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Question for the mommies

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I'm going to be a big brother!

Member since 6/07

1860 total posts


Question for the mommies

We are going to register soon, and I need some guidance?

What was the one thing that you bought, or registered for, that turned out to be a real waste?

What was the one thing that you can't live without?

Is a changing table really necessary?

Posted 1/12/08 12:48 AM
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource

LIF Infant

Member since 1/07

56 total posts


Re: Question for the mommies

Cant live without: swaddle me blankets

Waste: honestly, bedding.

Posted 1/12/08 12:49 AM


Member since 6/05

9878 total posts


Re: Question for the mommies

Waste: Boppy Pillow
Life Saver: Video monitor

Changing Table: We got one that was a dresser with a changing thing on top and yes, we use it ALL the time.

Posted 1/12/08 1:05 AM


Member since 5/05

13535 total posts


Re: Question for the mommies

Can't live without--sheet savers. Actually, we didn't have them for a bit and it was awful b/c we have a very spit uppy baby. I will also say that we can't live without a big supply of bibs and burp cloths. Also, the bouncy seat.

A waste--there was nothing that was a total waste but we really only use the blanket from his bedding set as a decoration. We never got the wipes warmer and we don't really miss it.

Posted 1/12/08 1:15 AM

My loves

Member since 5/06

19150 total posts


Re: Question for the mommies

The first three months were a blur. As I put away clothes he has outgrown I can tell you that a ton of dressy clothes are ridiculous! Go for neccessity clothes: onesies and pants that have elastic waistbands.

As for the changing table, I think it's a waste. We used the pack n play changing table for the first 7 weeks. We then switched to his own room where we had the changing pad on his dresser.

Posted 1/12/08 3:26 AM

wow time is going fast.

Member since 9/07

16106 total posts


Re: Question for the mommies

baby is still very young, so havent used alot of her stuff yet.

waste: swaddle blankets- she hated them

best: my stroller.

things that i didnt register for but love(which not sure why i didnt): Halo sleep sacs, and baby swing, and baby bounce chair

Posted 1/12/08 6:20 AM

My Everything!

Member since 11/05

35670 total posts


Re: Question for the mommies

So funny to read what people can't live without and consider a waste - its so different for everyone -

I could NOT live without my Boppy - late at night - when I was too tired to hold im - I'd put him in the Boppy and feed him, or put it around my waste to help support him.... He spent so much time in it and sometimes would be the only thing he would nap in...

also, my Boppy Bouncy seat - at 9 mts, we still use it!!!

Bebe Pod/Bumbo seat - waste - he hated it

Loved the jumperoo - not too into the exersaucer

ETA - he HATED being swaddled!!! So any Swaddle type blanket was a waste as well!!!

HTH!!! Chat Icon

Message edited 1/12/2008 6:36:43 AM.

Posted 1/12/08 6:36 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 1/06

2592 total posts


Re: Question for the mommies

can't live without: angelcare monitor, swaddle me and bouncer seat
don't register for clothes people will buy them anyway for shower and when dc is born

I don"t have changing table. I use the dresser with a changing pad on top.

Posted 1/12/08 8:00 AM


Member since 5/05

15952 total posts


Re: Question for the mommies

Bumbo seats
wipes warmer (never had one)
4 oz bottles- just buy the 8 oz. and only fill them to whatever they are drinking. Don't register for too many of one kind as some babies do better on some than others
Expensive diaper bag- if you spill formula or breast milk in it, it's almost impossible to get the smell out... YUCK... and you will only want to throw it away
Dressy outfits for 0-3
piddle pad- you can just use a cloth diaper
Changing table if you are in a small apt/house- just put the pad over the dresser
Bassinet- if you really want one borrow one from someone. They use it for such a short amount of time.
Swing- Kids are usually swing kids or bouncy seat kids from my experience. Mine were usually that they hated the swing. I'd buy the travel one so it takes up less room.

boppies- but even more cause I had two
bouncy seat- great to help relieve gas
sheet savers- my DS had some reflux
Tiny Love Mobile- they loved that
changing table- I have mine downstairs as the nursery is upstairs
Bibs- lots and lots and lots
Lots of onesies and pj's for the first three months. The "outfits" for that time period are a waste IMO
Cloth diapers for burping
Big bear sponge for baths- I'm still bathing my 9 month olds in the kitchen sink (I have an oversized sink).
Monitor- We have the Baby Sense V which is a bit expensive (it's similar to the Angel Care) but it detects their breathing and movement. We don't have a video monitor.

Message edited 1/12/2008 8:12:25 AM.

Posted 1/12/08 8:11 AM

I'm going to be a big brother!

Member since 6/07

1860 total posts


Re: Question for the mommies

Thank you so much!! Chat Icon

Keep the info coming.

