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LIF Adult
Member since 8/06 1464 total posts
what agency did you use for CPSE eval?
i need an agency to evaluate Ds, he is exactly 3, for speech therapy. I would prefer an agency that does evaluations in home or the preschool, and not at their center. i live in nassau county. thansk.
Posted 10/19/12 2:11 PM |
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource |
LIF Adult
Member since 4/10 1199 total posts
what agency did you use for CPSE eval?
Was he already receiving EI services? Try Up Wee Grow. They are in South Huntington but they come to you. I worked there for years and the Speech Evaluator, Lauren Resnick, is amazing! If you search her name on here you will read great things. 631-351-1111. Good Luck.
Posted 10/19/12 2:48 PM |

Member since 5/05 3893 total posts
Name: Patti
Re: what agency did you use for CPSE eval?
I second Up Wee Grow. We had a great experience with them.
Posted 10/19/12 2:54 PM |
what agency did you use for CPSE eval?
I think we did up we grow too. They were good.
Posted 10/19/12 3:40 PM |
LIF Toddler

Member since 6/05 403 total posts
Name: Karen
Re: what agency did you use for CPSE eval?
Since he is three it has to go through the school district. When my dd was turning two I wanted to get a speech eval and I contacted the Childrens therapy center. They are great..! But now as she is about to turn 3 we had to have the evaluations done through the school district and they will come to your house. Good luck
Posted 10/20/12 3:43 PM |
LIF Adult
Member since 8/06 1464 total posts
Re: what agency did you use for CPSE eval?
he is NOT receiving services currently, did not receive services through EI. we never had him evaluated, its purely an articulation issue, and I was todl by many people not to even bother trying before 3. my pediatrician is doubtful he will even get it now, but his teacher from school recommended a speech eval, so we are going ot try. will up wee grow come to my house or his school? I called two agencies that his school recommended, they both only do the evals in their center. I WOHM full time, and trying to minimize the time off i have ot take.
Posted 10/20/12 7:44 PM |
LIF Adult
Member since 1/11 2741 total posts
Name: ....
Re: what agency did you use for CPSE eval?
You have to go through your school district. They will send you all the information you need. They will send you a list of places you can use for the evaluations. It is harder to get services now then before 3 IMO. My son has been getting speech for 13 months. He just got evaluated for CPSE and now he may not qualify but he still NEEDS it IMO..
Posted 10/21/12 1:08 AM |
Re: what agency did you use for CPSE eval?
We used Marion Soloman. They came to our house and school.
Posted 10/21/12 8:59 AM |
Re: what agency did you use for CPSE eval?
Ds qualified at 3 for articulation delays.
Posted 10/21/12 9:01 AM |
LIF Adolescent
Member since 4/11 660 total posts
what agency did you use for CPSE eval?
Metro and Marion Soloman are pretty thorough IMO
Posted 10/21/12 11:19 AM |
LIF Adult
Member since 4/10 1199 total posts
Re: what agency did you use for CPSE eval?
Posted by sal79
he is NOT receiving services currently, did not receive services through EI. we never had him evaluated, its purely an articulation issue, and I was todl by many people not to even bother trying before 3. my pediatrician is doubtful he will even get it now, but his teacher from school recommended a speech eval, so we are going ot try. will up wee grow come to my house or his school? I called two agencies that his school recommended, they both only do the evals in their center. I WOHM full time, and trying to minimize the time off i have ot take.
Yes, Up Wee Grow is not center based so they come to you. You will be very happy with their SP evaluator. Good Luck!
Posted 10/21/12 1:16 PM |
Holiday 2011 photo

Member since 8/05 8088 total posts
Name: Kristen
Re: what agency did you use for CPSE eval?
am currently being evaluated with Marion K. Solomon.
Posted 10/22/12 1:35 PM |