WellI think I finally have the answers as to what happened to Ryan and why I went into premature labor.
I thought I've been dealing with an ovarian cyst. It was 7cm then shrunk to 5cm then grew again to 8.6cm. They scheduled me for surgery yesterday to remove it and be done once and for all (I've been dealing with it since the week after Ryan was born -- almost 2.5 months)
I wake up from surgery and my husband tells me it's not a cyst. Huh? Looks like a fibroid. They think it started growing around the time I got pregnant. It never showed up on any ultrasounds I had. I'm sure with everything squished in there it wasn't visible. I even had an MRI done while I was pg and it didn't show up.
They think it got so big that my uterus couldn't hold it and Ryan and that's why I went into labor. They also think the infection that was in the placenta and cord was from the fibroid as it's necrotic (sp?) and the tissue looks like it's dying.
Now I've got to go to a specialist to see exactly what this is. I have another MRI scheduled for next week and I'll have to have another surgery to remove it.
Any good thoughts and prayers you could send my way would be much appreciated. I'm concerned that this will affect our chances to have another child in the future.
You girls have been such a great support for me over these last few months. Thank you for that.