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 7/07

697 total posts


Re: When did you Announce?

Parents/Family/Friends: 10 Weeks, on Christmas

Work: 6 weeks for the owner of my dance studio (she was the only person aside for DH & I that knew before 10 weeks), she's a good friend and I thought she needed to know especially if she saw me not doing some things that I regularly did. I didn't want to come off as getting lazy lol. My other dance studio owner 12 weeks.

LIF: 4 months

Facebook: Never really "announced" it on FB, the people who needed to know already knew but I have all my students on there and wanted to tell them in person so I asked everyone to not post anything until 12 weeks then they gradually posted congrats, etc. so it trickled from there.

and other any form of coming out? As a TTCer it would help to get some ideas of when (maybe how too!). We did it on Christmas wrapped up like 6 boxes up from huge to smaller and smaller, in the last box was a pair of classic white baby booties!

Message edited 5/3/2011 5:34:22 PM.

Posted 5/3/11 5:33 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 11/10

599 total posts


Re: When did you Announce?

Thanks for the feed back everyone. Chat Icon I am just trying to get some ideas on when.

Posted 5/4/11 9:38 AM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 1/10

804 total posts


Re: When did you Announce?

I told one friend asap. DH told one friend and his boss asap. His boss told several coworkers.

We told parents and siblings at 8 weeks. Then the rest of our close friends (they can't keep secrets and would have spilled).

At 13w1d we had our '12week' appt. We came home and told everyone through Facebook.

ETA I'm currently not working but I would tell them right away since I have a highly physical job.

Message edited 5/4/2011 9:44:04 AM.

Posted 5/4/11 9:43 AM

LIF Infant

Member since 5/11

133 total posts


Re: When did you Announce?

Pregnancy #1:
We did IVF so friends (including LIF! :) and family knew immediately. Co-workers saw me getting sick so they figured it out right away. Told my boss at 12 weeks.

This time, told DH and immediate family right away. I have my 1st dr's appt on Thurs. May tell more people after that.....including LIF. FB....trying to told off until 12 weeks.

Posted 5/4/11 9:50 AM

Big Brothers to Be !

Member since 2/10

3868 total posts


Re: When did you Announce?

My BFFs (2 seconds preggo)
Family (11 weeks)
most friends and work (12 weeks)

Posted 5/4/11 10:03 AM

Alyssa Rose is here!!!

Member since 9/10

3288 total posts


Re: When did you Announce?

Parents / Inlaws - 8 weeks

Friends - my best friend knew a week after i found out, so i guess at like 5 weeks, the rest of them not till after i told my parents.

Family - rest of my family it was about 13 weeks

Work - 14 weeks

LIF (or come out of hiding) im not sure, i think it was 8 weeks (after my frist dr. apt, or maybe it was 12...i dont remember

Facebook -14 weeks

Posted 5/4/11 10:07 AM

2 little ladies

Member since 1/11

2918 total posts


Re: When did you Announce?

Parents / Inlaws. Immediately, But they knew when I had my embryo transfer.

Friends- very few knew immediately, again because of embryo transfer

Family- some 6 weeks, some 11 weeks

Work- 11 weeks

LIF (or come out of hiding) never was in hiding

Facebook 11W 3d, I would have waited another week, but I was going to see MANY people I know at 11W5D and with my twins I already looked pregnant.

Posted 5/4/11 10:15 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 3/11

2355 total posts

Due Dec 29th!!!!!

Re: When did you Announce?

Parents / Inlaws - the week of BFP

Friends - Im 6 weeks and havent told them yet, except my best girlfriends who were there when I tested

Family - only 2 aunts and my Nana know, the rest we will tell around 12 weeks

Work - will tell around 12 weeks

LIF (or come out of hiding) - day of BFP, not in hiding

Facebook - will tell after NT scan

Posted 5/4/11 10:19 AM

LIF Toddler

Member since 6/10

393 total posts

Wait and see

Re: When did you Announce?

Parents / Inlaws - at 7 weeks when we had our first sonogram

Friends - also at around 7 weeks

Family - around 10 weeks, i wanted to tell everyone when they were together, so Easter was a perfect way to say "IM PREGNANT!"

Work - at 7 weeks, b/c i was feeling sick and i wanted them to know just in case i was calling out, or got sick while at work

LIF (or come out of hiding) - around 12 weeks, after my next sonogram i will make my announcement!

Posted 5/4/11 10:57 AM

LIF Zygote

Member since 11/09

43 total posts


Re: When did you Announce?

When did you announce to your:

Parents / Inlaws: my parents right after bfp MIL 6wk

Friends: 7 wks

Family: I told the importants around 7 wks

Work: slowly telling everyone

LIF (or come out of hiding): I just came out

Facebook: i havent said anything yet

Posted 5/4/11 11:04 AM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 4/11

722 total posts


Re: When did you Announce?

