For the little ones:

bubbles are always a safe bet and you can buy them anywhere.

henrietta hen by international playthings
( 12 mths +) they pull it & eggs pop out the back)

jump ropes
sunglasses for little ones or any age
your bugging me game by learning resources
sand toys
plasma cars (a bit pricey but a lot of fun!)
golf sets
hula hoops
sidewalk chalk
travel games if you are traveling for Easter or any time soon
plush animals
lil ones dolls by Ty so cute and inexpensive( they fit perfect in an Easter basket) kids can keep collecting
magnifine glass for exploring
flash light
folkmannis finger puppets are really soft
wind up chicks and bunnies
cars and trains
step 2 roller coaster (a bit pricey but a lot of fun!)

for the 6 and up kids

spooner board (for boy or girl)
loop de doo for the girls( its a cool friendship bracelette kit)
zing toys (they make cross bows)
marky sparky(faux bow)
marky sparky rocket
uncle miltons lady bug habitat
ant farm( yuck)
angry birds
shoe lights by uncle milton for exploring
bead kit
painting kit
bounce ball
rebound ball by toysmith
pottery wheel
mini star wars create a light sabre by uncle milton