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LIF Adult
Member since 5/09 15658 total posts
Re: Cell phone rules for a sixth grader
So my daughter is in 7th grade. She doesn't take her phone to school and they aren't allowed out during school hours anyway. When she needs to call me, she goes to the office or uses the classroom phone. After school, same thing. We have buses that take kids home very late after sports/clubs. So there is really no legitimate NEED for a phone in middle school where I live (6th to 8th grade is middle school here).
In high school, the phones are a HUGE problem. So many aides that I know have said the teachers and Principal have ZERO rules and phones are out all the time. I don't even know how these kids are going to survive a job without a phone in their hand all day. It's disturbing to me.
Message edited 9/4/2019 10:49:26 AM.
Posted 9/4/19 10:47 AM |
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 6/08 10312 total posts
Name: fka LIW Smara
Re: Cell phone rules for a sixth grader
The responses on this thread are unreal
Posted 9/4/19 11:00 AM |

Member since 5/05 3116 total posts
Name: A
Re: Cell phone rules for a sixth grader
I didn't read the answers. When we gave a phone to DS at the end of 5th grade, we gave him a letter similar to the one linked -although that one is for a 13 y/o and DS was 10
But in general, we said we were able to see his phone whenever we wanted and if we saw anything inappropriate, we would take it away. Charging station out of his room, no phone during meal times, etc.
Posted 9/4/19 4:53 PM |
LIF Adult
Member since 5/06 1416 total posts
Name: Kathy
Re: Cell phone rules for a sixth grader
In addition to most of these rules mine for my 7th grader is you better pick up or text me back when I call...I pay for the phone, you better always answer when I call or text you.
Posted 9/9/19 1:10 PM |
Mom of 3

Member since 11/05 13118 total posts
Name: B
Re: Cell phone rules for a sixth grader
My 6th grader and most of his friends got a cell phone this year. Many of them are home alone after school. They’re not allowed to have their phones or backpacks with them as they go from class to class. I personally want to have easy access to him if he decides to stay late for a club, misses the bus or for some reason can’t get into the house. I like communicating with him when he gets home from school and letting him know when I plan on being home. I can’t always call because I’m on a work call or in a meeting, but I can usually send a quick text. The kids can also text each other if they don’t understand an assignment or forgot to take something home. At least one of the teachers recommended having friends take pictures of the forgotten homework sheet or textbook pages. He can also check his assignments and grades through a phone or iPad. I don’t have a problem with phones if they’re managed.
We have a parental limit plan on the cell phone. It limits the number of people who can call and they must be approved by us. We set up his password and can look at texts and emails. He’s not allowed to have any social media. The phone is charged downstairs and he doesn’t take it to his room.
Posted 10/1/19 6:56 AM |
Re: Cell phone rules for a sixth grader
Posted by hmm
IMO, I know you asked for suggestions for rules, IMO middle school is too young. I see this as an issue weekly at my job. Better off not having a phone, the nurses office, front office, Social worker all have phones your children can use if they need to
My son has had a phone for far longer than that but he started walking home in the 6th grade. I do think middle school is a good time because they have more independence.
IMO this is a 'know your child' topic.
Also my son has NEVER called me from school, the nurse, etc. obviously has.
Posted 10/1/19 12:30 PM |
Re: Cell phone rules for a sixth grader
Posted by Sash
The responses on this thread are unreal
Because people don't have kids that age. It's easy to say when little Suzy is 3 that they're never going to have a phone until they're 27 but in reality it doesn't go that way.
Posted 10/1/19 12:47 PM |
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