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So BTDT Moms....what's it really like...

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Member since 8/05

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So BTDT Moms....what's it really like...

When you first come home with your babies? I read all these threads on parenting about being overwhelmed and tired with one...I am starting to fret over two.

I will have some help, but is it pure chaos for the first few months?? I'll also be recovering from a c-section....does that make it harder??

And please be honest...we can all handle it!

Posted 6/22/06 10:10 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: So BTDT Moms....what's it really like...

good question....I was reading my Twins book and it is overhwhelming meChat Icon

Posted 6/22/06 10:14 AM

My Little Yankee Fans

Member since 1/06

4018 total posts


Re: So BTDT Moms....what's it really like...

Yes it si alot of work, but I think people had built it up to be impossibel for us to handle it and I got thru.

One came home after a week and I ahd to travel from Bohemia to LIJ daily fro 3 weeks to visit my other son and while it sucked I managed. We had someone come to babysit every day so we could go. Vin went back to work right away so he could take his time when they both came home.

Wehn my second son came home at 4 weeks old thingnks ere a littel crazier, but not bad. I needed my mom to come over that first night becasue we were having probelms with my son not pooping and eating, and it wound up to be he was constipated, I thought we needed to bring him back to the NICU, and I was flipping. After that one night things got smoother.

We did have a week long hospital stay in October which was hard but then again not unbearable and I think we came out fo things doing great. The boys have always been on a great schedule, have alwasy slept good, and they have great temperments, so I attribute most of our success to that, and just little bit of stuff that I have done.

The things that were hard was the emotional things. Not being able to care for my boys, having one being very sick, the other needing a heart procedure, I found the hardest thing was that someone else was caring for them in the NICU, and leaving the hospital without them.

Yes it is hard but you just do what needs to be done because there is no other choice and you get over the woah is me type stuff very quickly. There really is no time for it.

Also when people offer help, take it, tell them something specifically they can do, like clean the house, go food shopping, stuff. If you are a neat freak, throw that idea out of the window because you can not be there is just no way.

With all of thier medical issues, the distance traveled to go see them, and every other issue under the sun, we are all doing great. We are all happy and healthy and really enjoying life. All of the people that made me so scared, I just think about them and laugh, boy did they have it wrong. I had some really nasty people in my life that I have decided to look at in a different light. Many people are jealous of those of us with twins and it is very sad. I have really begun to see who my real firends are, and none of those EVER told me horror stories and acted like we could not handle it. I also have to say that my husband has been nothing short of a great husband and excellent father and this make a huge difference.

You can do it, don't be afraid, being a mom of twins is amazing, I look at them all the time and think I would never want just one child at a time, it must be so boring.

Sorry to go on and on.

Message edited 6/22/2006 2:35:44 PM.

Posted 6/22/06 2:35 PM


Member since 5/05

15167 total posts


Re: So BTDT Moms....what's it really like...

It was VERY tiring! If people offer help TAKE IT!! I would nap anytime someone was home. I HIGHLY reccomend this. The hospital has them on the same eating schedules so that will stay. You will learn how to feed them both by yourself. (if you are bottle feeding) In the beginning it takes a total of 2 hours to feed/burp & change both. You will find that they will be up every 3 hours or so.
But, soon you will see that it gets a bit easier. I was told if they are your first you take to it alot easier. Only because you do not know what its like to have just one.

Posted 6/23/06 9:35 AM


Member since 5/05

6297 total posts

Tracey - brideinapril

Re: So BTDT Moms....what's it really like...

It is exhausting, like the others said - if someone offers help take it. In the beginning I was breastfeeding so there wasn't much anyone could do for the babies, but cooking, cleaning, laundry - these are all things I needed help with. I was lucky, my Dh was home the first week and my mom the second.
Mine weren't on the same eating schedule. So that was hard. But it does get easier as they older. My Dh helps me alot, so that is a lifesaver to see the least.

Posted 6/23/06 12:53 PM

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