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HELP-?'s on apartment leasing

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LIF Zygote

Member since 5/05

13 total posts


HELP-?'s on apartment leasing

We rent from an absentee landlord out of a private home.
He recently put the house up for sale, so MY DH and I decided to look around for a new place because we don't want to have to switch schools in the middle of a school year for our daughters, we'd rather them start at whatever school on their first day of school.
Anyways, when I called him to discuss this and our security deposit, he stated that he was going to sell to investors so that we dont have to vacate the apartment. That's Great...but what if the new landlord decides to kick us out-then what....??
How can we go about this in a peaceful way and get our security back...?

Any suggestions or know how on this?
Anythingis appreciated

Posted 7/20/06 5:47 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Party of 5 - 2015

Member since 4/06

7390 total posts


Re: HELP-?'s on apartment leasing

I would ask the old landlord for your security back-

then make the deal with the new landlord and give them the security--

Posted 7/20/06 9:50 PM

Grammie's Little Man

Member since 2/06

3235 total posts


Re: HELP-?'s on apartment leasing

Your security gets passed on to the new landlord. It doesn't matter if it's investors or any one else. If the new owners want you to leave, they must give you sufficient notice and must return your security if you leave the premises undamaged. I would try to find out who the new owners are going to be (this should be public record) and what their intentions are regarding the property.

Posted 7/20/06 11:59 PM

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