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LIF Adult

Member since 5/05 1107 total posts
Name: Dree
Blood in poop?
Sidney (3 months old) has been straining very hard and making loud whining noises while she is pooping. She pooped 3x so far this am which is more than the norm and the last poop was green with orange mucus and in the mucus is what looks like specs and little streaks of blood. We are going to Dr. but thought I would run it by you guys also.
Happen to anyone? I'm worried
editted to say: she is EBF
Message edited 10/7/2005 2:05:31 PM.
Posted 10/7/05 1:39 PM |
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 7/05 57538 total posts
Re: Blood in poop?
Happened to Maddie. She had fissures (little cuts) that caused the blood.
She has also had BRIGHT, BRIGHT green...internet search answered the question "blue frosting" - the birthday cupcake she ate.
Color of Poop
Posted 10/7/05 2:01 PM |
My Loves

Member since 5/05 4852 total posts
Re: Blood in poop?
Jake had bllod in his poop when he was about 2 months old and it turned out he was allergic to his formula. He is now on Nutramitgen.
Posted 10/7/05 6:32 PM |
My Everything

Member since 5/05 20541 total posts
Re: Blood in poop?
Are you breast feeding? That happened to my friend and it turned out the baby had a milk allergy so she had to stop all dairy while she is breast feeding.
Posted 10/7/05 7:54 PM |
My love.

Member since 5/05 6247 total posts
Name: Jennifer
Re: Blood in poop?
Posted by nrthshgrl
Happened to Maddie. She had fissures (little cuts) that caused the blood.
She has also had BRIGHT, BRIGHT green...internet search answered the question "blue frosting" - the birthday cupcake she ate.
Color of Poop
Thanks for this site -I actually marked it as one of my "favorites" - what has my life come to? haha
Posted 10/7/05 8:03 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 5/05 1107 total posts
Name: Dree
Re: Blood in poop?
Yes I am exclusively breast feeding.
I did stop all dairy about 2 weeks ago and after about 4 days her poop seemed to change color and came out a little more easily. BUT...since I LOVE CHEESE I deluded myself into thinking it was a cooincidence so I decided to reintroduce it 3 days ago to see if it had been the culprit. How horrible am I? I feel so bad if that is the reason my poor girl is in pain Its so hard to know these things since the reaction time is so delayed.
Dr. said it could be the milk allergy or even reflux. She also said sidney has anal fissures from all the straining. Now we have to go see a gastroenterologist.
So 2 questions: 1. If it is the milk...does this mean that she will always be allergic? 2. She has been waking up like 5 times in the middle of the night and the first thing she does is raise her legs up in the air and down again repeatedly. Is this belly pain?
Posted 10/7/05 10:42 PM |
Member since 5/05 2314 total posts
Re: Blood in poop?
Im so sorry you have to go thru this, it is so hard to know all the 'rules'. Claire has never had blood in her poop, but she has had issues with constipation from solid food, and it has caused some anal fissures as well. I am curious what the doctor suggested to treat the fissures and how long they take to go away? Right now we are just using aquaphor and diaper cream......I am curious what the gastroenterologist will suggest.......good luck
ETA: the legs in the air seems like it could be from gas pain......
Message edited 10/7/2005 10:59:47 PM.
Posted 10/7/05 10:58 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 5/05 1107 total posts
Name: Dree
Re: Blood in poop?
you know...the dr. never said to treat the fissures. Hum. I will ask the GE when we go.
Posted 10/7/05 11:56 PM |
boy mamma

Member since 5/05 2975 total posts
Name: Antoinette
Re: Blood in poop?
Posted by dree
Yes I am exclusively breast feeding.
I did stop all dairy about 2 weeks ago and after about 4 days her poop seemed to change color and came out a little more easily. BUT...since I LOVE CHEESE I deluded myself into thinking it was a cooincidence so I decided to reintroduce it 3 days ago to see if it had been the culprit. How horrible am I? I feel so bad if that is the reason my poor girl is in pain Its so hard to know these things since the reaction time is so delayed.
Dr. said it could be the milk allergy or even reflux. She also said sidney has anal fissures from all the straining. Now we have to go see a gastroenterologist.
So 2 questions: 1. If it is the milk...does this mean that she will always be allergic? 2. She has been waking up like 5 times in the middle of the night and the first thing she does is raise her legs up in the air and down again repeatedly. Is this belly pain?
I am going thru the same thing at this point so if you need anything fm me- Bryan had blood in his spit up though, and we just went to a gastro. THe dr put him on Zantac and also me on no milk ,eggs and nut diet because blood is usually a sign of food allergy. I asked the dr about him being allergic in the future and she said that 95% of babies grow out of this. The diet is really strict though- you cant have anything dairy- like no butter, cheese, yogurt, cream. No baked goods that contain thes things either. I have a list that they gave me its really long. So far since I started this diet Bryan hasnt had any blood in his spit up. But Im not totally convinced yet I also think the blood could have something to do with my nipple but Im not so sure yet I'll have to see when I start introducing foods to my diet again. Im on this diet for 2 weeks and then the dr said that we can start introducing cooked milk then like mashed potatoes.
Posted 10/8/05 8:41 AM |
LIF Adolescent

Member since 5/05 528 total posts
Name: Tammy
Re: Blood in poop?
My daughter had this b/c she was allergice to Isomil. It is scary, it went on for weeks and we had to go to a pediatric GI and do those cards , etc.. till it went away and then they put her on alimentum.
Definetly bring it up to your dr. if it does not go away, since your BF it cant be formula but maybe the dairy or soy products your eating or drinking? who knows. I have heard of babies having reactions to BM too but I know its rare.
Posted 10/8/05 11:51 PM |
LIF Zygote
Member since 10/05 11 total posts
Re: Blood in poop?
we had the same issue from the time my son was 8 weeks old (13 weeks now). We saw the GI specialist, and he basically told us that if you were to test the stool of 50 breastfed babies, 45 of them would have blood in it due to insensitivities to something in mom's diet, most commonly milk proteins. Their digestive systems are too immature to handle some stuff. For my son, we discovered that it was milk proteins and soy milk protiens. I am complatetly dairy free (for about 5 weeks now....except for the slice of pizza I had last friday, and his stools show it!) Just make sure you are still taking your prenatals and some calcium and vitamin D supplements. We had to have his blood levels checked too because he had blood in his stools for 3 weeks (just the little streaks), but hey were was such a small amount anyway.
Posted 10/13/05 2:10 PM |