Posted 1/12/08 8:42 AM

I love this boy!

Member since 4/07

3372 total posts


Re: Question for the mommies

didn't register for, but I bought the swaddle me (WASTE) and the miracle blanket (AMAZING)

love the fp rainforest swing, graco pnp and summer video monitor

i use the pnp as my changing table & most times i just lay a sheet down in whatever room we're in and change him there - i.e. living room couch or floor

Posted 1/12/08 8:46 AM

LIF Infant

Member since 11/07

200 total posts


Re: Question for the mommies

My favorites were:
- my stroller(s)
- my highchair
- bedding accessories
- gift certificates

My unnecessary items:
- swaddle blankets (never used 1)
- FrogPod (for in the bath)
- Boppy (did not use a lot)

Posted 1/12/08 9:01 AM

C ♥'s F

Member since 2/07

6456 total posts


Re: Question for the mommies

Posted by Salason

Waste: Boppy Pillow
Life Saver: Video monitor

Changing Table: We got one that was a dresser with a changing thing on top and yes, we use it ALL the time.

I was going to say that every Mom and baby are different so what one mom may like, another may hate. And the same with babies.

But I have to agree with Salason. My boppy was a waste and my video monitor was my must have!!!
But tons of moms couldn't live with out a boppy pillow.

My DD #1 loved her swing .
DD # 2 hated her swing. It was a waste. She also hated her PNP.
But I wouldl have no way of knowing that so all those things are worth registering for.


Posted 1/12/08 9:20 AM

C ♥'s F

Member since 2/07

6456 total posts


Re: Question for the mommies

Ex: someone said her peapod was a waste and dipaer warmer. I feelt the total opposite. DD LOVES her peapod chair and I feel the dipaer warmer is a must have. Everyone thinks and feels differently.
Just go and register it all! Just make sure u keep the gift receipts. And if your guest didn't put the gift receipt in the card then don't throw away boxes.


And have a blast registering!!!

Posted 1/12/08 9:23 AM

Living on a prayer!!!

Member since 10/05

29450 total posts


Re: Question for the mommies

Swaddle Me - Waste
Miracle Blanket - Amazing
Video Monitor - Amazing
Bumbo seat - Waste
Bobby - used it alot in the beg.
Swing - Must have
Bouncy - Must Have
Exercauser - Must have
Jumperoo - have it - still getting him to love it.
wipes warmer - waste
bottle sterilier - waste - just use the dishwasher or boiling water.
changing table - is on his dresser in his room - and we have one on the first floor - Must haves.
Tiny Love Mobile - Must have

Posted 1/12/08 9:48 AM

It goes fast. Pay attention.

Member since 7/05

57538 total posts


Re: Question for the mommies

Posted by Tah-wee-ZAH


Completely agree with the above.

As for the Boppy - not only for feeding but to help the baby sit up or for photos you can stick a blanket over it & it holds the baby up.

I would add My Breast Friend pillow in the waste column.


Bathrobes for babies
most electronic learning toys I've found to be a waste.

In the necessity I would add:
Baby Einstein DVDs aka Baby Crack. Only way I could shower at one point.

As for the changing table, we didn't have furniture since our first baby was 6 weeks early. We used a storage bin with a changing pad on it. It was fine.

Message edited 1/12/2008 7:36:58 PM.

Posted 1/12/08 7:35 PM

Happy Little Girl

Member since 5/05

3830 total posts

Thia (Cynthia)

Re: Question for the mommies

I actually did find the changing table necessary. I didn't buy one because I read so many comments about it not being one. However, between having a c-section and the back pain I was experiencing in the beginning, my mom ended up buying one for me and I am so happy that she did. (I was using the changing pad on top of a table and the hight just wasn't right.) But I also wouldn't spend too much money on one. We still use the changing table and DS is 8-1/2 months old.

*footed one piece sleepers
*infant sacks (can't think of the name- but I'm not referring to the Halo ones)
bouncy seat
graco's version of the "snap 'n go"
infant car seat
BFing pillow

fancy crib sheets

*I wouldn't register for clothing. People will give it to you. But this is what my DS lived in when he was a newborn>

Posted 1/12/08 8:03 PM

My green-eyed boy

Member since 5/05

13499 total posts


Re: Question for the mommies

Waste: the Swaddle me blanket,
Must have: The Miracle Blanket (this was a MUST!!)

Waste: for DD was the Jeep carrier (Baby Bjorn type thing), she wasn't really crazy about it

We use a changing pad on her dresser & this has been fine

We never got a wipe warmer but I would think its a waste...what happens when you are out & have to use it cold...DC will not be happy

The Boppy was a must for us, I used it when nursing & to feed DD if I was pumping & I would prop her up w/ it.

I also found the Happiest Baby on the Block a MUST SEE video in the beginning.

