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I am only half crazy, but am on my way to being completely crazy...

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i run for bacon

Member since 5/05

20584 total posts


I am only half crazy, but am on my way to being completely crazy...

13.1 just wasn't enough....I just registered for the Disney Marathon!! Chat Icon 26.2 here i come!

Posted 10/12/11 12:06 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: I am only half crazy, but am on my way to being completely crazy...

Chat Icon Gook Luck!!!

Posted 10/12/11 12:09 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

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Re: I am only half crazy, but am on my way to being completely crazy...

Oooh fun! I ran Disney in 2009 and 2010. Let me know if you have any specific questions about it. It's a great marathon, and of course nice that's it's a vacation also Chat Icon

Posted 10/12/11 12:23 PM

Hudson's Momma

Member since 10/10

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Re: I am only half crazy, but am on my way to being completely crazy...

Yay! Thats so exciting!

Posted 10/12/11 12:38 PM

Welcome to the world Chase

Member since 9/08

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Re: I am only half crazy, but am on my way to being completely crazy...

That's awesome!!!! Good luck and Congrats!!

Posted 10/12/11 12:39 PM


Member since 5/05

7550 total posts


Re: I am only half crazy, but am on my way to being completely crazy...

My Dad ran the Disney marathon for quite a few years. He loved and we loved going down and cheering him on.

Posted 10/12/11 1:50 PM

Life is beautiful

Member since 8/08

2543 total posts


Re: I am only half crazy, but am on my way to being completely crazy...

Good luck!! That sounds like a lot of fun.

Posted 10/12/11 3:06 PM


Member since 9/06

4161 total posts


Re: I am only half crazy, but am on my way to being completely crazy...

That's great good luck!

Posted 10/12/11 3:31 PM

Family of 4! :o)

Member since 8/06

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Re: I am only half crazy, but am on my way to being completely crazy...

I am so jealous!!! Chat Icon I really want to do the Disney marathon but we'll be going in May next year. I am so excited for you!! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 10/12/11 7:00 PM

i run for bacon

Member since 5/05

20584 total posts


Re: I am only half crazy, but am on my way to being completely crazy...

Posted by phoenix913

Oooh fun! I ran Disney in 2009 and 2010. Let me know if you have any specific questions about it. It's a great marathon, and of course nice that's it's a vacation also Chat Icon

I don't have any specific questions but would love to hear any tips or anything you think would be good for me to know. Chat Icon

Posted 10/12/11 7:58 PM


Member since 6/09

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Re: I am only half crazy, but am on my way to being completely crazy...

That's awesome!!!!!! Good luck!

Posted 10/12/11 8:37 PM

Mommy's Girls! ♥

Member since 11/07

10116 total posts


Re: I am only half crazy, but am on my way to being completely crazy...

AWESOME!! GO Julie, GO!! I think I may do the Disney Princess Half Marathon in 2013. Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 10/12/11 10:30 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

3034 total posts


Re: I am only half crazy, but am on my way to being completely crazy...

Things I can think of off the top of my head-

1. Stay on property, and if you can afford it stay at a monorail resort. We stayed at Coronado Springs in 2009 and the special marathon bus service from there was great, no complaints. In 2010 though we stayed at the Polynesian and it was fantastic to have the monorail take us to the race. We got to sleep a little later and I was less stressed.

2. If you haven't booked already look around for special packages. The marathon site has some, but I found an even better deal from a travel agent. Since Jan is a slow time they sometimes have some great deals. We got the Poly package for about $150 a night for the room!

3. They are 100% serious with how early you need to be there. It sounds positively insane, but the walk to the start is really long, it's got to be at least a mile and you will need the time.

4. For me the worst part was the out and back before you enter DHS. So try to stay focused during that part and know that it gets better from there. It's around mile 21. (unless of they've changed the course recently...)

5. Don't let yourself go too fast in the Magic Kingdom. Going down Main St. is probably the most exciting part (except finishing!) and it's easy to speed up. Since it's only mile 9 you will pay for that later. Also when you exit the castle try to position yourself in front of a photographer so you can get a nice pic of you with the castle behind.

6. There are lots of spots where you pass park bathrooms which is a lot more pleasant than a port o potty if you've gotta go.

7. If the forecast calls for sun, don't forget your sunglasses and sunblock. It can be easy to forget when it's pitch black at the start, but once the sun comes up you are in it alot.

8. The course is pretty flat and while that does make it easier in some ways, it's also tough on certain muscles b/c there's no variation in which ones you are using. If you can replicate that in training it will help. Also, there a couple of chokepoints on the course, try to remain calm during them, things will open up soon and you'll waste energy trying to weave.

9. Try to limit your park time if you'll be there in the days before the marathon. Don't want to kill your legs beforehand.

10. Have fun!

Posted 10/13/11 10:04 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 4/09

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Re: I am only half crazy, but am on my way to being completely crazy...

SO exciting!!!! Good luck! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 10/13/11 9:04 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

11767 total posts


Re: I am only half crazy, but am on my way to being completely crazy...

WOO HOO!!! My plan is to do the Goofy in 2013 (39.3 in one weekend)...can't wait to hear all about it...

Posted 10/13/11 11:52 PM

i run for bacon

Member since 5/05

20584 total posts


Re: I am only half crazy, but am on my way to being completely crazy...

Thanks for the encouragement and thanks so much to phoenix for those tips!!

Erica - my friend is doing the Goofy plus the 5k, so three races in one weekend. She is nuts!

Posted 10/14/11 9:06 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

3034 total posts


Re: I am only half crazy, but am on my way to being completely crazy...

I just realized I forgot one- wear your medal in the parks after the marathon! Lots of people do it and you'll find some cast members are extra nice to you if you do. We got a free dessert at Pecos Bill's one time Chat Icon

Posted 10/14/11 10:45 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

11767 total posts


Re: I am only half crazy, but am on my way to being completely crazy...

Posted by phoenix913

I just realized I forgot one- wear your medal in the parks after the marathon! Lots of people do it and you'll find some cast members are extra nice to you if you do. We got a free dessert at Pecos Bill's one time Chat Icon

i can't believe you walked around the park after!

Posted 10/15/11 11:16 PM

I love my kids

Member since 5/05

2885 total posts


Re: I am only half crazy, but am on my way to being completely crazy...

Good luck with it!!!! That's exciting to hear.

Posted 10/16/11 10:32 PM

You give the best smiles!

Member since 1/09

2398 total posts


Re: I am only half crazy, but am on my way to being completely crazy...

Enjoy it! I just ran the Wine 'n Dine 1/2 marathon relay (I'm a new runner and def not ready for a full half myself) - it was a lot of fun. I am very tempted to sign up for the Princess Half. Definitely don't walk too much beforehand if you can help it - our race was at night and we got there the day before and basically killed our legs before we got started. I still finished and with a good time for me, but it was so exhausting (and fun)!!

Posted 10/16/11 11:38 PM

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