a "welcome" packet of american baby magazine, complete with coupons to use after our babies were born. This happens EVERY time we get pregnant... I don't understand it. I seriously have to wonder how they get my information... this is 2 diff dr's I've seen that I got pg under their care... Ugh. What made it worse was that I realized earlier that it is 2 years ago tomorrow (technically today now) that we found out we were pregnant with our first set of twins.... and now 2 years later we've lost another set of twins and it's back to the drawing board. Life sucks right now..... I thought once we had some answers it would start to get better, but I don't feel like my answers are concrete enough.... right now I'm wondering if I'll ever start to feel better.
Omg...I am so very sorry. The same thing happened to me after my MC. I started receiving magazines and even large size containers of formula...its def. like a stab to the heart