She LOVES her FP Aquarium on her crib & would cry the minute it shut off.

For us burp cloths were a waste b/c DD NEVER spit up (THANKFULLY)

Posted 1/12/08 8:21 PM

Family of 4! :o)

Member since 8/06

6655 total posts


Re: Question for the mommies

Posted by BRod-Cheng

We are going to register soon, and I need some guidance?

What was the one thing that you bought, or registered for, that turned out to be a real waste?

What was the one thing that you can't live without?

Is a changing table really necessary?

Waste: all of the really cute short sets I bought for DS. He was born in June and the only thing I ended up putting him in were onesies and one piece outfits (I think Carter's calls them crawlers or creepers?).

Can't live without: The Diaper Champ for at home and scented diaper disposal bags. They smell like baby powder and even though it sounds ridiculous, they are a lifesaver when DS decides to have a bm when we are out and about.

We have a dresser that has the changing table on top and yes, it is a necessity for us.

ETA: The boppy was also a must for us. I used it when breastfeeding and later he used to lay on it before he could sit up on his own.

Message edited 1/12/2008 10:01:13 PM.

Posted 1/12/08 9:59 PM


Member since 5/05

12810 total posts


Re: Question for the mommies

Waste for us: Bebe Pod, pacifiers and sleep sacks
Necessary: Burp cloths, bouncer, swing

Posted 1/12/08 10:48 PM

Loving Motherhood!!!

Member since 11/07

1238 total posts


Re: Question for the mommies

Bumping for some more responses.

Thanks! Chat Icon

Posted 4/11/08 8:42 AM

My Babies

Member since 5/05

2566 total posts


Re: Question for the mommies

I use my changing table every day.

I couldn't live without the miracle blanket and swing.

Posted 4/11/08 9:17 AM

Mommy to 2 amazing little boys

Member since 5/05

9306 total posts


Re: Question for the mommies

Bouncy seat,
play mat,
a reclining highchair (DS sits at the table each night with us since he was born),
tyke light nightlight,
remote control mobile (sounds silly but I can sit in the glider and click it on and off),
bibs (DS is either drooling or spitting up)
receiving blankets (I use them to swaddle, cover him, roll up to prop his head in the carseat when he falls asleep, etc),
Snap and Go
Love my changing table, its so easy to access everything
Small diaper bag, perfect to run to the store quick

Could do without:
Swaddle me blankets (DS is always too big for them)
fancy thermometer (rectal is the best way to get a good reading)
Bumbo (cute the first 2 or 3 times, but not really that useful)
Boppy (It was okay, I would probably get it again, but I didnt use it THAT much)
Wipes warmer, just seems silly to me

Posted 4/11/08 9:21 AM

My boys

Member since 5/05

4380 total posts


Re: Question for the mommies

Swing - he loved it and used it until he was 2 :()
play mat,
remote control mobile - It played longer than the cutesy ones and I could start it back up again without having to go into his room.
LOTS of bibs -when I got a lot of bibs I thought about throwing some out and was glad I didn't. I was happiest with ones that either snapped or tied in the back b/c the velcro ones he always pulled off.
receiving blankets (I use them to swaddle, cover him, roll up to prop his head in the carseat when he falls asleep, etc),
Miracle Blanket - a TRUE miracle in our house.
Diaper champ

Could do without:
Bottle warmer -returned
Wip warmer - returned
Boppy - used it b/c I had it but could have done without it (and I BFed)
honestly if I did it again I wouldn't get a highchair. When DS was little I would feed him in the bumbo and when he got older we used a booster at the table. I only use the highchair b/c I have it but it takes up a lot of room.
Fancy comforter set

ETA: We don't have a seperate changing table, we have a dresser with the changing pad on top of it. One thing I have found... when we got it we were in our apt which was one floor and we used it all the time. Now DSs room is upstairs and we don't use it nearly as often (although we do still use it and he is 2.5 yrs.).

ALSO: I added fancy comforter set to my list of could do without. I couldn't find any sports themed sets that I really liked. I ended up finding one at Walmart for like $40 and I'm SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO happy I did. I NEVER EVER used it on him as a comforter and it turned out the bumpers were perfect b/c they weren't very plush at all so I felt comfortable using them. My friend got a set over $250 and used it only before the baby went into the crib. Once the baby was in the crib she didn't feel safe with the plush bumpers and never used the comforter....a wasteChat Icon

Message edited 4/11/2008 10:16:36 AM.

Posted 4/11/08 10:06 AM


Member since 12/05

10281 total posts


Re: Question for the mommies

Can't live without- Bouncy seat/papasan seat/Sling/snap n go/Tiny Love Symphony in Motion Mobile(dd's favorite)/Miracle blanket

Waste- wipes warmer/diaper genie/Swing(dd hates it)

Posted 4/11/08 10:27 AM
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