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LIF Adolescent

Member since 5/10 833 total posts
Name: Lorin
Feeling a little down. Early testing question?
So, I took a break from testing like crazy with the dollar store tests,when it was unrealistic like 5 dpos, etc. but now im on CD 27...cycle is usually 30-31 days and i tested one of the good tests and its one of the ones that say 6 days before your missed period. i got a bfn. so basically, has anyone ever really gotten a bfn from one of the early response tests and then a bfp later on (if you tested, like i did within 6 days of your missed period).
like basically could it really be possible there is not enough hcg still at this point, if i were pregnant?
Message edited 1/31/2012 8:15:59 AM.
Posted 1/31/12 8:14 AM |
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource |
LIF Adolescent

Member since 11/11 712 total posts
Name: Me
Re: Feeling a little down. Early testing question?
Read the statistics on the side of the box.
It says something like "up to 20% of women got a BFP 6 days early, 30% 5 days early etc etc....It could absolutely be too soon. When an egg implants (which could be different days for each women) HCG starts being produced (at a different rate for each woman). So no, just because so and so got a BFP at 5 dpo doesn't mean you will.
Posted 1/31/12 8:17 AM |
LIF Infant

Member since 1/11 222 total posts
Name: Catie
Re: Feeling a little down. Early testing question?
each time I tested way early, before AF & I was crazy with testing, some kind of line did come up... as faint as ever but it was there...
however, it could be that your levels are too low SO you never know..
Posted 1/31/12 9:14 AM |
my little loves

Member since 8/08 18453 total posts
Re: Feeling a little down. Early testing question?
do not stress! i think VERY few get some sort of line before 10dpo
Posted 1/31/12 9:15 AM |
Stop, Think & Breathe...

Member since 8/11 3550 total posts
Name: Cindy
Re: Feeling a little down. Early testing question?
I think 12DPO is early but to be certain waiting till your late
Posted 1/31/12 1:30 PM |
LIF Infant
Member since 1/12 243 total posts
Re: Feeling a little down. Early testing question?
Don't test until your period is due. You'll make yourself crazy otherwise.
Posted 1/31/12 2:52 PM |
LIF Adolescent
Member since 5/09 745 total posts
Name: A
Re: Feeling a little down. Early testing question?
I had tested with a First Response "6 days before your missed period" one, and at 9DPO I got a BFN. 12 DPO I got my BFP.
It's definitely possible! you're not out until AF comes!
I try not to test early anymore, but it's SO hard!
good luck
Posted 1/31/12 4:35 PM |
Always look on the bright side

Member since 1/12 2286 total posts
Name: of life!
Re: Feeling a little down. Early testing question?
i would wait 48 hours and test again! You're not out yet.
Posted 1/31/12 4:49 PM |
LIF Adolescent

Member since 5/10 833 total posts
Name: Lorin
Re: Feeling a little down. Early testing question?
Thanks guys...I know that I have read that but I kind of just wanted to see if any of you experienced it yoursefl...I feel a little better knowing real people confirm what the box says,. lol
Posted 1/31/12 6:52 PM |
Positive Vibrations...

Member since 1/08 8423 total posts
Re: Feeling a little down. Early testing question?
the box is just marketing... wait til at least 12DPO... 5dpo is pretty ridiculous.. 10 is borderline... 12 is usually pretty reliable
Posted 1/31/12 10:30 PM |
just hangin' around...

Member since 11/06 6305 total posts
Name: Krista
Re: Feeling a little down. Early testing question?
Posted by FlowerWife
the box is just marketing... wait til at least 12DPO... 5dpo is pretty ridiculous.. 10 is borderline... 12 is usually pretty reliable
i agree w/this
Posted 2/1/12 8:16 AM |