I'm 8 weeks tomorrow so I still haven't come out to everyone, but here's my plan

Parents / Inlaws-they knew at 4 weeks

Friends-a handful knew at 4 weeks the rest will know at 12 weeks

Family-immediate knew at 4 weeks, the rest will know at 12

Work-hoping to make it until 15 weeks if not, no sooner then 12 weeks

LIF (or come out of hiding)-never

Facebook-15 weeks or later, as long as everyone I know personally knows

Posted 5/4/11 11:09 AM

Such a Big Boy!

Member since 1/06

1602 total posts


Re: When did you Announce?

When did you announce to your:

Parents / Inlaws - Mom at about 5 weeks, Dad and rest after the 1st sono

Friends - Right away. DH just couldn't hold it in, he was too excited

Family - After the 1st sono for grandparents, after 10 weeks for the rest

Work - My boss right away due to dr appts, the rest when I started showing around 11 weeks

LIF (or come out of hiding) Right away

Facebook - About 12 weeks

Posted 5/4/11 11:09 AM


Member since 11/07

3037 total posts


Re: When did you Announce?

Posted by WinginIt

When did you announce to your:

Parents / Inlaws

About a week after we found out


a few knew right away, others a few weeks later and we just came out on FB last night

extended family we told when we were 7 weeks


LIF (or come out of hiding)

last night

and other any form of coming out? As a TTCer it would help to get some ideas of when (maybe how too!)

Thanks ladies!

Posted 5/4/11 11:18 AM

You are my I love you

Member since 7/09

18802 total posts


Re: When did you Announce?

When did you announce to your:

Parents / Inlaw-- As soon as the line appeared on the stick lol

Friends--Right away

Family-- right away

Work-- after 12 w appt

LIF (or come out of hiding)-- as soon as I got a BFP but I am anon here to people IRL except some LIW girls

Facebook--I posed a pic of the sono @ 12w

Posted 5/4/11 11:35 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 4/11

2644 total posts


Re: When did you Announce?

Parents /In Laws: Hoping to tell them on Mothers Day (8w 3d) if all goes well at friday's sonogram.

Family: Siblings and my aunt and uncle will be at our mother's day gathering so everyone will find out at the same time!

Friends: One friend knew a few days after BFP, but that wasnt planned. I will be telling 1 close friend after I tell my family, so between 9-11 weeks. Everyone else after 12 weeks

Work: After 12 weeks

LIF: A few days after BFP

Facebook: Not sure how we will tell friends after the 12 weeks, probably in person, but just in case we missed anyone we may announce on fb then too-- although not sure I am a huge fan of the fb announcment (word somewhow spreads anyway once its not a secret)

Posted 5/4/11 11:51 AM

Life is Good!

Member since 7/07

7979 total posts


Re: When did you Announce?

When did you announce to your:

Parents / Inlaws - My parents knew the day after DH and I knew, so about 4 weeks? We told DH's parents after the blood test to confirm, so I was like 5 weeks at that point.

Friends-My best friend and her husband found out the weekend in between my parents and ILs. The rest of my friends found out when we told everyone else.

Family-We told our siblings and our grandparents the weekend we were 10 weeks.

Work-I'm a substitute teacher, so I didn't have to really deal with it.

LIF (or come out of hiding)-I guess it was right after I found out. I didn't go into hiding.

Facebook-10 weeks, the Monday after we told our family.

Posted 5/4/11 1:07 PM

Love my twins!!!

Member since 6/10

5183 total posts


Re: When did you Announce?

Parents / Inlaws

my mom and sister- day i POAS
In-laws - 8 weeks
dad/step mom- 9 weeks

Friends - a few very close friends knew when i was a few weeks along, but everyone else wasn't until after my 12 week NT scan

Family - after 12 week NT scan

Work - still haven't told (am at 13 weeks) - trying to wait as long as i can

LIF (or come out of hiding) - came out of hiding at 12 weeks

Facebook - I didn't do a big announcement but at 12.5 weeks i told others i didnt care if they our families have been posting stuff

Posted 5/4/11 5:06 PM

Love my little man <3

Member since 12/10

1332 total posts


Re: When did you Announce?

Parents / Inlaws - Day of BFP

Friends - BFF on day of BFP, DH told his freinds withing the week, I told mine over the course of the next 2-3 weeks

Family - 8-12 weeks

Work - I could possible deal with chemo, so day after BFP

Facebook - DH broke the news at 12.5 wks, I wanted to wait till 13-14 (out of first tri), but oh well...

Posted 5/4/11 5:35 PM

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