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Social Distancing, 100%

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LIF Adult

Member since 2/20

900 total posts


Social Distancing, 100%

Who can really say that 100% social distancing?

People go to work, the stores, daycare, pick up food.

While it is advised to avoid contact with people, all of these things could bring you the virus and it seems no one is seeing the big picture when they flip on someone who sees someone outside of these things.

I am in no way saying I agree to hanging out with tons of people but was thinking that it seems unless you are home 100% you are truly not social distancing as you meet this one here or there who meets another one here or there. Especially if you work in an environment like a store where you see an abundance of people.

Again not a post to say it is ok to live normal life right now just wondering who actually can say they are not in contact with people who have been in contact and still spread the virus.

Posted 3/18/20 2:22 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Social Distancing, 100%

Me! Nobody in my house has gone anywhere (except the yard or walks) since Friday. Working from home. We saw friends in a walk and chatted from across the street. Got PeaPod delivered and left outside.

Posted 3/18/20 2:33 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 2/20

900 total posts


Re: Social Distancing, 100%

Posted by Katareen

Me! Nobody in my house has gone anywhere (except the yard or walks) since Friday. Working from home. We saw friends in a walk and chatted from across the street. Got PeaPod delivered and left outside.

you haven’t got stir crazy yet? Lol

Message edited 3/18/2020 2:53:39 AM.

Posted 3/18/20 2:52 AM

5,000 Posts!

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Re: Social Distancing, 100%

Posted by valentinesbaby

Posted by Katareen

Me! Nobody in my house has gone anywhere (except the yard or walks) since Friday. Working from home. We saw friends in a walk and chatted from across the street. Got PeaPod delivered and left outside.

you haven’t got stir crazy yet? Lol

Nah, I’m a homebody. Plus at work I’m inside for 8+ hours anyway (with no windows), unless I go out to lunch or take a walk. So I’m probably outside more now Chat Icon

Posted 3/18/20 3:26 AM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 9/07

820 total posts


Re: Social Distancing, 100%

We have not been anywhere since I picked up the kids from school on Friday. We are lucky that our jobs don't require us to be onsite. We have talked with neighbors but at a distance. I had to tell the neighborhood kids that we couldn't play, a group of 10 showed up at the door on Sunday. We won't need to go to the store for 2-3 weeks. I have friends that are Dr's and nurses and I pray for their safety every day.

Posted 3/18/20 3:35 AM

Peanut is here!!!!!!

Member since 5/09

18388 total posts


Social Distancing, 100%

So here’s the thing. Social distancing isn’t quarantine. Social distancing is still going to work and any necessary things. It means limited contact with people. Staying only with your family in your house is quarantine.

We are not told to quarantine.

Posted 3/18/20 4:29 AM

Just another chapter in life..

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Re: Social Distancing, 100%

Posted by alli3131

So here’s the thing. Social distancing isn’t quarantine. Social distancing is still going to work and any necessary things. It means limited contact with people. Staying only with your family in your house is quarantine.

We are not told to quarantine.

I see so many people on social media who don't understand the difference

Message edited 3/18/2020 4:31:33 AM.

Posted 3/18/20 4:30 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 4/14

1014 total posts


Re: Social Distancing, 100%

We are distancing 100 percent in the hopes that after two weeks of no symptoms I can start to see my elderly mom. Honestly I’m in Queens and we are headed for a full lockdown soon, I truly believe.

Posted 3/18/20 4:54 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/08

22665 total posts


Re: Social Distancing, 100%

We are moving slowly from social distancing to quarantine as much as we can. I think it depends on if you really can. Some people have to go into work, some live in an apartment, etc.
I work from home so can stay away from people. We also have a big backyard so kids go play there, ride bikes in the neighborhood since we're in a culdesac and we have a basketball hoop.
Making the most of it as we can. Boys do homework from about 9 - 12:30'ish so far. Lunch and then we go outside with the dog.

