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4 month olds..

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Love my little man

Member since 8/05

16290 total posts


4 month olds..

When you are putting them to sleep for nap or bed, how long do you let them cry before going in and soothing, etc. Or I guess same applies when they wake too soon from nap or in the middle of the night.

I have up'ed my time to 5 mins, but I feel like I should wait a little longer so he can learn to self sooth a little. I don't want another horrible sleeper on my hands.

Posted 6/3/12 8:10 AM
Long Island Weddings
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LIF Adolescent

Member since 12/07

833 total posts


Re: 4 month olds..

I'm sleep training mine....basically 7 to 7 bed and 9,12 and 3's tough but it's night i put him down awake and don't go back in.....after 3 hrs if he's fussing we do the bottle but he will go usually until 2am....then burp and put him back in crib only and ditched pacifier... His naps are an hour each so we leave him for hour crying or not....he can go 1.5 hrs and then we wake....always feed after they wake not b4 and white noise and black out shades in nursery....he fussed now maybe 5 min and passes out on his own..... We are on day 5 but I will say he is having tough time with naps....they say stick to your guns for two weeks...I hired sleep trainer

Posted 6/3/12 12:10 PM

Love my little man

Member since 8/05

16290 total posts


Re: 4 month olds..

bumping to see what others do.

Posted 6/3/12 4:43 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 4/10

1199 total posts


Re: 4 month olds..

A typical day for us is
7:00 wake up
bottle, playtime
8:30-11:00 nap
bottle playtime
1:00pm nap in stroller on and off. We usually go for a long walk or I am out at the stores.
3:00pm bottle, playtime, 1 hour of tummy time
6:00 bottle, quick nap in swing (usually 30 minutes)
7:30 bath, put cream on, relax
8:30 last bottle of the night and he places his thumb in his mouth right after and sleeps.
he sleeps right until 7am.
He is still in the rock and play thoughChat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 6/3/12 4:58 PM

Love my little man

Member since 8/05

16290 total posts


Re: 4 month olds..

Posted by MCD0524

A typical day for us is
7:00 wake up
bottle, playtime
8:30-11:00 nap
bottle playtime
1:00pm nap in stroller on and off. We usually go for a long walk or I am out at the stores.
3:00pm bottle, playtime, 1 hour of tummy time
6:00 bottle, quick nap in swing (usually 30 minutes)
7:30 bath, put cream on, relax
8:30 last bottle of the night and he places his thumb in his mouth right after and sleeps.
he sleeps right until 7am.
He is still in the rock and play thoughChat Icon Chat Icon

sounds like you have it prettty easy-- did you do any sleep training to get him to go to sleep so easily? We totally handled DD's sleep the wrong way, and I do not want to make the same mistakes this time. He cat naps throughout day-- and usually wont sleep more than 30 or so mins. Bedtime is a crap shoot with how easily he goes down.

Posted 6/3/12 6:52 PM

LIF Toddler

Member since 11/09

436 total posts


Re: 4 month olds..

DD with be 4mos next week. We put her down at 9pm (she gets up at 6), and shes always awake. We have an "aquarium" on her crib and she watches that as she falls asleep (usually takes 5mins). I dont ever let her CIO, just not for me.
She fusses when I put her down for her naps, so I rock her, but I dont mind because shes excellent at night.

Posted 6/3/12 7:13 PM

mom of 3 boys

Member since 4/06

11426 total posts


Re: 4 month olds..

we didn't do any sleep training, but we also started how we wanted to end. We didn't want to rock or bounce him to sleep like we did with our 1st.

So we do bottle, we swaddle him, put the pacifier in and put him down in the RNP. He doesn't cry and he goes to bed within 5 minutes on his own. Here is our schedule give or take:

6:30pm bed & sleeps thru
5:30am wake up
Nap 6:30-7:30am
Nap 9-11am
Nap 1-3pm
Nap 4:30-5

He takes 5 bottles a day, 6 ounces in each bottle.

Posted 6/3/12 7:52 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 4/10

1199 total posts


Re: 4 month olds..

Posted by randella

Posted by MCD0524

A typical day for us is
7:00 wake up
bottle, playtime
8:30-11:00 nap
bottle playtime
1:00pm nap in stroller on and off. We usually go for a long walk or I am out at the stores.
3:00pm bottle, playtime, 1 hour of tummy time
6:00 bottle, quick nap in swing (usually 30 minutes)
7:30 bath, put cream on, relax
8:30 last bottle of the night and he places his thumb in his mouth right after and sleeps.
he sleeps right until 7am.
He is still in the rock and play thoughChat Icon Chat Icon

sounds like you have it prettty easy-- did you do any sleep training to get him to go to sleep so easily? We totally handled DD's sleep the wrong way, and I do not want to make the same mistakes this time. He cat naps throughout day-- and usually wont sleep more than 30 or so mins. Bedtime is a crap shoot with how easily he goes down.

I didn't do any sleep training, i have never even heard of it. Around 7 weeks our house was total chaos. We were holding him all the time, he wouldn't nap, he screamed in our faces from 6:30-9. I bought the baby whisper book, and i took some parts out of it and made it my own. From week 7-14 we did a dream feed. We would feed him every 3 hours and wake him up at 12am, lights off and stick the bottle in his mouth. he was so relaxed he wouldn't even burp. By 7 1/2 weeks he would sleep 9p-12a and then 1230-700. We cut out the dream feed at 16 weeks. He had no problem with the transition. I don't know that the rock and play is the best thing, but for now, I am comfortable with our schedule and happy to have him so close to my head :)

Posted 6/3/12 10:21 PM

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