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Civil War???
This weekend while at a family barbecue I overhead my MIL, my husband's godfather, and a close family friend discussing politics. They're all Trump supporters and listening to them talk about their thoughts on immigration and socialism made me a little sick to my stomach, but knowing no good could come from starting a fight at a family gathering, I did my best to ignore them (and keep my children out of ear shot). Then I overhear them say how awful it will be if a Democrat wins the presidency, and that they think it would lead to civil war in this country.
According to my husband's godfather, there is LOTS of talk about an impending civil war online. Now he's always been a paranoid gun nut, but it was really scary to hear him talk so seriously and so certain that our country could go to war with itself if his candidate (the one with fascist tendencies) didn't win and to hear the other people there agree with him. Has anyone else heard Trump supporters talking like this?
Posted 9/4/19 3:32 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 4/15 3049 total posts
Civil War???
I haven't but I guess it's not surprising. I can't imagine it would actually happen - it's probably along the lines of someone saying "If Trump gets elected, I'll move to Canada" and then they didn't actually move.
Posted 9/5/19 8:31 AM |
LIF Adult
Member since 11/09 3672 total posts
Civil War???
There are some really disturbing Pro-Trump online communities, and I have no doubt people talk about it.
I hear people saying if anyone tries to take their guns it will start a war.
I can't see this actually happen.
Posted 9/5/19 10:20 AM |
Just another chapter in life..

Member since 11/09 54921 total posts
Name: ..being a mommy and being a wife!
Re: Civil War???
It's all just crazy paranoid bullshitt. Just like all the conspiracy theories, 9/11 was staged, Sandy Hook was actors, the world will end due to the Mayans, the world will end on this date.
All just crazy nut jobs.
Message edited 9/5/2019 10:31:40 AM.
Posted 9/5/19 10:31 AM |
LIF Adult
Member since 12/13 1770 total posts
Name: B
Re: Civil War???
I've heard it. I think it's insane and it would never happen. Civilians would never be able to overthrow the military. Unless part of the plan is to convince members of our armed forces to start the civil war lol. I find it very doubtful.
Posted 9/5/19 10:50 AM |
Re: Civil War???
Washington Post Article
Today there is an opinion article in the Washington Post on the likelihood of violence during the next election. While it seems to say civil war is unlikely, violence tied to the election may happen.
Posted 9/5/19 1:25 PM |
drama. daily.

Member since 3/11 7287 total posts
Name: Michelle
Re: Civil War???
Posted by starbrightgirl8
This weekend while at a family barbecue I overhead my MIL, my husband's godfather, and a close family friend discussing politics. They're all Trump supporters and listening to them talk about their thoughts on immigration and socialism made me a little sick to my stomach, but knowing no good could come from starting a fight at a family gathering, I did my best to ignore them (and keep my children out of ear shot). Then I overhear them say how awful it will be if a Democrat wins the presidency, and that they think it would lead to civil war in this country.
According to my husband's godfather, there is LOTS of talk about an impending civil war online. Now he's always been a paranoid gun nut, but it was really scary to hear him talk so seriously and so certain that our country could go to war with itself if his candidate (the one with fascist tendencies) didn't win and to hear the other people there agree with him. Has anyone else heard Trump supporters talking like this?
My in-laws. It has really damaged so many relationships... It's as if they ignore the facts and believe whatever they hear on Fox news. Buzzwords like, "liberal, Leftist Media, Socialists, Dems, Libs, Lib***ds (I could smack them for this one) Illegals..." The list of soundbytes goes on and on.
Posted 9/9/19 2:07 PM |
Civil War???
I can't believe how much has happened since I posted the original post. Now Trump is actually implying his impeachment could lead to a civil war. But his base still supports him. They think the impeachment investigation is just a liberal temper tantrum, and that Biden's son is the real problem. I don't understand how they can buy into every conspiracy theory with no evidence to support it, but Trump's misconduct with actual evidence of it is clearly made up?
Posted 10/2/19 11:40 AM |
LIF Adult

Member since 4/15 3049 total posts
Civil War???
They're going to believe whatever Fox spoon feeds them. And like John Oliver said, this one probably has traction b/c it's easy to understand, there's proof he did it, and there's proof he tried to cover it up. It's insane how they blindly follow him.
It's going to be interesting in 10 years, when they've uncovered all the things he's done while in office. I wouldn't be surprised if he goes down in the history books as the worst/corrupt president that we've ever had.
Posted 10/2/19 1:20 PM |
10 years on LIF!

Member since 11/06 26792 total posts
Name: Shawn
Re: Civil War???
Throughout history, leaders (and I use that term loosely here...) have always pitted "us" vs "them". It doesn't matter who the "them" are, as long as it is a group of people that you can point a finger to and say "Every one of your problems is *their* fault." "*They* are the reason [fill in made up facts and situations here]"
In the US, we've pointed at AAs, Italian-Americans, German-Americans, Russians, Middle Easterners, Japanese, Mexican, LGBTQ, Atheists, Democrats, Rebublicans, East/West coast "elites", and plenty more that I can't think of off-hand.
It's unbelievable that the leader of our country is pointing the finger at more than half of the country as the reason for everything bad going on, despite all of the evidence that points directly at him and his cronies.....
It's going to take decades to wash this stain off of our country.....
Posted 10/3/19 8:23 AM |