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Halloween 2014 For Toddlers

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LIF Infant

Member since 3/12

154 total posts


Halloween 2014 For Toddlers

My twins just turned 2 and I want to do something fun with them this year that is age appropriate.
They are too young to go trick or treating & I would rather dress them up and take them somewhere.
Any ideas??
We are central Long Island/Nassau County.
Thank you

Posted 9/4/14 10:56 PM
Long Island Weddings
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It's summatime

Member since 3/09

4739 total posts


Re: Halloween 2014 For Toddlers

Boo at the zoo at bronx zoo.

Posted 9/4/14 11:48 PM

It's summatime

Member since 3/09

4739 total posts


Re: Halloween 2014 For Toddlers

Oh and Belmont park in Suffolk has a fair around Halloween. There were crafts and stuff for kids to do and check off. Then they enter to win a prize. And at sundown they set jackolanterns afloat on the lake.

Also rise of the jackolanterns.

Posted 9/4/14 11:51 PM


Member since 3/09

7721 total posts


Re: Halloween 2014 For Toddlers

I usually start off by dressing kids up & going to take pictures outside.

Boo at the zoo is cute too & kids dress up. I will find any excuse to go to zoo.

For the 2s, your best bet is to throw or go to a small Halloween party (think a few kids or cousins & a few decorations) & trick or treat at a house or two (I usually take one treat, but the kids like ringing doorbells and seeing decorations).

Heck, our first year, DS was one, we went to our mall & walked around & "trick or treated".

Gymboree throws parties every year. Not sure if open to public or just members. Kids dress up.

My town has a Halloween parade for children.

We go to blaze in westchester instead of rise in LI. People typically don't dress up at blaze.

Pumpkin picking is similar: love it, but no dressing up.

I've visited Hicks in the past, but their displays are smaller every year.

Posted 9/5/14 6:19 AM

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