Over the weekend we did spend with the neighbors and we say hello when we're outside and chat, but not close to each other.
My brother works at a hospital so has to go in. Sad, but we won't be seeing him for a while.

Posted 3/18/20 5:00 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 2/20

900 total posts


Re: Social Distancing, 100%

Posted by Katareen

Posted by valentinesbaby

Posted by Katareen

Me! Nobody in my house has gone anywhere (except the yard or walks) since Friday. Working from home. We saw friends in a walk and chatted from across the street. Got PeaPod delivered and left outside.

you haven’t got stir crazy yet? Lol

Nah, I’m a homebody. Plus at work I’m inside for 8+ hours anyway (with no windows), unless I go out to lunch or take a walk. So I’m probably outside more now Chat Icon

Ahh enjoy then :)

Posted 3/18/20 5:00 AM


Member since 2/07

17374 total posts


Re: Social Distancing, 100%

Posted by NervousNell

Posted by alli3131

So here’s the thing. Social distancing isn’t quarantine. Social distancing is still going to work and any necessary things. It means limited contact with people. Staying only with your family in your house is quarantine.

We are not told to quarantine.

I see so many people on social media who don't understand the difference


i am one person who cannot completely extricate myself from society. my job requires i'm physically in the building AND the work we do matters during this time... we move things from Point A to Point B. if we shut down, the downturn to the economy will be bigger and harder and longer-lasting.

now... i'm also a homebody. so going straight home after work and not leaving again until it's time to go to work the next morning is right up my alley.

people need to remember the gosh darn bell curve. the flatter we can keep it, even if for a longer period of time, the better our entire world will be.

Posted 3/18/20 6:18 AM

5,000 Posts!

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Re: Social Distancing, 100%

Posted by alli3131

So here’s the thing. Social distancing isn’t quarantine. Social distancing is still going to work and any necessary things. It means limited contact with people. Staying only with your family in your house is quarantine.

We are not told to quarantine.

We can WFH and I’ll go to the store when I need. We just haven’t needed anything in 5 days which isn’t outlandish to me.

Posted 3/18/20 6:29 AM


Member since 5/09

5751 total posts


Re: Social Distancing, 100%

We have not had contact with anyone (except from a distance, like across the street) since Saturday morning when I went to get some more groceries. My DH has been working from home and will continue to do so for the next few weeks, I work and will be using a telehealth portal when I resume hours next week, and the kids are out of school until mid-April. We are not doing playdates or getting together with anyone. Aside from a necessary trip to the supermarket (unless I can order online), we have no plans for anyone to leave the house to a store, etc. We do take a daily walk but avoid anyone and kids play in backyard.

Posted 3/18/20 7:16 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 1/17

2249 total posts


Re: Social Distancing, 100%

The only thing I have done since this past weekend is take the kids to my mother's house who lives about a mile from me, just to get the kids out. They are already going stir crazy.

ETA my DH went to BJ's last night to attempt to shop

Message edited 3/18/2020 7:38:10 AM.

Posted 3/18/20 7:37 AM

Baby Boy is Here!

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Social Distancing, 100%

I had to go into work on Monday to plan online lessons for my students. Yesterday, I picked up my to go order at Target. I do not plan on leaving my house again (other than to take walks/go for a run) until I need more food.

Posted 3/18/20 10:27 AM

My lil cowboy

Member since 10/10

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Re: Social Distancing, 100%

I can say we have been social distancing for the most part. I did just take my kids to the field to play ball with their friends and they weren't 6 feet apart at all times but close enough and I just wiped and washed hands well afterwards. I feel so bad for the kids.

DH has to work so he's out. I went out to Target and went to my office after hours one day. I'm debating going to work tomorrow to get away from my house and I can be secluded in my office.

Posted 3/18/20 11:30 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 2/20

900 total posts


Re: Social Distancing, 100%

Thanks everyone :)

I am really surprised how many people can actually stay home from work. No one works in essential jobs?

