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LIF Adult
Member since 11/10 6826 total posts
34 weeks and unbearable hip pain
I've had a milder form of this earlier in my pregnancy. I wake up with my right hip KILLING me but only when in certain positions. I can barely roll over in bed or get up it hurts so much. Usually once I get up and moving it gets better but this morning it's lingering for a while.
I really can only sleep on my left side at this point and I think it has something to do with that. Is anyone else experiencing this? Any suggestions to help make it better? I already sleep with a pillow between my knees and that isn't helping.
Posted 1/3/13 8:43 AM |
Long Island Weddings
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mommy of two!

Member since 11/09 2733 total posts
Name: Maggie
34 weeks and unbearable hip pain
I think it's normal, I'm 34 weeks also and don't have it as severe but my hips definitely hurt. I would mention it to the OB. I think it has something to do with the weight we gain, the pressure from the big uterus and baby pushing down and the pelvis softens and moves making way for the baby to come thru the birth canal.
Feel Better.
Posted 1/3/13 9:10 AM |

Member since 1/10 21015 total posts
Name: Ang
34 weeks and unbearable hip pain
Im sorry the pillow isnt working. Im not sure what else you can do to alleviate the pain. feel better!
Posted 1/3/13 9:14 AM |
LIF Adult
Member since 2/10 4657 total posts
Re: 34 weeks and unbearable hip pain
I sleep with a pillow under my belly and hip instead of btw my knees. It seems to help me. I get hip pain if I am on one side for long during the night.
Posted 1/3/13 12:03 PM |
This baby is awesome!

Member since 11/10 2467 total posts
Name: Gina
34 weeks and unbearable hip pain
I have a similar issue so I sort of sleep on an angle. I'm on my left side but put pillows behind me and lean back a bit so more of the weight/pressure is in my but cheek but I don't roll on to my back, because then I can't breath... Is it February yet???
Posted 1/3/13 12:43 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 11/06 1206 total posts
Name: Trish
Re: 34 weeks and unbearable hip pain
Im 37 weeks and have been having the same pain for weeks now. I have tried every position possible, but nothing fully alleviates the pain in my hips/pelvis. I sleep with a large body pillow under my belly and between my legs. This makes me as comfortable as I think I am going to get at this point. The dr basically told me that it is everything loosening and comfortable isnt part of my vocabulary at this point in pregnancy!
Posted 1/3/13 1:16 PM |
LIF Adult
Member since 11/10 6826 total posts
Re: 34 weeks and unbearable hip pain
Thanks ladies! I'm sorry everyone else is also having aches and pains. My hip finally felt better around lunch time and now it's almost normal. I actually dread going to bed now, tired as I am due to the pain. Looking forward to baby's arrival!
Posted 1/3/13 5:27 PM |
LIF Adult
Member since 5/12 2773 total posts
Name: Sue
Re: 34 weeks and unbearable hip pain
I'm 36 weeks and I do not look forward to the night. I can't sleep because I can't find any comfort. No matter how many pillows I use, I can't find my spot. Last night I had to sleep sitting up in my bed. Tonight I don't know what awaits for me.
Posted 1/3/13 7:52 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 1/11 7391 total posts
Name: Name
34 weeks and unbearable hip pain
My gf swore a chiropractor is the only thing that helped her. Only 23w but my hips kill me if I do too much. Looking for a chiro now who deals with pregnant women.
Posted 1/3/13 8:15 PM |
LIF Adult
Member since 11/10 6826 total posts
Re: 34 weeks and unbearable hip pain
Posted by WannaBeAMom11
My gf swore a chiropractor is the only thing that helped her. Only 23w but my hips kill me if I do too much. Looking for a chiro now who deals with pregnant women.
I keep saying I want to go to a chiropractor but I never do it. I should really break down and go to one!
Posted 1/3/13 9:21 PM |
Baby # 3 is here!!!

Member since 7/05 21138 total posts
Name: Genna
Re: 34 weeks and unbearable hip pain
I am almost 35 weeks and I have hip pain at night. I use a body pillow but its not really helping anymore it's a project just to roll over...I literally have to sit up to change positions.
Posted 1/4/13 8:01 AM |
34 weeks and unbearable hip pain
Hi,this is Dr. Glassman and I am LIF Vendor and I am a chiropractor that specializes in pregnancy and pediatrics. Here is my website If I can help in any way or just answer any questions for you, please feel free to FM me or email me at [email protected]. Hopefully I can help.
Posted 1/5/13 2:41 PM |
LIF Infant

Member since 7/12 278 total posts
Name: Shell
Re: 34 weeks and unbearable hip pain
I was getting hip, knee, and even the muscle in my butt pain. I went to a chiropractor and it turned out to be sciatica. He showed me some stretches to do at home and said to ice it. Don't get me wrong, I am still feeling the pain but it isn't always as bad as it was. They say becoming pregnant changes your state of gravity, due to extra weight, and your skeleton changes. Plus, the baby can be on a nerve.
He also suggested putting another pillow between my legs, on top of my body pillow. It helped at first but then I would wake up in the middle of the night and throw the extra pillow on the floor.
Hang in there. Try icing and stretching. Maybe even go see a chiropractor to help stretch it out more.
Posted 1/5/13 9:08 PM |
Jack's gonna be a big brother!

Member since 11/08 7769 total posts
Name: Jenna
34 weeks and unbearable hip pain
I'm having the same problem just with my left instead of my right...i can sometimes barley walk or put my pants on! it's like my left leg is coming out of the socket! talked to the doc and they said it's normal and there really isn't anything i can do. if you find something, please let me know! 
Posted 1/6/13 8:43 AM |
My loves

Member since 2/11 2131 total posts
Name: A
34 weeks and unbearable hip pain
I have terrible hip pain at night. I made DH rub my legs and my hips -- it makes me feel better!
Posted 1/6/13 11:30 AM |
LIF Infant

Member since 1/13 163 total posts
Name: Booger
Re: 34 weeks and unbearable hip pain
I went through this with my 1st 2. It started around 17 weeks with my 2nd- later with my 1st.
Get one of those big exercise balls and sit on it for a little while at night. IT will help alleviate the pressure from your hips.
In extreme cases some OBs recommend Physical Therapy (mine did- but I never went)
I hope you feel better.
Posted 1/6/13 11:50 AM |