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BTDT - How much are you spending on baby #2+?

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Party of 5 - 2015

Member since 4/06

7390 total posts


BTDT - How much are you spending on baby #2+?

#1 was Chat Icon

#2 is Chat Icon due in October....... I created up my registry to keep track of what I want/need and started buying stuff when I see the price drop(as it fluctuates on Amazon) it seems like there are ALOT of items and adding up $$$$$

We are reusing the same crib(which I never disassembled Chat Icon yet it still seems like alot especially since there will be no work sprinkle and nothing from my family since we don't talk anymore....

How much are you planning on spending when it wasn't your first?

Message edited 7/9/2012 8:27:25 PM.

Posted 7/9/12 8:26 PM
Long Island Weddings
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LIF Adult

Member since 4/09

3923 total posts


Re: BTDT - How much are you spending on baby #2+?

I have no idea. I am due before you and haven't even made a list of what I need Chat Icon SO far I have spent $300 on a double jogging stroller, and I will be spending a few hundred on a bed for my toddler (the new baby will use the crib I already have). Those are the only "big" purchases I can think of. I need to get my act together Chat Icon

Posted 7/9/12 8:34 PM

The Prince & Princess

Member since 7/05

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Re: BTDT - How much are you spending on baby #2+?

I am due in Oct as well and #1 was a boy and #2 is a girl also- not sure how much we'll spend. We will need to get a crib as DS' was recalled & we brought it back to the store & bought a twin bed for him.

I will be using infant car seat from SIL (only 2 yrs old & hasn't been in accident)

My other SIL is PG and due in Nov. her 1st was a girl & 2nd will be a boy - she's offered me her swing (that's all she has left as far as big ticket items)

I still have DS' high chair & changing table and will reuse them. Also have DS' bottles (we used Playtex drop-ins) that we'll reuse & buy new liners & nipples.

I have a registry with things I know I will need-but no real big ticket items.

Posted 7/9/12 8:52 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 1/11

9976 total posts


Re: BTDT - How much are you spending on baby #2+?

I am pregnant with #1, but I would hope I would not have to spend as much money on #2. This little girl is EXPENSIVE!!!! and I have been really good about controlling myself when it comes to shopping. I've just gotten mostly necessities and it's been adding up fast. I'd hope I'd have to spend less than 50% of what I did on #1. 25% if I could swing that.

Message edited 7/9/2012 8:57:52 PM.

Posted 7/9/12 8:56 PM

Party of 5 - 2015

Member since 4/06

7390 total posts


Re: BTDT - How much are you spending on baby #2+?

it feels like even the smaller items are adding up in money.....

my list has like 45 items ( and only 5 of it is clothing)... I still need a new crib mattress, crib sheets, crib mattress pads, a pack n play mattress and sheets, a rock n play, newborn to toddler rocker, convertible car seats, diapers, wipes, bibs,binkys, bottles, snap n go,

and I also created a Christmas list since its only 2 months after she's due and thats got 25 items(but like 10 are clothes for the summer). I've saved alot of ds toys at least.

Posted 7/9/12 9:39 PM

My loves

Member since 5/06

19150 total posts


Re: BTDT - How much are you spending on baby #2+?

WAY too much. But the most has been the loft bed we bought our first born because we only have a two bedroom house and need the room. Chat Icon Chat Icon

We got rid of all the pillow stuff: Boppy, changing pad, crib mattress and even this is too much. We set up a registry to remind us what the heck we need, what we got rid of and what broke last time. My kids will be 5 years apart, so lots has changed.

Posted 7/9/12 11:28 PM

LIF Toddler

Member since 1/11

418 total posts


Re: BTDT - How much are you spending on baby #2+?

Where do you live? If you can get to the Seaford area fairly easily, stop in at Once Upon a Child on Hicksville Road. They sell gently used stuff for good prices, and I bet you could get some great deals there. I've gotten pants for my daughter for $1.25! I believe that they also check for items that have been recalled. (they sell strollers, toys, clothes, bedding, safety stuff, pic frames... the whole gammet of baby & kid stuff)

Check out their website...

Posted 7/10/12 3:08 AM

LIF Toddler

Member since 1/11

418 total posts


Re: BTDT - How much are you spending on baby #2+?

Also, locations in Sayville & Staten Island...just checked the website.

Posted 7/10/12 3:09 AM

LIF Toddler

Member since 1/11

418 total posts


Re: BTDT - How much are you spending on baby #2+?

Posted 7/10/12 3:09 AM

Love my babies!

Member since 11/08

3938 total posts


Re: BTDT - How much are you spending on baby #2+?

Not sure yet, we are so far behind on that stuff. I need to order her furniture, get clothes, new bottles, pack n play, and some other odds and ends. I just had no motivation so far, and really felt like I had so much time left. The other day I was telling DH we better start clearing out her room so we can start setting up she will be here in less than 19 weeks, and we did nothing.

Posted 7/10/12 8:37 AM

2 girls 4 me!

Member since 8/08

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Mama mama mama....

Re: BTDT - How much are you spending on baby #2+?

I haven't totalled the numbers, but we don't need that much for the new baby. My two will be almost exactly 2 years apart. I'm having another Chat Icon who will be born in the same season, so we're mostly set on clothes. I had different swaddle blankets, crib sheets, changing pad covers, etc on my registry. The big item is really the double stroller; everything else from DD is usable.

