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When did morning sickness start?

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LIF Adolescent

Member since 5/14

694 total posts


When did morning sickness start?

I'm 5 weeks tomorrow. When did your morning sickness start? Got a little wave of nausea and was hoping to have at least another week of eating and smelling what I wanted until I can't do that for 2 months! haha

Posted 11/5/14 10:30 AM
Long Island Weddings
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LIF Toddler

Member since 4/10

407 total posts


When did morning sickness start?

I just hit 5 week 6 days today and BAM!! Awful this morning! Didn't start this with my son until I was 8 weeks so I wasn't expecting this

Posted 11/5/14 10:45 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 1/14

3196 total posts


When did morning sickness start?

I felt slightly queasy around 7 weeks but it only lasted a few days. Load up on gingerale, ginger candies, seabands, and crackers. They help! Drink plenty of water.

Posted 11/5/14 10:48 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 1/14

3196 total posts


When did morning sickness start?

And eat small meals throughout the day, don't go hungry.

Posted 11/5/14 10:48 AM

One more?

Member since 2/12

2410 total posts


Re: When did morning sickness start?

6.5 dc 1, 5.5 dc 2.... Good luck ugh

Posted 11/5/14 11:00 AM

I love my kiddies!

Member since 5/11

10413 total posts


Re: When did morning sickness start?

With DS I got MS around 6.5 weeks. I'm at 10w tomorrow with #2 and no MS at all.

Posted 11/5/14 11:15 AM

In love with my baby girl <3

Member since 2/11

1417 total posts


When did morning sickness start?

I had a small wave of nausea in the morning around 8 weeks, but it only lasted a few days. I never got morning sickness.

Posted 11/5/14 5:06 PM

So In Love!

Member since 8/11

1487 total posts


Re: When did morning sickness start?

7.5 weeks was when it started to be regular. Though I had one or two days of it prior.

Posted 11/5/14 5:09 PM

waiting on nugget!

Member since 6/10

4432 total posts


Re: When did morning sickness start?

mine started around 6 weeks and was full blown by 7 weeks

Posted 11/5/14 7:27 PM

Grateful for my babies!

Member since 2/12

4571 total posts


Re: When did morning sickness start?

Both kids I started around 6-6.5 weeks. General hungover nausea with headache and feeling crummy. Both times it ended around 8 weeks.

Posted 11/5/14 8:22 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 11/13

683 total posts


When did morning sickness start?

Mine started at 5 weeks and continued daily (all day) until week 20. Even at 29 weeks I still get it in the mornings 2 - 3 times a week.

Posted 11/5/14 8:51 PM


Member since 1/09

18021 total posts


Re: When did morning sickness start?

Between 5-6 weeks... I felt car sick allll day, every day until about 12W3d maybe.

Posted 11/5/14 9:03 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 4/11

660 total posts


When did morning sickness start?

6/6.5 weeks with both kids. Came on almost full force at that time.

Posted 11/5/14 9:45 PM

Life is Good!

Member since 7/07

7979 total posts


When did morning sickness start?

8 weeks. I threw up every morning, twice the day DS was born.

Posted 11/5/14 10:10 PM

happy bday mom! 7yrs married

Member since 12/13

1323 total posts

thank you mom. i love you

Re: When did morning sickness start?

Both times at 6 weeks. Ugh its awful.

Posted 11/5/14 10:54 PM

My lil cowboy

Member since 10/10

7790 total posts


Re: When did morning sickness start?

Mine started bad yesterday. I am almost 7 weeks.

Posted 11/6/14 9:57 AM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 4/14

638 total posts


Re: When did morning sickness start?

I think mine started around 6 weeks, but I got it full blown by 8 weeks. Its gotten better but now I've graduated to just randomly dry heaving. I'm 15 weeks now. I hear it gets better soon though ;)

If it makes you feel any better, I hear that MS is a "good" sign. Just eat small meals, don't let yourself get too hungry, preggie drops saved me alot.

Posted 11/6/14 10:34 AM

You're My Home <3

Member since 11/06

14815 total posts


Re: When did morning sickness start?

SO soon...

My last period (this was last year, DS is 14 months now) was on 12/9. Then, on 12/25 - Christmas Day - I had so much nausea at the dinner table, I even said it out loud to everyone, clueless.

And I felt on/off that way from that point on -- until just before the start of my second trimester, when it went away for good, thankfully.

I never actually got sick - just felt Chat Icon

Posted 11/6/14 3:04 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/08

1238 total posts


Re: When did morning sickness start?

6-7 weeks then its been improving since 10 weeks. I too haven't actually thrown up, just gagging and feeling like crap unless I'm constantly eating (and even then)

Posted 11/6/14 3:12 PM

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