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Had my July baby in May!
Soo it's been quite the week for us! Last Tuesday I went to my perinatology appointment and my BP was 160/100. They checked my urine with the dipstick and it showed that I had 2+ protein so he told me to go straight to the hospital and called my OB to inform him. They started me on magnesium and were trying everything to keep the baby in as long as they could. They have me collect a 24 hr urine as well. I felt like complete crap to say the least and my BP was not budging at all. Thursday night around 10p my doctor came in to talk to us and basically told me that I would be in the hospital for a few weeks basically until I delivered, he went out to check my results from my urine and not even 10 minute later came storming back into my room and said "we having this baby tonight, I need to get him out now because you have 4 grams of protein in your urine and your kidneys are starting to be affected" I was hysterical crying to say the least. I was really just worried Abt taking the baby at 33 weeks. I did however receive 2 doses of steroids to help mature the baby's lungs which I am so grateful for! So on May 28th at 4:39am my baby boy was born weighing in at 4 lb 13 ounces and 17 inches long. He came into the world with a nice strong scream! He is still in the NICU which is so hard for me but he is doing amazing and they are anticipating that he only be here for 1 more week! It was a scary situation and all happened so fast but I'm just so grateful that my baby boy is healthy as can be!
Posted 6/4/15 12:49 AM |
Long Island Weddings
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LIF Toddler

Member since 7/14 410 total posts
Name: Erica
Had my July baby in May!
I'm sooo glad that santino is doing so well!!! He was such a good weight for 33 weeks! I know it's hard being home with him but he's in great hands at the nicu and when he's ready you'll be able to snuggle that boy whenever and have him home with you!! Hope you're able to rest and are feeling well!!
Posted 6/4/15 5:36 AM |
Life is about choices.

Member since 5/05 6532 total posts
Name: Dani
Re: Had my July baby in May! glad everyone is doing well! and congrats on your little miracle!
Posted 6/4/15 6:40 AM |
life is good

Member since 5/05 2013 total posts
Name: L
Re: Had my July baby in May!
what a scary situation for you - but with an incredible outcome! Congrats to you - and fingers crossed that he's home with you soon!
Posted 6/4/15 6:50 AM |
Love multiplies, not divides

Member since 11/12 14481 total posts
Name: Me
Had my July baby in May!
How scary. Happy both you and baby are doing well. Congrats!
Posted 6/4/15 7:20 AM |
LIF Adolescent

Member since 6/12 568 total posts
Name: Jen
Re: Had my July baby in May!
Wow ....I'm glad he is doing well and that you are too Congrats!!
Posted 6/4/15 8:48 AM |
Lil Prince is here

Member since 8/11 6338 total posts
Name: Theresa
Had my July baby in May!
Glad he's doing well! Congratulations !!!!
Posted 6/4/15 8:50 AM |
LIF Adult

Member since 5/12 1460 total posts
Name: Elicia
Had my July baby in May!
Oh my goodness! That must have been so scary! Glad all are well! Congrats!
Posted 6/4/15 8:52 AM |
different, not less
Member since 7/09 13160 total posts
Re: Had my July baby in May!
Congrats! Glad to hear all is well.
Posted 6/4/15 9:00 AM |
Re: Had my July baby in May!
oh man. I can only imagine how you were feeling through all of that. Congratulations on your baby boy! I'm glad to hear all is well. I'm sure it's hard having him in the NICU but he's in good hands and I'm sure will be home soon.
Posted 6/4/15 9:10 AM |
LIF Infant
Member since 5/15 283 total posts
Had my July baby in May!
So scary!! But glad to hear everyone is doing well. Congratulations!!
Posted 6/4/15 9:15 AM |
Love my kids
Member since 11/08 1424 total posts
Had my July baby in May!
Wow!!! Congrats!!! This sounds like me 4 years ago! My ds was born on May 28th at 34 weeks, he was also due in July! What a coincidence!! Your ds was born at a great weight for 33 weeks! Hoping he's home soon!
Posted 6/4/15 9:43 AM |
My 2 Girls

Member since 2/09 20494 total posts
Name: Me
Had my July baby in May!
So scary but glad he's doing well! Congrats!!
Posted 6/4/15 9:57 AM |
LIF Adolescent

Member since 11/09 578 total posts
Re: Had my July baby in May!
Glad to hear he's doing well, and you too. That sounds really scary! I know it's hard having him in the NICU but hopefully he'll be out soon
Congratulations on the birth!
Posted 6/4/15 10:06 AM |
Re: Had my July baby in May!
Wow you're a trooper and I'm sure he'll be home soon. Congratulations!
Do we know what caused that sudden event?
Posted 6/4/15 11:35 AM |
2 Girls and 1 Boy!
Member since 7/07 3504 total posts
Name: D
Re: Had my July baby in May!
Wow! What a story. Glad you're all doing well. Congratulations on your new addition.
Posted 6/4/15 12:09 PM |
LIF Adolescent
Member since 9/14 568 total posts
Re: Had my July baby in May!
omg! what an experience! glad to her your DS is doing so well. Best of luck to both of you!!!
Posted 6/4/15 1:52 PM |
My lil cowboy

Member since 10/10 7790 total posts
Re: Had my July baby in May!
Congrats on the baby!
I'm glad both of you are okay. I'm sure that was very scary and stressful for you.
Posted 6/4/15 2:02 PM |
LIF Adolescent
Member since 9/14 682 total posts
Re: Had my July baby in May!
My 32 weeker was 4 pounds, 14 ounces as well. It's amazing how strong they are at that size. She was in the nicu for 5 weeks. But is now a healty, happy 7 year old! Good luck to you and congrats!!
Posted 6/4/15 2:32 PM |
Only God knows His plan for us

Member since 4/13 7238 total posts
Name: Jessica
Had my July baby in May!
This could have been my story, but I delivered 1 day shy of 36 weeks, and they never tried to "wait it out" for me. That is such a great weight for 33 weeks! He's going to do great. I'm sure he'll be coming home really soon. How are YOU feeling? That's not an easy recovery, the pre-e. 7 months later and my bp is still being controlled by meds.
Posted 6/4/15 2:33 PM |

Member since 1/14 7997 total posts
Had my July baby in May!
Posted 6/4/15 9:26 PM |

Member since 11/13 2868 total posts
Had my July baby in May!
That's a good weight! Congratulations and my prayers for continued good health
Posted 6/5/15 8:08 PM |
2 girls?!?!?

Member since 9/10 3318 total posts
Name: L
Re: Had my July baby in May!
Congrats! DD was born at 34 weeks, 4lbs 4oz because I had pre-e and HELLP syndrome. I was also on magnesium and she was in the NICU for 6 weeks. Feel free to pm me if you need to chat or have questions. It's a tough thing to go through but once your little one is home it'll be a distant memory
Message edited 6/6/2015 10:38:56 PM.
Posted 6/6/15 10:37 PM |
LIF Zygote

Member since 11/14 40 total posts
Had my July baby in May!
That sounds so scary, but glad to hear that baby is doing well. Congratulations and prayers that he gets to come home soon!
Posted 6/8/15 4:06 PM |
Keep It Positive

Member since 4/09 6262 total posts
Name: Alexandra (ali)
Had my July baby in May!
Lots of prayers!
Posted 6/9/15 10:21 PM |