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Loves being Joey & Vinny's mom

Member since 1/09 3771 total posts
Name: Athina
Respite/Medicare Waiver?
Hi! I'm in Brooklyn. DS is 3 years old. Diagnosed with PDD-NOS at 18 months and used EI from 18 months to 3 years for speech and ABA. Is currently in CPSE getting a SEIT, OT and speech.
Someone mentioned in passing about a Respite and medicare waiver and I was wondering if anyone had more information on either/both of them. i have "typical" younger son too so I was thinking the respite could help me divide my time a little better. my older DS gets 15 hours of SEIT at home and its a lot of time for my younger one to be stuck in the house (me too) since someone has to be here. I had to cut my part-time hours so I could be with my son for SEIT so that is another concern.
If you could email me directly b/c I can't always access the site on my phone and rarely get on the actual computer any more. athina80[at]gmail[dot]com
Posted 2/13/13 12:57 PM |
My love muffin!
Member since 1/07 5819 total posts
Name: Liz
Re: Respite/Medicare Waiver?
My email is not opening up, but it is a Medicaid waiver not medicare. You would apply through the office for people with developmental disabilities (OPWDD).
Posted 2/13/13 8:57 PM |
Holiday 2011 photo

Member since 8/05 8088 total posts
Name: Kristen
Re: Respite/Medicare Waiver?
So far my son who is 3 and PDD-nos has not qualified for respite. Through one of the organizations. Still new at this so I'm not sure what determines whether you can get respite. I think it depends on the extent of the disability
Posted 2/14/13 6:44 PM |
Member since 5/05 2423 total posts
Re: Respite/Medicare Waiver?
in order to qualify for opwdd eligibility, you need to send in a medical history including diagnosis, social history, testing, and your child needs to have an IQ of 60 or less. If the IQ is higher, then additional testing is usually required such as the vineland.
your child will receive provisional eligibility until they are age 8, and then their file will be reviewed again for permanent status.
let me know if you need any help!
Here is the info for Brooklyn:
Bernard Fineson, Brooklyn, Metro, and Staten Island Director: Donna Limiti 718-217-4242, FAX: 718-217-4724 718-642-6000, 718-642-6053/6054 (evenings/answering machine), FAX: 718-642-6282 212-229-3000, FAX: 212-924-0580 (Manhattan) 718-430-0700, FAX: 718-430-0482 (Bronx) 718-983-5200, FAX: 718-983-9768 Deputy Directors: Elizabeth Cambra (Metro/Fineson), 718-217-6831 Sheila Green-Gholson (Brooklyn/SI), 718-642-8662
Posted 2/15/13 8:32 PM |

Member since 12/12 4088 total posts
Re: Respite/Medicare Waiver?
Also, just because your child meets the developmental criteria for OPWDD services, does not necessarily mean that you be approved. Most DD individuals are not approved until their 18th birthday, but you do have a chance of being accepted if your family is experiencing extreme financial hardship or if your family is at risk. Typical reasons for being at risk include: single parents, child exhibiting behavioral challenges, or a justifiable reason for needing the respite services.
Posted 2/23/13 9:45 PM |
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