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Question about EBF at night?

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Mommy of 3!

Member since 8/06

1617 total posts


Question about EBF at night?

During the day, I wake the baby every 3 hours to eat. I am working on the day-night confusion since she tends to sleep all day and up most of the night. At one point, can I just let her sleep during night and not wake to BF? She is 1 week old and my milk is fully in. She doesnt have any issues with BF and has way more than enough wet and dirty diapers.
Is it ok to just let her sleep at night and wake on her own for feedings if she is eating every 3 hours morning, afternoon, and evening? Or is she too young still?

Posted 6/10/14 12:24 PM
Long Island Weddings
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LIF Adult

Member since 10/09

1193 total posts


Re: Question about EBF at night?

If she's gaining weight then I would say its ok to let her sleep and wake up on her own to eat.

If she's not gaining, then I would still wake her up to eat.

Posted 6/10/14 12:28 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 9/09

12167 total posts


Question about EBF at night?

I woke every 2 hours during the day while she was still struggling to gain weight well. I did not wake at night as long as we were getting in at least 8 feedings a day (which we were well over at that point). I was told by my LC as long as they get 8-12 feedings in 24 hours it doesn't matter how they are spread out.

Posted 6/10/14 12:28 PM

Just call me Mommy.

Member since 1/11

5570 total posts


Question about EBF at night?

I never woke my DD up for feedings- she has gained weight steadily and recently started to sleep through the night.

Posted 6/10/14 12:28 PM

2 girls 4 me!

Member since 8/08

7878 total posts

Mama mama mama....

Re: Question about EBF at night?

Posted by w8andsee

If she's gaining weight then I would say its ok to let her sleep and wake up on her own to eat.

If she's not gaining, then I would still wake her up to eat.

What she said Chat Icon

Sleep for the baby = sleep for you!

Posted 6/10/14 12:29 PM

LIF Zygote

Member since 1/10

23 total posts


Re: Question about EBF at night?

My ped had me wake my kids until they had regained their birth weight.

Posted 6/10/14 12:29 PM

My 2 Girls

Member since 2/09

20494 total posts


Re: Question about EBF at night?

Posted by w8andsee

If she's gaining weight then I would say its ok to let her sleep and wake up on her own to eat.

If she's not gaining, then I would still wake her up to eat.

This. DD wasn't gaining like she should b/c she was (and still is!) a great sleeper. We had to wake her up every night until she finally started gaining enough, which was around 5-6w.

Posted 6/10/14 12:32 PM

Baby Boy is Here!

Member since 5/11

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Momma <3

Question about EBF at night?

Once DS regained his birthweight (2.5 weeks), they said I could let him sleep as long as he wanted. So far, he hasn't slept that long!

Posted 6/10/14 12:35 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 6/13

263 total posts


Re: Question about EBF at night?

If she is peeing (10 wets per 24 hours), pooping (at least 6 per 24 hours), and growing, there is no reason to wake her at night. Let her sleep, and you get some rest too!

Posted 6/10/14 2:36 PM

I love my kiddies!

Member since 5/11

10413 total posts


Re: Question about EBF at night?

I never woke DS at night to eat. Only during the day.

Posted 6/10/14 4:25 PM

Mommy to FOUR little men!

Member since 8/08

9655 total posts


Re: Question about EBF at night?

I never woke my babies to eat. Unless there's a weight gain issue, let your LO sleep. I always BF on demand... your baby will let you know when he/she is hungry!

Posted 6/10/14 6:02 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 8/12

599 total posts


Re: Question about EBF at night?

Posted by PitterPatter11

Once DS regained his birthweight (2.5 weeks), they said I could let him sleep as long as he wanted. So far, he hasn't slept that long!

My ped said the same thing at our one week appointment.

Posted 6/10/14 7:55 PM


Member since 5/07

2509 total posts


Question about EBF at night?

Never wake a sleeping baby! LOL!

As long as she's gaining and all is good - "Let sleeping babies lie"

I EBF both of my girls for the first 2 months and NEVER woke them. Get the sleep while you can.

Posted 6/10/14 9:19 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 12/09

4166 total posts


Re: Question about EBF at night?

Posted by TravelGirl

My ped had me wake my kids until they had regained their birth weight.

Me too. I like to play by the rule of "you never wake a sleeping baby!"

Posted 6/10/14 9:30 PM

Mom of 3

Member since 11/05

13118 total posts


Re: Question about EBF at night?

DS1 had lost a lot of weight at the hospital and was in the NICU for a few days because of a fever likely due to dehydration. I was instructed to feed him every 3 hours with up to 1 4 hour stretch at night until he went back to his birth weight. He was back up to his birth weight by 10-14 days old. I never woke DS2 at night.

Posted 6/11/14 7:39 AM

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