Of course, moving DD to her big girl room is going to be $$. We need a toddler bed and new furniture and bedding and we might have to paint...

Message edited 7/10/2012 11:13:50 AM.

Posted 7/10/12 11:12 AM

my little loves

Member since 8/08

18453 total posts


Re: BTDT - How much are you spending on baby #2+?

clothes (even if same sex, different season)
burp clothes
muslin swaddle blankets
possibly a double stroller
white noise machine
new crib mattress
changing table pad
diaper pail

thats about it!

Posted 7/10/12 11:23 AM

Just the 4 of us

Member since 12/06

3554 total posts


Re: BTDT - How much are you spending on baby #2+?

I didn't keep a thing with dd#1 that was 5 years ago. I am having a shower with dd#2 and really am starting completely over. So I guess I am spending the same amount I did with# 1

Posted 7/11/12 9:59 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 2/10

2827 total posts


Re: BTDT - How much are you spending on baby #2+?

Not a lot at all. I am team green so if I have another boy I wont buy any clothes because they are the seasons I need. My DS is only 11 months so he will need his crib for a while and my DH's friends are giving us a crib to use. I got a 2nd camera for my Summer Infant monitor and I got a used City Mini double in perfect condition for $100. I am going to use the same bottle since they are only a year old and I have plenty of burp/wash cloths that I never used. I already picked up some new pacifiers but I think thats about it!

Posted 7/11/12 10:46 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 6/10

2348 total posts


Re: BTDT - How much are you spending on baby #2+?

I'm only 11 weeks along, and haven't given it a ton of thought. I was team green the first time around and will likely be this time so no real big purchases, but here is what I've been thinking about lately.

infant car seat (hated ours!)
convertible car seat (won't need to buy right away)
crib mattress
mini crib/bassinet (I borrowed it the last time, may again, or may buy a small crib to get a little bit more time out of it if DD needs to stay in her crib)
toddler bed
double stroller? (I have the Uppa Baby Vista, my hopes are that it will work great as a double. I'm going to give it a go at least. If I hate it then I'll probably get the city select)
Plain Onsies
clothes (if the same sex I should be able to reuse a ton. DD was small and most of her outfits would be the right size for season.)
Snuza monitor

I'm thinking all included if I don't get the double stroller I'm probably looking at at least 1,500.

Posted 7/12/12 7:12 AM

Stalkers, get a life.

Member since 11/07

12820 total posts


Re: BTDT - How much are you spending on baby #2+?

My DS was 2 when DD was born and I reusing a lot of his things, but somehow the little things added up to over $500 plus the city select double stroller which was $$.

Posted 7/13/12 10:32 PM

Stalkers, get a life.

Member since 11/07

12820 total posts


Re: BTDT - How much are you spending on baby #2+?

Oh and not to mention CLOTHES! Lol. Since they're different genders I can't re use DS' adorable wardrobe. That adds up quickly!

Posted 7/13/12 10:33 PM

Love my 4 kiddos!

Member since 11/08

8346 total posts


Re: BTDT - How much are you spending on baby #2+?

We saved everything but since we are having a boy now we have to go through and only use the gender neutral stuff or buy new. So far as i've been looking, the major things like crib, bassinet, swing, bouncy chair, stroller, etc are all gender neutral. What we have to get is all clothes, nipples for the bottles, blankets, etc. I've been trying to hit up alot of clearance sections and have been spending a little each week or each time I go out so it doesn't seem like alot all at once.

Posted 7/14/12 9:09 AM

Party of 5 - 2015

Member since 4/06

7390 total posts


BTDT - How much are you spending on baby #2+?

ok i dont feel as bad.....still have crib. pnp. jumper.papasan swing. some of ds clothes are gender neutral.......i savedborne free glass bottles but i didnt save the plastic twist on.arghhh.

im going to get a little at a time. inlaws offered to buy some stuff be i dont know how much

Posted 7/14/12 3:07 PM

So blessed!

Member since 11/06

10348 total posts


Re: BTDT - How much are you spending on baby #2+?

I honestly didn't spend much. We were team green both times. So everything we registered for was neutral. Number one wasa boy who is now three. We spent money getting him a bed and his big boy room. Number two is a girl and we have bought diapers, wipes, bottle liners, and now clothes. All of the big stuff we had in storage and can reuse.

Posted 7/14/12 3:49 PM

I hope you stay beautiful baby

Member since 5/05

8356 total posts


Re: BTDT - How much are you spending on baby #2+?

We haven't spent all that much, honestly. We bought a crib and a changing station from BBB which cost us around $225 total. I also bought new bedding and curtains for the room. Clothes wise, I've only spent about $50. We are having another Chat Icon and my due date is only 3 days apart from DD#1, so hopefully we get lucky with clothes!

Posted 7/14/12 4:20 PM

Brotherly Love!

Member since 1/08

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Re: BTDT - How much are you spending on baby #2+?

I did not spend much on Chat Icon #2 the only thing we bought was a crib and one of those rock and sleep things. I did not have a shower or sprinkle, my boys were 21 months apart.

Posted 7/16/12 11:01 AM

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