Posted 3/18/20 11:50 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/14

7274 total posts


Re: Social Distancing, 100%

Posted by valentinesbaby

Thanks everyone :)

I am really surprised how many people can actually stay home from work. No one works in essential jobs?

Many of us, myself included, are working from home. And by working I mean actually legitimately working.

Posted 3/18/20 12:00 PM

My Box Is Broken

Member since 6/11

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Re: Social Distancing, 100%

Posted by valentinesbaby

Thanks everyone :)

I am really surprised how many people can actually stay home from work. No one works in essential jobs?

For us it’s a matter of health over wealth. If Wells Fargo won’t let us skip this month and move a payment off to the end, well ... we’ll just do it anyway.

With my job, i WFH anyway and have paychecks coming in. It’s not a lot but it’s something. And that ends as of April 1st because why wouldn’t I lose my job of 12 years during a crisis?? Anyway .. our retail store is still open as of right now. People are buying dog food and stuff and still want their animals groomed. We are taking it day by day and making precautions to keep our staff (only essential staff working ) safe.

In our situation it’s a bit different - DH is compromised right now so we are pretty much in quarantine since March. 8th. It’s been tough. Really tough but we are doing what we need to to keep him healthy overall. If he didn’t have this wound, we’d be more social distancing than quarantine. SD during working hours and quarantine after that.

Message edited 3/18/2020 12:08:26 PM.

Posted 3/18/20 12:07 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 4/11

2644 total posts


Social Distancing, 100%

We have been social distancing since friday. Haven't left the house except to walk around the neighborhood or bike ride, and have not let anyone in. I have been working from home and have had some contactless food delivery. I would like to go see my elderly mother who usually stays with me at least 3 times a week but I dont want to take chances. I have a bunch of store returns I would like to make. And Id love some take out sushi but I am holding off. NOt sure if i am being too hyper vigilent but again better safe than sorry for now. If i could only turn off the damn news perhaps I could actually use this time to truly hang with my kiddos.

Posted 3/18/20 3:05 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/08

3393 total posts


Re: Social Distancing, 100%

Haven’t left the house since Thursday afternoon


Posted 3/18/20 3:34 PM


Member since 2/09

18986 total posts


Re: Social Distancing, 100%

Posted by valentinesbaby

Thanks everyone :)

I am really surprised how many people can actually stay home from work. No one works in essential jobs?

I do work an essential job. But I have a laptop and can do everything remotely. I do need to be completely available to run out on something though.

I think social distancing is getting confused with self isolation though... quarantining ourselves completely doesn’t seem feasible. I think social distancing is the new way of saying don’t get to close to other people when you’re out

Posted 3/18/20 4:04 PM

Just a mommy ...

Member since 10/10

2665 total posts


Re: Social Distancing, 100%

we're about 80% social distancing. We do go outside and have been in stores when we go for walks.
When walking around the park, i try to walk as far away from others as I can.
Yesterday the park was full. There were kids playing in the playground. I freaked out.

Cutting our walks down to every other day. Ordering food from now on so we don't have to go anywhere.

we have not seen our family or friends since March 8th.

Posted 3/19/20 5:20 PM

Yes it is! Going as planned:)

Member since 6/07

5339 total posts


Social Distancing, 100%

We haven't seen anyone since last Saturday. my husband has gone to work the last week, his job is considered essential, but as of yesterday told his boss he was not comfortable and will be working from home going forward, which they were 100% fine with. my husband had to go out this morning to target to get some essentials but other than that we have not done anything. this weekend we may take a ride somewhere just to see different scenery. The kids and I especially have not left the house since last Saturday.

Posted 3/21/20 5:36 AM

2 Boys

Member since 7/06

17795 total posts


Re: Social Distancing, 100%

Posted by valentinesbaby

Thanks everyone :)

I am really surprised how many people can actually stay home from work. No one works in essential jobs?

My husband works an essential job. I’ve been working from home with the kids (which is very challenging). I’ve gone to run a few errands, talked outside to neighbors, walked, etc.

Posted 3/21/20 12:29 PM
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