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when did you start getting everything ready?

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LIF Adolescent

Member since 3/08

663 total posts


when did you start getting everything ready?

I'm 30 weeks and want go start washing clothes and getting things ready. Is it too early?

Message edited 5/6/2014 8:48:59 PM.

Posted 5/6/14 8:48 PM
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource

My love muffin!

Member since 1/07

5819 total posts


Re: when did you start getting everything ready?

I just had my baby at 36 weeks. I was planning on doing it on maternity leave and the day I went into labor was my last day before maternity leave. I say start now!

Posted 5/6/14 8:56 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 6/11

847 total posts


Re: when did you start getting everything ready?

I'm almost 38 weeks and havnt done anything

Posted 5/6/14 9:02 PM

Baby #3 coming this June

Member since 8/05

6721 total posts


Re: when did you start getting everything ready?

I'm 35 weeks with my third and just started. I need to get a bag together just in case. Plan on washing clothes in the next week or so.

I never went early with my other two. I was a day early with my first and 6 days late with my second. I feel like this one will be early so I'm starting to get things done.

Posted 5/6/14 9:50 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/13

1350 total posts


Re: when did you start getting everything ready?

I'm 36w3d and haven't washed anything yet. DH keeps asking me if I packed my hospital bag, which is still a negative, lol. I'm gonna try to start this week.

Posted 5/6/14 10:52 PM


Member since 11/13

2868 total posts


when did you start getting everything ready?

At about 36 weeks when I was considered full term

Posted 5/7/14 12:20 AM

Baby Boy is Here!

Member since 5/11

7626 total posts

Momma <3

when did you start getting everything ready?

I started washing items around 36-37 weeks. Put in car seat at almost 39 weeks. I delivered at 39.5 weeks.

Posted 5/7/14 12:42 AM

Peanut is here!!!!!!

Member since 5/09

18388 total posts


when did you start getting everything ready?

2weeks after I had ds

Posted 5/7/14 5:54 AM

Peanut is here!!!!!!

Member since 5/09

18388 total posts


when did you start getting everything ready?

2weeks after I had ds

Posted 5/7/14 5:54 AM


Member since 6/09

10031 total posts


when did you start getting everything ready?

With my first I think I had everything washed and ready by about 32 weeks!

Right now I'm 37 weeks with #2 and we just took out some of the baby stuff (rock and play, tummy time mat, boppy, etc). I washed some of the clothes, but I still have one more load of clothes and burp clothes that need to be washed. Hoping to do it over the next couple of days. And if I go into labor before that happens, I'll just tell DH or whoever is staying with DS to wash them for me.

Posted 5/7/14 7:23 AM

And then there were 4

Member since 1/10

5224 total posts


when did you start getting everything ready?

I'm 30 weeks, and while her room is almost all set up I plan on washing stuff/doing the hospital bag after my shower in 3 and a half weeks

Posted 5/7/14 8:37 AM

little whale on the way

Member since 6/10

1288 total posts


when did you start getting everything ready?

I am 34w tomoro.
eventho we are Jewish we have been setting things up little by little. we are so damn LAZY that the only way to have the 2 of us get anything done is by trying to do one little thing each time LOL
I am taking a week off next week and plan to have a lot done then - to set up crib, hang a tapestry and shelves, laundry some of the stuff we already got, wash the stroller (we got a used one from a family member).

Havent figured out the pediatrician situation yet, which is giving me a bit of anxiety. DH was in charge of that and it kinda tapered off. Need to get on that as well.

Posted 5/7/14 10:32 AM


Member since 1/12

6105 total posts


Re: when did you start getting everything ready?

im 38w1d and still not ready Chat Icon
i picked up the coming home outfits yesterday - but still need to wash them

all the newborn clothing i have is stored at my grandmothers and ill get of these days

as far as the nursery though - that is set up (crib, changing table etc)

Posted 5/7/14 10:53 AM

And then there were four...

Member since 6/09

2088 total posts


Re: when did you start getting everything ready?

I'm 30 weeks and just started going through DS #1's old clothes this past weekend. My dad is making furniture for the new baby's room but it isn't ready yet, so I can't organize too much yet. All I've really done is figure out which stuff we can pack away for a while longer (anything over 12 month size). Next weekend I will probably start washing things like the infant car seat insert, swing liner, cradle bedding, crib sheets/bedding and things like that.

With my first DS, I think I had my hospital bag ready by 35-36 weeks. Can't be too prepared, IMO. You never know!

Posted 5/7/14 12:11 PM

Mom of 2 + 1

Member since 10/05

7395 total posts


Re: when did you start getting everything ready?

Had carseat installed around 36 weeks. Washed clothes and everything else between 38-39 weeks. I was folding his clothes the night before I went to the hospital for my cs at 39 weeks 1 day!

Posted 5/8/14 7:36 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 1/12

2637 total posts


Re: when did you start getting everything ready?

I'm 27 weeks tomorrow and the upcoming week we're going to paint nursery, set up crib.

Will probably do the rest of getting ready after baby shower which is 4 weeks away.

Posted 5/8/14 9:22 AM

My family is complete

Member since 1/12

2338 total posts


Re: when did you start getting everything ready?

Posted by AKD

I'm 27 weeks tomorrow and the upcoming week we're going to paint nursery, set up crib.

Will probably do the rest of getting ready after baby shower which is 4 weeks away.

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Same for me - by 30, 31 weeks I'll set up the room.

Posted 5/8/14 9:28 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 2/09

1801 total posts


when did you start getting everything ready?

We are setting up the nursery now. I am 29 weeks with twins. Then we will wash clothes, and get the rock n plays ready.

Posted 5/8/14 11:20 AM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 8/10

885 total posts


Re: when did you start getting everything ready?

I'll be 32 weeks tomorrow. We have the room painted but that's about it. We ordered the furniture in February but it was on back order. I'm really hoping it get's delivered to the store by next week but that doesn't really help because my shower is also next weekend.

After my shower, I will wash clothes and DH will install the base of the car seat around the 36 wk mark.

Posted 5/9/14 7:31 PM

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